Monday, August 24, 2020
Assumptions Made In Surveys - Free Sample Assignment Solution
Question: One of the serious issues confronting the architect of a study instrument concerns the suppositions made. Research and examine what are the major issue suspicions? In what capacity can a creator maintain a strategic distance from them? Would it be a good idea for him to maintain a strategic distance from them? Answer: Presentation While structuring a study, more frequently than note, assessors wind up making presumptions. For the most part, presumptions differ as per the sort of supposition made. Be that as it may, the fundamental kinds of suppositions include: Undesirable suspicions A decent suspicion to make is one that has the accompanying qualities: Either known to be valid Sufficiently sensible to ensure no further contentions to help it. Deceiving suspicions Deceiving suspicions incorporate those suppositions which propose subtleties that are implicit. A decent encapsulation of a deceptive study thing incorporates questions that give just two responses to an inquiry (Simon, 2011).The issue is that as far as possible the results of the review to just two reactions are gotten from such an overview however there may exist instances of more answers for inquiries set forward by the inquiries. There additionally exist substantial reasons that help the presence of more than one answers for one issue. The arrangements of as it were Unsupported suppositions These class of presumptions are those that assume the presence of a specific given conditions while in genuine sense, there exist no legitimate motivations to help their reality (Leedy, Ormrod (2010).A genuine case of such suspicions incorporate those that include looking over a given specific gathering of respondents on the conviction that they are the best appropriate applicants of the study. Such inclinations depends on accepts that the gathering of respondents met have significant data identified with the review aims. Making suppositions may prompt the assortment of unjust information data. It is henceforth critical to gather the real information so as to get the realities close by (Mentzer, John Carol, 1997). So as to lessen suppositions, the accompanying ought to be finished: Listening cautiously. Taking notes if fundamental. Posing inquiries straightforwardly and clarifying into subtleties the inquiries posed. Summing up what is commonly concurred so as to affirm understanding. References Leedy, P.D. Ormrod, J. E. (2010).Practical Research: Planning and Design, Ninth Edition. NYC: Merril. Mentzer, John T., Carol C. B. (1997). Deals Forecasting Management. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications. Simon, M. K. (2011). Paper and insightful research: Recipes for progress (2011 Ed.). Seattle, WA, Dissertation Success, LLC
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Internet Marketing Marketing Techniques
Question: Talk about the Case Study for Internet Marketing for Marketing Techniques. Answer: Presentation The present task rotates around the techniques utilized in web showcasing. Promoting is the method, which perceives, envisions just as provisions client necessities productively. Numerous examines have been directed on web advertising to recognize the significances of the web showcasing. It is seen that web showcasing incorporates the utilization of intuitive, virtual spaces for advancing just as selling the items and administrations. Moreover,internet-based correspondence advances had added to the restructuration of huge monetary part (Kacen, Jacqueline, James Hess, and Wei-yu Kevin Chiang 2013). Because of a few reasons, for example, cost-adequacy, adaptability, phenomenal worldwide reach related with web showcasing, numerous enormous associations favor web advertising as their center techniques for advancing and selling items and administrations. The significant motivation behind the report is to see how web advertising encourages firms to advance and sell their items and administrations in both neighborhood showcase just as worldwide market. Along these lines, so as to comprehend the techniques and approaches utilized by the associations in receiving web promoting, the current vital situation of Woolworths Limited, Australiahas been considered in the present report. Woolworths is known as Australias one of theretail organizations, which was built up in 1924 in Sydney. The association is resolved to follow up on its portfolio to build the investor esteems. Situational Analysis The association Woolworth has been running the activity for quite a long time; in this manner, it has actualized numerous methodologies to make the worldwide nearness. Nonetheless, Woolworths needs to manage some outside and interior factors that advantage the association and tosses genuine difficulties to the association. While breaking down the inside condition of the association, some critical variables have come into the association impacting the development of the organization. Figure 1: Situational Analysis (Source:Tsimonis, Georgios, and Sergios, Dimitriadis 2014) Ecological Analysis Outer investigation: It is huge for Woolworth to acknowledge and break down the impact of outside condition on its gainfulness just as the achievement of the business systems. In this unique situation, it very well may be included that outside variables additionally have wide effect on the corporate techniques of the association (Shani, David, and SujanaChalasani 2013). While examining the methodologies of actualizing the procedures a few issues and positive understanding have come out through five powers. Bartering intensity of the provider If the organizationshave higher providers, they would be more grounded (Shih, Bihà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Yaw, Chenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Yuan Chen, and Zihà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Siang Chen 2013). It is distinguished that the matter of Woolworth, particularly Safeway store have low reliance on the providers. This shows providers of the organization have low bartering power. The significant purpose for this is the huge measure of retailing piece of the pie in Australia just as New Zealand. Clients bartering power-Massive number of Woolworths clients have solid dealing power (Yoo, Myongjee, and Billy Bai 2013).In this unique circumstance, if the clients have solid haggling power, the association faces the impulse of decreasing the cost as attribution of purchasing the items at the store (Czinkota, Michael andIlkka Ronkainen 2013). In, for example, condition, Woolworths uses the procedure of low cost to address the issues of the clients. Figure 2: Porters Five Forces (Source: De Mooij and Marieke 2013) Dangers from the new retailers-The dangers of new retailers is low, as the setting up the business with countless stores just as high caliber to contend with the association and different contenders is thorough action. Furthermore, Woolworths and the contenders like Coles have wide access to the conveyance channels. Dangers of substitutes-It is obvious that there is an expanding danger for Woolworths business in regard to the substitute items and administrations. A huge measure of substitute items is offered to Australian retail industry. In such setting, Woolworths needs to think of methodologies that are creative and potential to draw in the clients and fabricate the brand personality. Industrys contention It has been recognized that the nearness of solid rivals in the retail business in Australia, for example, Coles is probably going to oblige the piece of the overall industry of Woolworths and include significant level of rivalry. Interior examination SWOT examination Quality Pioneer and perhaps the most established association to utilize the cutting edge retail exchange model A large portion of the organizations, for example, Big W, Dan Murphys have introduced a tremendous budgetary status in recent years. What's more, by diminishing the general expense of the business, the organization has arrived at 7.96% development in income for a portion of the decade (Czinkota, Michael and Ilkka Ronkainen 2013). Woolworths picked up the capacity to produce capital and they define the designs to grow its market by opening new stores just as refreshing new offices. Woolworth has built up a powerful relationship with the providers and the makers. A portion of the valuing activities started by different retailers; this incorporates the private milk decrease, which has caused extensive worry among the providers. Shortcomings The obligation pace of Woolworths has expanded significantly; particularly in 2012 it has to a great extent expanded in contrast with past five years (Wirtz, Jochen, Anouk lair Ambtman, JoseBloemer, CsillaHorvth, Ramaseshan 2013). The yearly report of the organization uncover that in the of 