Friday, January 24, 2020
Gender :: essays research papers
GENDER Gender can be defined as the sex-role that a person takes on according to guidelines or standards instilled in us by society. One can be a male or female biologically, but still be perceived as the opposite sex due to the way one may think or present him self or her self. Whether or not we are born with certain biological traits different in male versus female is the nature versus nurture question that has been around for years. Through research, science has found that men and women differ in the way they process information, but whether or not this is due to the way that they are socialized or if in fact they are born this way has yet to be proven. In women and men, both respectfully, there exist many obvious differences that may sometimes overshadow some similarities. Some of the more common identities familiarized with the males are their independence and sometimes exaggerated aggressiveness. Males also tend to be more focused on tasks and connections when with larger groups. The women, on the other hand, tend to be more interdependent, less aggressive, more sharing, more imitation of relationship and intimate discussion, more charitable, more empathetic, more likely to smile, more sensitive, and more skilled at expressing emotions non-verbally. Let’s face it males, women are the super humans. One of the positive key advantages of a male is their assertiveness and high self-esteem. The women on the other hand are more extroverted and tender minded, qualities, which enable them to be all of the characteristics listed before. When gender differences are viewed at in a sexual aspect, the men are still the stereotypical â €Å"pigs†. Through relationships males are more likely to be involved for one thing, sex. The females, being much more sensitive and all, want love and compassion through a relationship, and maybe sex, or making love on the side. In other words men want lust and women want love. Although popular belief may have that the females are the more mentally advanced, or smarter, studies show that both males and females have the same academic abilities and IQ average. Males are much better with mental rotation though.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Napoleon and Modern Society Essay
Benjamin Franklin once said â€Å"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. †I could not agree more with this quote. There have been so many countries that have fought for their freedom, including the U. S. and France, but the question is how quickly these countries would be able to sacrifice those hard fought liberties for their safety. When comparing France under Napoleons reign and the U. S. after September 11th you find that one thing they have in common was that the people were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Both countries had lost loved ones, both countries felt unsafe and scared. In that situation, the people turn to the government for help just as a small child turns to their parent when they feel scared. What a lot of people don’t realize is that you can trust your government to help you, but even the best of people can be corrupted by power. Napoleon Bonaparte, the greatest military genius of his time, came to power in France in 1799. The people of France were sick of the bloodshed of war, and hated their government. They were in limbo, stuck and unsure what to do next. That’s when Napoleon caught their eye. He was a young commander and chief of all the French forces, and he won every fight. He was someone who displayed strong leadership skills, and the people were drawn to him. One thing about Napoleon that holds true is that he knew that he was a â€Å"military genius†. He pushed his luck multiple times especially when he convinced the Directory (France’s Government) that he could cut off British trade to Asia by occupying Egypt. He ended up being defeated, but when he slipped away to France he made sure that that loss was wiped clean of his record. With the help of the people he overthrew the French Government; he established a consulate of three men to govern France. Of course he was the First Consul, who held all the power. But like many corrupt leaders of the past, Napoleon started getting influence by power. He did many helpful things like modernizing the government; he founded the bank of France, and reorganized higher education. But what some people don’t notice when reading about these things is that in the new school system, the children were taught respect and discipline, they were being brainwashed to a certain extent to respect their government. Napoleon established something called the Napoleonic Code. It was established in 1804, and the code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most â€Å"qualified†. The people of France followed Napoleons lead because he showed that promise of being a good leader in the beginning. He gave the people hope that they would see better days, and they did to a certain extent. But one mistake they made was giving up their freedoms to do so. They wanted change so badly that they were willing to sacrifice their freedoms! Now I understand that the French people had been through the worst of worst, and Napoleon took advantage of that to a certain extent. French history shows that without law as the foundation, a society is compelled to use means of violence to bring human freedom. More bloodshed was the last thing France needed, but returning one of my first thoughts, they were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Now in America, we all know about how we fought for our freedoms in the revolutionary war. Freedom in America is why all kinds of people immigrated over. America was a â€Å"Safe†place. I think for all of us, September 11th came a huge shock. My generation is one of the last that are able to remember that day. Never had there been something like this before, never had America suffered through a National Crises. The once safe place was not safe anymore. The American people entered into the same uncertainty and confusion the French had been in. We turned to our government for help; no matter what we had to sacrifice we wanted our safety to be returned. That was a big mistake. A poll was taken in 2011 for the anniversary of September 11, regarding our freedoms. 