Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Principles Of Diversity Essay
Ai Explain in your own words what each term means. Give one example from care practice to illustrate your explanations. Diversity It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences. These can be race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical abilities and economic status. Example: Two of my workmates are homosexual, I accept that and do not make fun of there sexual orientation and do not treat them any differently to other work mates. Equality It means treating everyone the same way regardless of there diversity. Example: Two clients accommodation is on the first floor, they both want to come down stairs because they want to participate in the afternoon entertainment. One of them has dementia and can be difficult and inter fear with other clients, you leave him or her up stairs and bring the other client down. That is not equality because of her mental diversity you are not treating him or her equal to the other person. Read more: Indirect discrimination in health and social care essay Inclusion Inclusion at its simplest is ‘the state of being included’ It is to promote that all people should be freely and openly accommodated without restrictions or limitations of any kind. Example: I make sure that every one in my care setting knows what activities are planed for the day so they can have the choice to participate if they want to. Discrimination Is the act of treating a person differently because of that person’s race, class, sexual orientation or gender. Example: Not taking a client shopping because of her colour I would be discriminating against her because of her race. Aii For each of the following people/groups of people, describe two different possible effects of discrimination. An Individual Anger, hurt feelings and if it continues could lead to depression or loss of life. Their Families Helplessness, anger. Wider society Rioting, turn a blind eye not want to get involved. Those who discriminate A sense of power, could lead to criminal record. Aiii Identify three ways of challenging discrimination, and describe how each will promote change. Challenge: On hearing a discriminating remark I would challenge them in a calm and professional manner and tell them that what they are saying is totally unacceptable and explain why. It will promote change by educating them and would point out that they could be disciplined for there actions. Report: On witnessing a discriminating act I would report it to my manager so it can be dealt with in the appropriate manner. It will promote change by bringing it to the managers attention and he or she can deal with it quickly and efficiently and if needed further train the perpetrator in discriminate law. Positive Behaviour: I could actively challenge discrimination by acting in a way that it empowers others to challenge discriminating behaviour. Task B Leaflet Bi Your work setting is running an induction course for new social care workers in an adult social care setting. Create a leaflet, which can be used to support this course. The leaflet must include the following: a) A description of the legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. b) An explanation of the possible consequences for individuals, social care workers and others if the legislation and codes of practice are not followed. c) A description of how inclusive practice can promote equality and support diversity. d) An explanation of how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion. Seven Gables Care Home Totland Induction Pamphlet for New Starters Legislation and codes of practice relating to Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Discrimination. The Equality act is a legislation that is in place to ensure that people are given equal rights and opportunities regardless of there age, gender,disability, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. The legislation is there to promote Diversity, Equality and Inclusion by making it a requirement that they are practised and incorporated into our social care setting. It is illegal to discriminate against a person/persons for any reason. A new Equality Act came into force on 1 October 2010. The Equality Act brings together over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one single Act. Combined, they make up a new Act that provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. The main pieces of legislation are: the Equal Pay Act 1997 the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 the Race Relations act 1976 the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 the Equality Act 2006, Part 2 the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 It is the homes code of practise to follow these legislations, by not following the legislation could have severe consequences for this home and your self. If not followed the consequences can be diverse from loosing your job to being sent to prison. Please familiar your self with the codes so it does not effect your position here and the people you work with. Try to use inclusive practise to promote equity and support diversity which means treat every one the same. Every one is treated equal here at Seven Gables from staff to clients no matter what there race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion or age. Bii Give two examples of how you could raise awareness of diversity, equality and inclusion. Through Training and Discussion: Training and discussions are essential to raise awareness of diversity, equality and inclusion in any work settings. Discussion in meetings or group discussion among staffs play a vital role to raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion. The more they will engage in discussion or obtain trainings about this issue the more they will learn and be aware of and also they will be able and put them in their every day’s practice. Through providing leaflet, information and policies and procedures: Providing leaflets and sufficient information regarding diversity and equality can raise awareness to a social care worker by acquiring adequate knowledge about it. It also helps them to know about the consequences if agreed ways of working are not followed which restrain them from doing any form of discrimination relating this issue. Task C Reflective account Ci Write a reflective account describing: †¢ How your personal preferences, attitudes, heritage and beliefs might impact on working practice. †¢ How to ensure that your own practice is inclusive and respects the beliefs, culture, values and preferences of individuals. Suggested word count: 500 – 700 words Cii Write a brief account that describes examples of inclusive practice. Suggested word count: 150 – 200 words (Ciii Write a brief account that describes practice, which excludes the individual and is discriminatory. Suggested word count: 150 – 200 words Reflective account I work in a Residential Care home where we have a mixture of clients with different faiths and upbringings. Because of the age difference between me and the service users, the way I was brought up will be totally different to the way the service users would have been brought up. When I was I child I was told that there was a god and had to go to Sunday school, but as I got to my teenage years I started to doubt there was a god. When I turned 18 I joined the army, where there is a strong church of England presence and at times I took comfort in the Sunday church service. It was not until I went to Rwanda that I new there was not a god, because no god would let so much killing or atrocities happen that is what I believe. But even thoe I was probable coming in to contact with the people who committed the vile acts, I had to stay professional and not let my emotions or believes stop me in doing the job I was sent there for, giving medical aid with the United Nations. Just because I don’t believe in god, do’s not mean my beliefs should impact on a service users beliefs. Many of the service users in my work setting like to mend there own clothes and darn there socks, if you say to them that shirt or dress has a hole in it and it needs to be thrown away, they look at you in discuss. When they were growing up times were hard and they had to make do with what they had and threw nothing away. My parents were the same, in 2015 thoe thing are a lot cheaper and easily obtained. But that does not mean that I should disregard there heritage and throw there stuff away, because I no they could easily replace it. Another example is preferences, I recently had a conversation with a female service user I care for about cleanliness, she explained to me that when she was growing up she only had a bath once a week and that was only on a Sunday. I replied that I must have a bath or shower at least three times a week. I said that she can have a bath more than once a week if she would like, but I will respect her preference to have a bath once a week and on a Sunday. On leaving her room it got me thinking on my childhood and I remembered that like her I to only had a bath on a Sunday before bed. But it just shows you how some peoples preferences change over time and some stay the same. Inclusive Practise Inclusive practise is making sure that all service users are able to participate or join any activity that is planned in there care setting for example: The care Manager has organised a trip out to Ventnor Botanical Gardens. Three residents are unable to walk, to make sure they are included three wheel chairs are sourced and a special adapted minibus with a rear hydrolic ramp to which the wheel chairs can be pushed on and loaded in to the minibus is hired. All service users are there for included and no one is left behind. When there is a film afternoon planned in the t.v room, the service users that cant walk can all so be brought down from whatever floor they are on by using a wheel chair and lift so they are included in the film. Excluded Practise Excluded practice is when service users are not treated the same, for example when we have a film afternoon in our care setting. All the service users are invited including the hearing impaired, if we did not consider the people or person who is death or partially deaf, then we would be discriminating against them if we did play the film with subtitals. Another example could be if the service manager took questionnaires around to each service user, but did not consider the blind or partially blind service users. If he left the leaflet then he would be discriminating against them because he did not provide the leaflet in Braille.
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