2013 monetary year, the obligation of Woolworth expanded from AUD$513 million out of 2008 to AUD$ 4,316 (Ho-Dac, Nga, Stephen, Carson, and William, Moore 2013). In this manner, it tends to be referenced that however, deal edge is still high, the fast increment of obligation rate could create money related hazard for Woolworths. The association has constrained piece of the overall industry Openings: Growing on the web retailing:For decades, it is found out that the fate of the retailing business has been re-fabricated basically with the assistance of computerization, the improvement of innovation and flexibly chain, usage of the advancement (Hays, Stephanie, Stephen John Page, and DimitriosBuhalis 2013). The retail business has now been drawn nearer contrastingly dependent on which it is driven by advanced trade just as web improvement. In the wake of executing the web based looking for Woolworths business the nation over. Dangers: It has been distinguished that Woolworths has been confronting dangers from the serious market. The association needs to manage some enormous contenders like Coles bunch in Australia. The low value methodology of Woolworths is reacted by the cost rewind procedure of the contender Coles (Ludwig, Stephan, Ko De Ruyter, Mike Friedman, Elisabeth, Brggen, Martin Wetzels, and Gerard Pfann 2013). E-promoting Strategic Plan As the association Woolworths has been viably running its activity for a considerable length of time, significant focal point of the association has consistently been the expansion of piece of the pie through a wide scope of items and administrations. This encourages the association to build the client base and, to expand the client arrive at it is smarter to execute the web promoting systems. While embracing the e-promoting procedures, it is successful receive advanced advertising in the current systems (Lambrecht, Anja, and Catherine Tucker 2013). Making open discussion Most of the huge associations ought to make an open gathering, which is likewise a web showcasing procedure. Consequently, the clients could drop their questions, protests and give proposals with respect to the items and administrations. The client officials of the organization gathers those inputs and build up the arrangement. Likewise, Woolworth could advance new items and administrations through this open discussion. The significant motivation behind this activity is to make the clients mindful of new items and administrations. Using the computerized media-With the assistance of advanced media, Woolworths increases some key advantages, for example, constructing the perceivability and brand mindfulness, arriving at more extensive objective crowd, procurement of the clients, diminishing the showcasing cost and expanding client maintenance. The e-promoting key arrangement of the association incorporates the broad research and observing the market, contenders and in the business. With the assistance of web based promoting, Woolworths arrived at the market of New Zealand and other urban sub-urban regions of Australia. The vital arrangement of web promoting of the organization additionally incorporates recognizable proof of the objective market, for example, the sub-urban regions of Sydney. Through computerized media, the organization centers around the online quality and shortcoming of the contenders. In like manner, to find out about clients online quality and shortcoming of the clients, the association utilize s the web based life instruments. The online life additionally encourages the advertisers to find out about the present patterns, way of life and financial foundation of the individuals in the objective market. Division and Targeting As Woolworths is probably the most seasoned association in the retail business, it has wide piece of the pie. In this way, the association builds up its division and focusing on procedures. Through the market division, the association Woolworths picks up the capacity to identifythe explicit targets and afterward execute the methodologies to fulfill their prerequisites and needs. The market division of Woolworths can be categorizedon four distinct attributes, for example, segment, social, psychographic and geographic. The segment highlights may incorporate the perspectives, for example, salary, ages, sexual orientation just as other populace attributes. It is clear that the stores of Woolworths need access to a particular size of market. These segment qualities
Saturday, July 18, 2020
What to Do if You Think Your Identity Has Been Stolen
What to Do if You Think Your Identity Has Been Stolen What to Do if You Think Your Identity Has Been Stolen What to Do if You Think Your Identity Has Been StolenHaving your identity stolen could jeopardize your credit rating and your entire financial future for years to come. Heres what you need to do.We recently discussed how to check your credit report for errors and what to do if you find them. In that post, we noted that sometimes errors can be a sign of fraud or identity theft, so we wanted to dive a little deeper into what you do if it happens to you.Spoiler alert: It happened to this writer when reviewing her credit report on the advice of this blog! There they were: two unfamiliar hard credit checks. It really can happen to anyoneâ€"it happened to an estimated 14.4 million people last yearâ€"even if you are as careful as can be with your private information. There’s no way around giving some companies your information, and when they have giant data breachesâ€"like Equifax did in 2017â€"millions of people are more vulnerable to fraud and identity theft.Remember, unscrupulous credi t checks can negatively impact your credit, nevermind if someone is able to open accounts in your name, run up debts, and never pay them. If you already have poor credit or are just starting to build credit, these actions can be especially devastating to your finances and credit score, leaving you vulnerable to predatory no credit check loans, bad credit loans, payday loans, and more when you need to borrow money.So what do you do if it happens to YOU?1. Report fraud / ID theft to the police.Your first step when you think you might be the victim of fraud or identity theft? File a report with the police, according to Justin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer with (@BeenVerified).“This acts as your first official documentation that a crime has taken place,†says Lavelle. “Furthermore, many businesses and agencies require a police report as fraud-and-identity-theft proof before going through with their own investigations.â€2. Alert the credit bureaus.If you found suspicious activity on one of your credit reports, you should alert the credit bureau in question as soon as possible. Remember, credit bureaus report differently, so you may see suspicious information on one report but not others. Sometimes you can file a dispute online, and sometimes you’ll have to call. This writer had to call. The service person opened the dispute immediately, the case was investigated, and the suspicious activity was removed from her report within twenty-four hours.The credit bureau followed up by mail to confirm the dispute results, and let her know that they contacted the other two credit bureaus about the incident on her behalf in the form of a fraud alert, which stays attached to the accounts for one year. However, it is advised that you contact all three bureaus directly yourself, just to be on the safe side.It also alerted her that they sent information to the vendor that requested the information from the credit bureau in the first place, instruc ting them to review the information and update their records as necessary.The credit bureau even let her know that, in addition to the three free credit reports that everyone has access to each year, she was entitled to an additional free credit report to help me monitor the situation.3. Alert related companies, if applicableThe credit bureau representative she talked to strongly recommended that she also contact the vendor who requested her information on her own, since a fraudster can exploit accounts for some time before it becomes apparent to victims or the accounts themselves.Some companies have their own portals for documenting potential fraud and identity theft. Be sure to carefully follow instructions, provide all the required documentation, and meet all deadlines to ensure your dispute is processed.4. Alert the Federal Trade Commission.Another agency to contact is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) via “If you suspect you are the victim of identity thef t, immediately report it to the FTC,†says Holly Zink, a scam and identity theft expert for Kiwi Searches (@kiwisearches). “You just tell them what happened by following the prompts on their site, and they will initially provide you with some information on some actions you can take.