76% percent of people believed that our country is headed in the wrong direction. When asked how much confidence they have in the people in charge, only 14% had a great deal of confidence in our Executive Branch of Government and only 5% percent in our congress. Not surprisingly 65% have a great deal of confidence in our military. I think the most surprising of all would be when asked the question â€Å"if someone from another country were to ask you to make a list of specific rights and freedoms you have as a resident of the United States, what would be the first think you would put on the list? †48% of people answered freedom of speech/expression/opinions, basically the 1st amendment. 6% of people didn’t even know. When I considered which is worse; a domineering government or the attitudes of the people who will allow themselves to be dominate, I have to say that I think the second one is the worst. The people of the domineering government know what they are getting into, they know they don’t have a lot of freedom, but what is terrible is people having these freedoms and giving them up. If America stays on the path that is on, we are headed into a dark future. People need to open their eyes and see that counties like France who fought over and over again for freedom and then simply gave it up, ended up in a place we don’t want to be in. We have the freedoms so many people die for every day, and we are willing to sacrifice that for safety. Safety is important, but what is even worse is not being able to choose.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Old Saying “Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder†Has
The old saying â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder†has always been the ideal of what society believes beauty to be; versatile and able to be interpreted as anyone likes because it is something that is unique to every person’s own taste. This sentiment, as true as it may seem, is just an illusion. Oxford Dictionaries may define beauty as â€Å"a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight†, which seems vague enough to be interpreted any way someone wishes, yet society has been imposing strict standards onto what is deemed â€Å"beautiful†for centuries. It is these mass opinions that then culminate in what is widely viewed as what â€Å"real†beauty is, which, though they can be†¦show more content†¦The fact of the matter is that both men and women feel the effects of societally imposed standards and the pressures to conform to them. And, not only that, but it is a global epidemic that has been growing out of control for decades. All around the world people feel burdened because they do not look a certain way, and because of that they are deemed â€Å"ugly†or â€Å"hideous†by those around them, and those burdens weigh them down. They could weigh them down so much in fact that they decide that all else is lost and their only option is plastic surgery in order to â€Å"fix†their imperfection, or sometimes even completely alter themselves. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s global statistics from 2015, â€Å"women had more than 18 million surgical and non-surgical procedures performed globally, 85.6% of the total. Men had more than 3 million surgical and non-surgical procedures, 14.4% of the total.†When looking at a comparison of 2000 vs. 2016 in regard to the top five most popular procedures performed, including both surgical and non, the rate of increase in the total amo unt of procedures performed was 132% (American Society of Plastic Surgeons). This is a dramatic spike in the overall consumption of plastic surgery over such a short period of time, illustrating the assumed need for this to occur. Not only is it an issue with adults paying for and getting surgery, but adolescents as well. In the digital age, kids are putShow MoreRelatedPyramus And Thisbe Essay896 Words  | 4 PagesNot everyone has the same idea of beauty. Ovid’s â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe†follows lovers who are forbidden to be with each other. The beauty that comes from the love that they share is shut down by the wall between them. Rod Sterling’s Twilight Zone episode â€Å"Eye of the Beholder†follows Ms. Tyler who gets surgery to try to make herself look â€Å"normal†but when the surgery does not work she is forced to go to a place for people who look like her. The viewer of the show sees her as a normal person butRead MoreBeauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder799 Words  | 4 PagesOne Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure Beauty has always been a key to unlock many doors, it plays an important role on human relationships. However, the definition of beauty varies from person to person. In this essay, the definition of beauty, the relativity of the understanding of beauty, and the question of wheter beauty is only skin deep or not will be argued. Beauty, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, means â€Å"The quality or aggregateRead More Beauty Essay987 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder†I agree that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder because beauty comes from within your soul. 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