â€The website also houses lots of information and resources about identity theft. For example, if you know exactly what information, such as a social security number, was lost or stolen (not always the case)â€"or if you’ve been alerted that you may be the victim of a specific data breachâ€"the website provides tips for what to do in each situation.5. Assess your financial accounts.This includes all your bank accounts and credit cards. “Keep an eye on your bank and credit accounts for any suspicious activity,†says Lavelle. “If you see a charge that you don’t recognize it, immediately contact your bank or credit card services to contest it.â€Zink also recommends setti ng up fraud alerts with your bank. “Your bank will call, email, or text message you if there are suspicious charges on your account,†she says. This can usually be done online, and you can usually customize the dollar amount that prompts an alert.6. Consider additional protection.When you report fraud or identity theft to credit bureaus, you’ll be given the option of placing a free one-year fraud alert on your credit report. You have to do this individually which each of the three big credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.A fraud alert lets lenders (or anyone seeking information from your credit report) know that your account has been compromised and encourages them to take extra steps in order to verify your identity. In some cases, you may be able to get an extended seven-year fraud alert by filing an FTC identity theft report.Lavelle also recommends considering a credit freeze, which again, needs to be requested individually with each individual credi t reporting bureau. This will prevent any entity from accessing your credit information without your permission. “They will alert businesses and loan distributors of fraud and identity theft linked to your name and social security number. Thus, no one (including you) can request credit or loan services,†says Lavelle.If you know you are going to apply for something, such as aâ€"personal loanâ€"that requires a credit check, you will need to plan to manually unfreeze your account with a special pin number. It does not immediately unfreeze, which can be a pain, but it’s the only way to completely control who can access your credit information.You can also sign up for a credit monitoring service, which all three credit bureaus, as well as other entities, offer. Credit monitoring will alert you to any changes to your credit information, so you can verify them right away and deal with suspicious activity as soon as possible. If you have been the victim of a data breach, you may be e ntitled to free credit monitoring services.Final thoughts.Zink warns that adults are not the only victims of identity theft. “Many dont consider that a childs identity can be stolen,†she says. “With children not having a credit or job history, they are the perfect target. It usually takes many years for anyone to realize a child is a victim of identity theft.â€Lavelle adds that elders can also be targets. “The elderly are at great risk for identity theft because they tend to more easily trust others with their personal information,†he says, “In addition, the fact that they didn’t grow up with the internet may make it a challenge for them to understand the steps they must take to protect their identity online.To learn more about how you can protect your identity and your money from scams and fraudsters, check out these other posts and articles from OppLoans:8 Tips to Spot an Online ImposterAre You Haunted by Phantom Debts?10 Scams That Target the ElderlyExpert Round up: 13 Signs You’re Being ScammedDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. |InstagramContributorsJustin Lavelle is Chief Communications Officer for (@BeenVerified) and a leading expert on identity theft and scams. BeenVerified is a leading source of online background checks and contact information. It allows individuals to find more information about people including: phone numbers, email addresses, property records, marital status, and criminal records in a way that’s fast, easy, and affordable.Holly Zink is an online scam and identity theft expert for Kiwi Searches (@kiwisearches). Kiwi Searches is an easy-to-use person search website, providing customers with information about people, phone numbers, and locations.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Economics Report Essay - 933 Words
In relation to lower vaccination rates in Australia, it is crucial to Australian governments to increase the national immunisation rates. This report will focus on this issue through Australian immunisation rates, assessment on any possible government failure, supporting by economic theory. FIigure1: any delayed immunisation rates, 2004 and 2009 Figure 2: more than 6 months delayed immunisation rates, 2004 and 2009 In Australia, the timely receipt of 2nd dose of MMR vaccination decreased rapidly (Department of Health, 2013). As can be seen from Figure 1, there was a considerable increase of any delayed immunisation rates from 65% in 2004 to 80% in 2009. Especially, the more than 6 months delayed immunisation rate increased sharply†¦show more content†¦In order to fix the market failure, government could provide some subsidies which are equal to the external benefit. This policy can shift the demand curve up to the right, increasing quantity of immunisation and bringing market equilibrium to the higher price of P2, so that the external benefit has been internalized. D2 represents benefit that is equal to external benefit plus private cost which is D1, achieving economic efficiency. Facing the lower immunisation rate and interpreting the economic theory, Australia government has issued reforms to Australia’s childhood immunisation arrangements which include immunisation allowance of $726 per child Family Tax Benefit, aiming to increase the immunisation rates of Australian children over time (Australia Government, n.d.). However, the efforts of Australian government could fail to correct adequately for market failure or lead to a more inefficient outcome than the market, which is defined as government failure (Hubbard, 2012). However, when the suggested theory implement into real situation, the issue would be more complicated because of some factors impacting government intervention. The first one is the subjects of the policy. $726 per child Family Tax Benefit (Australia Government, n.d.) cannot be incentive to all families, according to Elliott (2013, October), â€Å"lower income areas of Australia have a vaccination rate of about 90 per cent,Show MoreRelatedA Report On Economic Growth2284 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"Economic Growth Starting to Pick Up Pace†– Perth Now The article summarises the economic situation in the post mining investment boom period in Australia, touching on several macroeconomics including but not limited to economic growth, unemployment, GDP, fiscal and monetary policies. Essentially, economic growth is the increase in a country’s standard of living or its capacity to increase production of goods and services over time (Howitt and Weil 2008; Saymeh 2013, 341). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Descriptive Essay - Original Writing - 1323 Words
It was already dark outside after an overtime shift at work, I couldn’t find any ride home so I started walking. The street I’d usually take was blocked because of construction workers. The weird thing is it was already dark outside and it was almost midnight. I don’t understand why there are still construction workers out. The route that I usually go to is a shortcut to my house and the other route to my house is to go through a cemetery. Well, since I had no other way, I went through the dark and silent cemetery. There was no one else but the dead and I in that cemetery. It is an awful feeling to walk alone in the dark, let alone in a haunting cemetery, where there are thousands of spirits whose probably just wandering†¦show more content†¦Their eyes looked pitch black. My heart was beating faster and faster. I thought that this isn’t normal anymore but I did what any human would do. I ran. I ran as fast as I can straight to my house. It’s been a week since I’ve been in the cemetery and I still can’t believe on what I saw. I went online searching for answer. What could it be? What could they be? I started to paranoid. I went to the store to buy a lot of salt and garlic. I must be going crazy but this is the only way I can relax. Every night I am haunted by the thought of those kids. I am haunted by the looked that they gave me. I started to think that maybe even the little toddler gave me an evil look. Their look was just so scary I can’t get them out of my head. The next day I decided I shouldn’t be scared of anything. I saw them but they didn’t even harm me. Maybe there’s a way to just talk to them or help them. They could just be trapped or it might be really weird but they could be living in that house and I’m just judging them. I brought all sorts of things with me to the cemetery. A crucifix, salt, and garlic. It took a lot of courage for me to go back but I know I can’t live like this anymore. When I got to the house, I didn’t see anyone. I tried to call the three children but they didn’t come out. I threw rocks on the windows thinking maybe they’d hear me. â€Å" Who’s there?†a voice called. It startled me but instead of the three kids, I saw a girlShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1110 Words  | 5 PagesI don’t know how I got to where I am, but I’m here now, and I have to win if I want to live. I am in a game, and in order to live, I have to escape. That’s the thing, though: I don’t know how to escape. I was running for my life around this old house that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. I doubled over and held my head in pain as I saw the static, which meant it was coming. I was being chased by what looked like a person but in no way acted like one. Just as it was about to appearRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1102 Words  | 5 PagesIt is on days like this when we stop to think about our life. 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A blustery March wind whipped the steam coming out of the manholes, and people hurried along the sidewalks with their collars turned up. I was stuck in traffic two blocks from the party where I was heading. Mom stood fifteen feet away. She had tied rags around her shoulders to keep out the spring chill and was picking through the trash
Rural Entreprneurship -One Key to Rural Revitalisation Free Essays
string(241) " and material resources for local economic, social and cultural development and for running within the local area the surpluses so generated and at the same time effectively integrating rural development with modernization the urban sector\." Entrepreneurship can play an important role in rural development. â€Å"Entrepreneur means one who creates a product on his own account, who ever undertakes on his own an industrial/trading enterprise in which work men are employed†. If entrepreneurships really encouraged in rural area it would, of course, be instrumental in changing the face of rural areas by solving the problems of unemployment, poverty, economic disparity, poor utilization of rural capacity, low level of standard of living. We will write a custom essay sample on Rural Entreprneurship -One Key to Rural Revitalisation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Authors: 1. Dr.Ratan Barman, Reader, Department of Commerce, Assam University (Diphu Campus) 2. Dipanjan Chakraborty, Senior Lecturer, Department Of commerce,Darrang College,tezpur Introduction ‘India lives in her villages’â€â€- this axiom is still true today despite the service sector budding in the urban and semi urban areas. Majority of the population still lives in rural India and the large chunk of population in urban areas still live through the learning of a village life. For the strength of the country there is a necessity to develop the villages. Development of a country is a choice loaded on its people, whether urban or rural.It is individuals who shape up a society and decide its progress and performance. Urban and rural are two sides of the same coin of economic development. While the urban sector has witnessed phenomenal growth and development, fuelled by the post independence era of industrialization, the rural sector saw little corporate growth. Rural development is more than ever before linked to entrepreneurship. Institutions and individuals promoting rural development now see entrepreneurship as a strategic development intervention that could accelerate the rural development process.Furthermore, institutions and individuals seem to agree on the urgent need to promote rural enterprises: development agencies see rural entrepreneurship as an enormous employment potential; politicians see it as the key strategy to prevent rural unrest; farmers see it as an instrument for improving farm earnings; and women see it as an employment possibility near their homes which provides autonomy, independence and a reduced need for social support. To all these groups, however, entrepreneurship stands as a vehicle to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities and to sustain a healthy economy and environment.Rural industrialization is important not only as a means of generating employment opportunities in the rural areas with low capital cost and raising the real income of the people, but also because it contributes to the development of agriculture and urban industries. In the absence of rural industrialization, it would not be easy to solve the problem of unemployment in rural areas. The entrepreneurial orientation to rural development accepts entrepreneurship as the central force of economic growth and development, without it other factors of development will be wasted or frittered away. However, the acceptance of entrepreneurship as a central development force by itself will not lead to rural development and the advancement of rural enterprises. What is needed in addition is an environment enabling entrepreneurship in rural areas. The existence of such an environment largely depends on policies promoting rural entrepreneurship. The effectiveness of such policies in turn depends on a conceptual framework about entrepreneurship, i. e. , what it is and where it comes from. Concept of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur The terms ‘entrepreneurship’ and ‘entrepreneur’ are not new to the Indian economy. Often these two terms are considered synonymous and used interchangeably. But conceptually both the terms are different. The relationship between the two is just like the two sides of the same coin. The understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship owes a lot to the work of economist Joseph Schumpeter and the Austrian School of economics. According to Schumpeter (1950),’ and entrepreneur is a person who is willing and able to convert a new idea or invention in to a successful innovation. †Entrepreneurship forces â€Å"creative destruction†across markets and industries, simultaneously creating new products and business models and liminating others. In this way, creative destruction is largely responsible for the dynamism of industries and long-run economic growth. The entrepreneur is the kind of persons that is willing to put his career and financial security on the line for an idea, spending his time and capital in an uncertain venture. Entrepreneurship as a stabilizing force limits entrepreneurship to reading markets disequilibria, while entrepreneurship defined as owning and operating a business, denies the possibility of entrepreneurial behaviour by non-owners, employees and managers who have no equity stake in the business.Therefore, the most appropriate definition of entrepreneurship that would fit into the rural development context, argued here, is the broader one, the one which defines entrepreneurship as: â€Å"a force that mobilizes other resources to meet unmet market demand†, â€Å"the ability to create and build something from practically nothing†, â€Å"the process of creating value by pulling together a unique package of resources to exploit an opportunity†2. Concept of Rural entrepreneurship Many examples of successful rural entrepreneurship can already be found in literature.Rural entrepreneurship can be defined as entrepreneurship emerging at village level which can take place in a variety of fields of endeavour such as business, industry, agriculture and acts as a potent factor for economic development, In short, rural entrepreneurship implies rural industrialization consisting mainly of agro-based industries, Khadi and village industries and cottage industries. The promotion of rural entrepreneurship is vital in the context of generating gainful employment and minimizing the widening of disparities between rural and urban population.About 75% of the population who lives in villages has to utilize the village resources and they are plentifully available and people are not utilizing it effectively due to mass illiteracy. The risk aversion people can be transformed in to risk taking innovative entrepreneurs by proper training. Rural entrepreneurship not only concentrates on enhancement of products by use of local force or by artisans but also has significant environmental and social impact by developing eco friendly and appropriate olution to local problems China represents a unique example of rural entrepreneurial development with prima facie importance to the use of local resources, such as natural resources, human resources and material resources for local economic, social and cultural development and for running within the local area the surpluses so generated and at the same time effectively integrating rural development with modernization the urban sector. You read "Rural Entreprneurship -One Key to Rural Revitalisation" in category "Papers" China’s successful rural development through less dogmatic and down-to-earth approach to rural industrialization is really worth emulating for our c ountry.Dynamic rural entrepreneurs can also be found. They are expanding their activities and markets and they find new markets for their products and services beyond the local boundaries. Role of Entrepreneurship in Rural development For rapid development, rural industrialization is must. But rural industrialization requires development of rural areas. . According to the Government of India, any industry located in rural area, village or town with population of 20,000 or less and an investment of Rs. crore in Plant and machinery is treated is rural industry. Rural or village industry is classified in to the following categories: †¢ Mineral based industry †¢ Forest based industry †¢ Agro based and food industry †¢ Polymer and chemical industry †¢ Engineering and non-conventional energy †¢ Textile industry †¢ Service industry Objectives of entrepreneurship in Rural Development †¢ To reduce disparities in income between rural and urban areas †¢ To promote balanced regional development To pressure the age-old rich heritage of the country †¢ To control migration of population from rural to urban area and thus helps in checking haphazard growth of cities and slums †¢ To help in reducing social tension and pollution Rural Entrepreneurship as a policy Tool to Achieve Rural Development Before independence, rural industrialization and hence rural entrepreneurship did not get any emphasis. The British Government gave importance to imports and neglected the development of Indian industries.In order to achieve rural development, after independence, the government of India used rural entrepreneurship as a policy tool. It has been clearly reflected in various five year plans and industrial policies. 1) Production in Khadi Village industries sector was Rs 4,519 croes in the year 1997-98 and by the end of the year 2006-07, it is expected to increase up to Rs. 13,250croes i. e. in the span of 9 years it is expected to rise by almost 3 times. 2) Employment in KVI sector was 6. 65 million in the year 1997-98 and it is expected to increase up to 9. 5million by the end of year. Problems faced by entrepreneurs of rural areas †¢ Lack of finance-Modern entrepreneurship is a costly affair which needs abundant credit facilities. But in undeveloped countries, there is always scarcity of such credit facilities †¢ Lack of technical know-how-On account of faulty education system youth lack professional, managerial and technical knowledge which is an impediment in developing the spirit of enterprise, consequently not many people come forward to establish self-employment units. Absence of Enterprising skill- Most of the rural people in India lack risk bearing ability. Reluctance to involve oneself in business, inclination towards wage employment, lack of creative thinking are few reasons which have restricted the growth of self-employment in rural area. †¢ Lack of Infrastructure-On account of lack of infrastructural facilities viz, transport, water, electricity, market, storage and communication etc, entrepreneurs are shying away from establishing indu stries in villages. Industries which are already established are also facing similar problems. Adverse, social, cultural and Industrial environment-Caste systems, social evils, fatalism, religious superstitions, particularly in the countryside, do not allow development of adventurous spirit. Lack of skill and expertise in labourers, their tendency to migrate to big cities and consumer’s habit to buy goods produced by big companies create many problems for new entrepreneurs. †¢ Lack of awareness about quality control-It is true that of awareness hinders rural entrepreneurship. There are number of factors responsible for the lack of awareness among rural folk.Illiteracy, ignorance, lack of proper propaganda by agencies, corruption among government functionaries etc are some of the factors responsible for this problem. †¢ Lack of market information due to poor communication facility- The absence of effective communication and access to right information makes it difficult for rural entrepreneurs to understand market trends and policies followed by the government on industrialization. Rural Development through Rural Entrepreneurship To achieve rural development through rural entrepreneurship,†The support infrastructure†given by Bill Bolton Jo hn Thompson should be implemented given below.The support infrastructure | | People | Ideas | The Enterprise | |Sector |Education and |Research and |Property |Finance |Supply |Business support |Community | | |Training |Development | | | | |development | |Facility |School, |Industry, |Business |Seed and |Sub |Government |Housing, | | |College |University |Incubator; |venture |contractors; |Agencies; |Schools, | | |University; |Garage |Innovation |capital |Labour |Clubs and |Hospitals, | | |Training | |centre | |pool |Associations, |Recreation, | | |Facility; | |Science | | |Consultants |Transport | | |Entrepreneur | |Technology | | |And business |Tele commu | | | | |Business | | |advices |nications | | |school | |parks | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Activity |Courses of |Technology |Premises |Equity | Staff |Training advice |Amenity | | |programmes |transfer |and support |Loans | Suppliers |and networking |provision | Source: Entrepreneurs by Bill Bolton John Thompson Conclusion On the basis of analysis and role of rural entrepreneurship for rural development, we can conclude that rural entrepreneurship and rural development are two sides of the same coin. A part from Government policy, there is an urgent need to create conducive environment in rural areas so that rural entrepreneurship should flourish. Suggestions The following suggestions can be put forwarded for the protection and enhancement of demand potentiality leading to fertile ground for entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship would be conducive for rural capacity utilization and development and solving rural problems like, unemployment, poverty, low level standard of living etc. ? Formulation of a registered trade union, under the guidance of appropriate Government, at village level-The role of such a trade union should be to protect and promote the interest of labours in the village. It will lead to enhance their bargaining power, thereby more earnings. Labour concessions will be instrumental in changing the face of rural areas. ? Formation of village development council, under the guidance of appropriate Government, at the village level . This council should lead in forming and propagating about negative impacts of drain of rural demand, rural resources to urban area.Consciousness should be created about the fulfillment of rural demand by rural supplier living in the same village. It means trading should be promoted in the villages. Positive impact of divion of work. Divion of work will lead specialization, better capacity utilization, assurance of definite market and enough earning to meet family needs. The positive and negative impacts of migration of people from rural area to urban area. It is good in the sense that it is going to provide employment to rural people in urban area. But the negative part of the process is that commit their funds in urban area. These migrated people should be encouraged and motivated to finally stay in village.They should spend their money in rural areas. It would lead to enhancement in rural demand and rural development. Such a village development council will be forum where issues relating development will be discussed and opinions will be floated among the people for course of action. ? Formation of Rural entrepreneurship Development Bank of India, on the line of Industrial Development bank of India, is essential to promote entrepreneurship in the rural areas. It role would be to make available finance, knlwledge, technical expertise, managerial advice, help in marketing, string etc. it has to take case from beginning to end. Even its role would be to come up with plans.The is need to promote urban culture in rural area in respect of consumption, entertainment, education, spending, standard of livingrationality,etc. to promote economic activities. Rural-Urban interaction, T. V, Radio, Mobile, Road etc, are promoting urban culture in rural areas. ? State Government must invest in more for development of rural entrepreneurship ? All latest technology of the globe is to be disseminated to all rural areas by Government through Toll free number ? Appointment of SSI ombudsman and having one stop centre for needs of rural entrepreneurs to be established. ? There is necessary to promote education and skill necessary for entrepreneurship ? How to cite Rural Entreprneurship -One Key to Rural Revitalisation, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Traveller by Chris Stapleton free essay sample
The year is 2015, and country music has lost its way, stranded on a one-way, one-lane road in unchartered territory. Stuck somewhere between pop and a hard place, the genre that I grew up with is experiencing an identity crisis, largely thanks to numerous figureheads handing the torch to some unsavory characters. The corporate Nashville machine, which of late has been solely concerned with cranking out one-trick ponies, is facing its lowest popularity since 2008, particularly among the 18-to-34 demographic that drove the â€Å"bro country†trend to its peak. That same demographic that launched vapid white bread acts to stardom is now abandoning the genre, leaving country music on a precipice. I don’t have an answer for country music’s plight, but in light of long-time songwriter Chris Stapleton’s first major- label release, I do have hope. I didn’t know what to expect from â€Å"Traveller,†given Stapleton’s track record of writing mainstream fodder for acts such as Luke Bryan and Thomas Rhett. We will write a custom essay sample on Traveller by Chris Stapleton or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was reluctant to give him my forgiveness for such transgressions, but forgive him I did, because every single song on â€Å"Traveller†shines. Stapleton’s cover of George Jones and David Allan Coe’s song â€Å"Tennessee Whiskey†had the potential to be an ear-sore, but it’s a masterpiece when Stapleton lets loose on the chorus in a deep, effectual way. â€Å"Outlaw State of Mind†threatened to be an overplayed trope of the rebellion cliche that the likes of Eric Church and Brantley Gilbert have beat half to death, but delightful instrumentals redeem what could have been a low point of this album. Stapleton’s vocals, too, are a thing of beauty; their deep passion allays any doubt of his sincerity. This man is country music from his beard to his boots. Take a look at that beard if you haven’t. â€Å"Traveller†does have a smattering of Southern rock and a fleeting hint of soul, but this is the traditional country album that fans have been begging for. Every track conveys Stapleton’s talent, especially the live recording of â€Å"Sometimes I Cry,†which ends with the cheering of fans in Nashville’s famous Studio A. There are other acts out there doing great things – Jason Isbell and Sturgill Simpson come to mind – but Stapleton and his glorious â€Å"Traveller†should and will give everyone pause. He has the chops to help raise country music back to its former glory, what with his extensive experience in the music industry and time spent in bands such as Steeldrivers. At 37, Stapleton has traveled, performed, and written. He has seen it all, and that’s reflected in his lyrics. I hope that every â€Å"flavor of the week†artist in country music sets their bottle of Fireball and their cutoff shirts down for long enough to see that when the temporary fans have flocked to the next rising trend, true country fans and their artists will remain right here where we’ve been all along.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
buy custom Aristotle and Plato essay
buy custom Aristotle and Plato essay The assertions of the two philosophers are very relevant to todays society. These philosophies would do a lot in guiding and educating Americans with regard to the issue of consumerism. Some people might, however, argue that these ideas need to be refined or even provide counter arguments to the assertions of the two philosophers. The Aristotelian philosophy with regard to pleasure and happiness would consider consumerism to be negative, if undertaken without a consideration of resultant effects (Chase and Aristotle 160-165). While this is a very valid argument and would result in happiness in the long term, human beings are given to flights of fancy. This theory of human beings is taking into account antecedent factors before engaging in pleasure would go against human nature. Human nature in some instances derives a lot of pleasure from a freedom of acting without restrictions such as thinking of consequences. Some people would also argue that Aristotle in arguing for a scenario in which people opt for pleasures that are more beneficial fails to take into account the psychological nature of human beings. Some issues such as pleasure and happiness are in some instances the function of peer pressure as opposed to logic and reason. Since human nature is given to fickleness resulting in the joneses syndrome, it is impractical to expect logical reasoning in the issue of consumerism. Platos philosophy of happiness and pleasure would also be subject to criticism by scholars. Some scholars would deem the notion of extreme action put forth by Plato to be incomplete. They would put forth that the notion of extreme and acceptable action is a matter of societal conception and hence Plato in arguing for adherence to the median measures of ethics is wrong. Actions are subject to differences in culture which would consider actions acceptable and unacceptable in different levels. Some people would also consider the insistence on logic and reasoning in purchasing to be unattainable since they have differences in their ways of thinking. What may seem logical and reasonable to one person, will be considered illogical by another. The assertion that there needs to be a balance between reason and pleasure fails to take into consideration that the idea of perfect balance is impossible. More realist position would involve either more of pleasure or more of logic. A combination lea ding to more of either component would thus lead to an imperfect state of harmony which is the normal state of events. Buy custom Aristotle and Plato essay
Monday, March 2, 2020
Discomfort and Discomfiture
Discomfort and Discomfiture Discomfort and Discomfiture Discomfort and Discomfiture By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Can you explain the origin of the word discomfiture? This seems to be a recent invention; I was not coming across this word about 10 years ago. However, recently its use has increased. Is it the same as discomfort? Discomfiture is not as common a word as discomfort, but it has been used continuously in English since Chaucer’s day. Discomfort is a little earlier, dating from about 1350, when it meant â€Å"deprivation of happiness.†The earliest OED citations show discomfiture used with the meaning â€Å"defeat in battle.†Meanings that developed from there include â€Å"frustration of plans or hopes; utter disappointment; perplexity, confusion.†In time, the meaning weakened to include lesser emotions, such as unease, embarrassment, and similar-sounding discomfort. Although the words may be considered synonyms, discomfiture implies a stronger sense of unease and confusion than discomfort because it combines the connotation of both defeat and embarrassment. Even when defeat is not implied, discomfiture suggests a sense of agitation that discomfort lacks. I never was more completely whipped in a criminal case, and I always thought Judge Miller enjoyed my discomfiture more than anyone else. So terrible was his appearance that Spitz was forced to forego disciplining him; but to cover his own discomfiture he turned upon the inoffensive and wailing Billee and drove him to the confines of the camp. Tempting as it is, though, to smile at the courts discomfiture, the bigger issue here is whether the federal judiciary should be so actively engaged in the details of the electoral process. Discomfort implies a sense of uneasiness, inconvenience, or mild physical pain. If you have a comfort zone, you must also have a discomfort zone. Why Getting Comfortable With Discomfort Is Crucial To Success About a dozen new teachers of criminal law at multiple institutions have told me that they are not including rape law in their courses, arguing that its not worth the risk of complaints of discomfort by students. If you experience any discomfort in your eye after doing an activity in which a small particle could have entered your eye, such as hammering or working under a car, don’t ignore it. I would save discomfiture to describe the kind of discomfort that includes embarrassment on the part of the person feeling it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?Expanded and ExtendedPresent Participle as Adjective
Friday, February 14, 2020
Code of Ethics as a Leader Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Code of Ethics as a Leader - Coursework Example It is therefore upon my shoulders as the leader of the organization, to ensure that they stray as little as possible or prevent their straying from their sworn ethics code. The Code of Ethics that I developed directly addresses the issues of the senior resident's right to privacy and protection of their private information because I specifically stated in the manual that the caregivers shall be held liable for any and all proven violations of the resident-caregiver privacy agreement as set forth in the Code of Ethics that they signed. The use of the CCTV camera on the premises is a solution that I felt would solve the problem of senior abuse and privacy violation because the caregivers on my payroll know that they are constantly being watched and therefore, must adhere to the code at all times. They know that they will have to justify any violations that they shall be questioned about once it is caught on tape. As far as I am concerned, the CCTV solution ensures that there shall be n o violations of the Code of Ethics and the caregivers will never try to abuse their authority nor steal vital personal information because they know they cannot get away with it and they will be held liable for any and all their actions pertaining to the violations concerned. I firmly believe that in order to me to become an effective leader, I must lead by example. This means that I should become the living embodiment of our company Code of Ethics. I should always strive to be faultless as a leader and treat all the residents and their family members with the utmost of respect while also showing the employees that they are a tremendously valuable asset to the company by treating them with respect and equality with my position whenever possible. As the leader of the company, it is my job to make sure that they do their job right every time. The video footage will help me spot the errors in the employee actions and allow me to have an opportunity to call them in for a discussion of t he problem so that I can also show them an example of how I would do the job, allowing them to voice their opinion in the process and defend their actions without taking it out on their resident wards. I realize that I am creating a tall order for me to adhere to but the fact is that the employees who think about straying from the Code of Ethics normally thinks twice about doing so or regrets having done so once they see their leader adhering to the code regardless of the difficulty certain situations pose for him. It is going to be very important for me to create a happy work team at the residence because happy employees will treat their patients in the proper manner. Therefore, I must do my best to keep up their morale while on the job. This won't be so hard to do. It could be as simple as just giving them a free lunch once in a while or offering incentives to model employees at the end of every fiscal year. More importantly, I must ingrain the company Code of Ethics until it beco mes a mantra to them that they eventually work into their everyday lives out of the office simply because, it is the right thing to do. I plan to do this by holding seminars pertaining to various topics concerning patient rights and resident treatment. By keeping the employees abreast of the latest trends in senior citizen care so that they will constantly grow as a caregiver and understand the continuously changing demands of their
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Macroeconomic Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Macroeconomic Policy - Essay Example Producers buy raw materials, machinery and equipment as well as stores and spare parts for machinery fro trading agencies and consumers buy practically all articles required for their daily use from traders. Goods are produced on a large scale in anticipation of demand. The markets for products are now spread over the length and breadth of the country and even extended to countries across the international borders. Hence direct sale of goods by the producers to the consumers is not possible. Without the help of traders and merchants engaged in trade it would be impossible for the system of large-scale production to continue. The trader involved in the actual operation of purchasing goods from producers and selling them to consumers. Traders and consumers are interdependent. Trade is of great significance for production as well as consumption of goods. It is through trade that goods produced at particular places are equitably distributed among users. With the help of trade goods are made available to consumers at the time of their need. It removes the hindrance of persons by bringing together producers and consumers who are widely scattered. Inflation rises due to many reasons. The reason might be political, economical or social that influences overall economy of the country. Economic protectionism also contributes to the rise in inflation. There are two types of economic protectionism. The first protection in trade is represented in establishing a system of rates and tariffs in favour of domestic production and discourages foreign imports. This kind of protection is desired to encourage establishment of industrial base by saving small and infant industries against the competition of larger and well-established firms in abroad. The second economic protectionism is a post world war -II phenomenon that is related to the proprietorship as businesses by foreign traders and investors. Multinational companies have been set up after world war-II due to immense investments of foreigners. Multinational companies thought that they could evade tariff restrictors by introducing their own branches plants and subsidiaries, which allowed them to go to markets, mobilise resources and capital and get favours with the government. These kinds of investments have created to the economic nationalism due to expansion of multinational companies. The foreign owned companies could not take central position over economic decisions from their head office from outside. The economists are compelled to demand for bringing out a legislation to oversee the activities and restrain the growth of foreign ownership. International trade brings rich dividends and imposing restrictions to such exchanges will hinder the further improvement and in realising the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Gender :: essays research papers
GENDER Gender can be defined as the sex-role that a person takes on according to guidelines or standards instilled in us by society. One can be a male or female biologically, but still be perceived as the opposite sex due to the way one may think or present him self or her self. Whether or not we are born with certain biological traits different in male versus female is the nature versus nurture question that has been around for years. Through research, science has found that men and women differ in the way they process information, but whether or not this is due to the way that they are socialized or if in fact they are born this way has yet to be proven. In women and men, both respectfully, there exist many obvious differences that may sometimes overshadow some similarities. Some of the more common identities familiarized with the males are their independence and sometimes exaggerated aggressiveness. Males also tend to be more focused on tasks and connections when with larger groups. The women, on the other hand, tend to be more interdependent, less aggressive, more sharing, more imitation of relationship and intimate discussion, more charitable, more empathetic, more likely to smile, more sensitive, and more skilled at expressing emotions non-verbally. Let’s face it males, women are the super humans. One of the positive key advantages of a male is their assertiveness and high self-esteem. The women on the other hand are more extroverted and tender minded, qualities, which enable them to be all of the characteristics listed before. When gender differences are viewed at in a sexual aspect, the men are still the stereotypical â €Å"pigs†. Through relationships males are more likely to be involved for one thing, sex. The females, being much more sensitive and all, want love and compassion through a relationship, and maybe sex, or making love on the side. In other words men want lust and women want love. Although popular belief may have that the females are the more mentally advanced, or smarter, studies show that both males and females have the same academic abilities and IQ average. Males are much better with mental rotation though.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Napoleon and Modern Society Essay
Benjamin Franklin once said â€Å"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. †I could not agree more with this quote. There have been so many countries that have fought for their freedom, including the U. S. and France, but the question is how quickly these countries would be able to sacrifice those hard fought liberties for their safety. When comparing France under Napoleons reign and the U. S. after September 11th you find that one thing they have in common was that the people were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Both countries had lost loved ones, both countries felt unsafe and scared. In that situation, the people turn to the government for help just as a small child turns to their parent when they feel scared. What a lot of people don’t realize is that you can trust your government to help you, but even the best of people can be corrupted by power. Napoleon Bonaparte, the greatest military genius of his time, came to power in France in 1799. The people of France were sick of the bloodshed of war, and hated their government. They were in limbo, stuck and unsure what to do next. That’s when Napoleon caught their eye. He was a young commander and chief of all the French forces, and he won every fight. He was someone who displayed strong leadership skills, and the people were drawn to him. One thing about Napoleon that holds true is that he knew that he was a â€Å"military genius†. He pushed his luck multiple times especially when he convinced the Directory (France’s Government) that he could cut off British trade to Asia by occupying Egypt. He ended up being defeated, but when he slipped away to France he made sure that that loss was wiped clean of his record. With the help of the people he overthrew the French Government; he established a consulate of three men to govern France. Of course he was the First Consul, who held all the power. But like many corrupt leaders of the past, Napoleon started getting influence by power. He did many helpful things like modernizing the government; he founded the bank of France, and reorganized higher education. But what some people don’t notice when reading about these things is that in the new school system, the children were taught respect and discipline, they were being brainwashed to a certain extent to respect their government. Napoleon established something called the Napoleonic Code. It was established in 1804, and the code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most â€Å"qualified†. The people of France followed Napoleons lead because he showed that promise of being a good leader in the beginning. He gave the people hope that they would see better days, and they did to a certain extent. But one mistake they made was giving up their freedoms to do so. They wanted change so badly that they were willing to sacrifice their freedoms! Now I understand that the French people had been through the worst of worst, and Napoleon took advantage of that to a certain extent. French history shows that without law as the foundation, a society is compelled to use means of violence to bring human freedom. More bloodshed was the last thing France needed, but returning one of my first thoughts, they were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Now in America, we all know about how we fought for our freedoms in the revolutionary war. Freedom in America is why all kinds of people immigrated over. America was a â€Å"Safe†place. I think for all of us, September 11th came a huge shock. My generation is one of the last that are able to remember that day. Never had there been something like this before, never had America suffered through a National Crises. The once safe place was not safe anymore. The American people entered into the same uncertainty and confusion the French had been in. We turned to our government for help; no matter what we had to sacrifice we wanted our safety to be returned. That was a big mistake. A poll was taken in 2011 for the anniversary of September 11, regarding our freedoms. 76% percent of people believed that our country is headed in the wrong direction. When asked how much confidence they have in the people in charge, only 14% had a great deal of confidence in our Executive Branch of Government and only 5% percent in our congress. Not surprisingly 65% have a great deal of confidence in our military. I think the most surprising of all would be when asked the question â€Å"if someone from another country were to ask you to make a list of specific rights and freedoms you have as a resident of the United States, what would be the first think you would put on the list? †48% of people answered freedom of speech/expression/opinions, basically the 1st amendment. 6% of people didn’t even know. When I considered which is worse; a domineering government or the attitudes of the people who will allow themselves to be dominate, I have to say that I think the second one is the worst. The people of the domineering government know what they are getting into, they know they don’t have a lot of freedom, but what is terrible is people having these freedoms and giving them up. If America stays on the path that is on, we are headed into a dark future. People need to open their eyes and see that counties like France who fought over and over again for freedom and then simply gave it up, ended up in a place we don’t want to be in. We have the freedoms so many people die for every day, and we are willing to sacrifice that for safety. Safety is important, but what is even worse is not being able to choose.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Old Saying “Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder†Has
The old saying â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder†has always been the ideal of what society believes beauty to be; versatile and able to be interpreted as anyone likes because it is something that is unique to every person’s own taste. This sentiment, as true as it may seem, is just an illusion. Oxford Dictionaries may define beauty as â€Å"a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight†, which seems vague enough to be interpreted any way someone wishes, yet society has been imposing strict standards onto what is deemed â€Å"beautiful†for centuries. It is these mass opinions that then culminate in what is widely viewed as what â€Å"real†beauty is, which, though they can be†¦show more content†¦The fact of the matter is that both men and women feel the effects of societally imposed standards and the pressures to conform to them. And, not only that, but it is a global epidemic that has been growing out of control for decades. All around the world people feel burdened because they do not look a certain way, and because of that they are deemed â€Å"ugly†or â€Å"hideous†by those around them, and those burdens weigh them down. They could weigh them down so much in fact that they decide that all else is lost and their only option is plastic surgery in order to â€Å"fix†their imperfection, or sometimes even completely alter themselves. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s global statistics from 2015, â€Å"women had more than 18 million surgical and non-surgical procedures performed globally, 85.6% of the total. Men had more than 3 million surgical and non-surgical procedures, 14.4% of the total.†When looking at a comparison of 2000 vs. 2016 in regard to the top five most popular procedures performed, including both surgical and non, the rate of increase in the total amo unt of procedures performed was 132% (American Society of Plastic Surgeons). This is a dramatic spike in the overall consumption of plastic surgery over such a short period of time, illustrating the assumed need for this to occur. Not only is it an issue with adults paying for and getting surgery, but adolescents as well. In the digital age, kids are putShow MoreRelatedPyramus And Thisbe Essay896 Words  | 4 PagesNot everyone has the same idea of beauty. Ovid’s â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe†follows lovers who are forbidden to be with each other. The beauty that comes from the love that they share is shut down by the wall between them. Rod Sterling’s Twilight Zone episode â€Å"Eye of the Beholder†follows Ms. Tyler who gets surgery to try to make herself look â€Å"normal†but when the surgery does not work she is forced to go to a place for people who look like her. The viewer of the show sees her as a normal person butRead MoreBeauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder799 Words  | 4 PagesOne Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure Beauty has always been a key to unlock many doors, it plays an important role on human relationships. However, the definition of beauty varies from person to person. In this essay, the definition of beauty, the relativity of the understanding of beauty, and the question of wheter beauty is only skin deep or not will be argued. Beauty, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, means â€Å"The quality or aggregateRead More Beauty Essay987 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder†I agree that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder because beauty comes from within your soul. 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