Monday, September 30, 2019
Response Paper to ‘What You Eat is Your Business’ By Radley Balko Essay
From the essay ‘What You Eat is Your Business’ by Radley Balko, he shows a strong opinion of what should be public knowledge and what should stay private. His determination on obesity not being public health makes people rethink what obesity is, the government’s part in it, and how to go about fixing it. Though Balko isn’t the only author with a strong belief on this subject, he stands out because of the way he captured the reader’s attention. He does this by challenging what people today believe is just common knowledge. Balko uses logos by giving the title for a TV special where policy makers, health specialists, and media are involved. Balko also mentions numerous senators and the president that also contributed to the cause of stopping obesity. By using logos and then stating ‘In other words, bringing government between you and your waistline’ it brings in the use of pathos. Instead of encouraging the use of many influential people on this problem, Balko does the opposite. It does work in bringing out emotions by causing people to think. When people think about this, they will either agree that government should be involved or they will lean towards Balko and think that obesity is a personal matter. Either way, the audience is likely to get upset with how the government is getting too nosey or how Balko makes them the enemy. The audience is more likely to lean towards what Balko is stating because of his bias opinion on the matter. The way he captures the audience is by bringing independence into his words: ‘For decades now, America’s health care system has been migrating toward socialism. Your well-being, shape, and condition have increasingly been deemed matters of â€Å"public health,†instead of matters of personal responsibility’. These sentences make people react because America is based off of independence; and if the audience starts to believe that their control of their own lives are slipping away, then they will fight against it. Though Balko does do a great job in getting people’s attention and making them lean closer to his side, he is bias. Balko enlarges the evils of public health, to where he doesn’t mention the positive sides of it. If he did mention how having public health has worked in at least one way, then what he states about the wrongs of it would have more logic and reason. People without a bias opinion on the matter look at both sides and weigh the pros and cons. So if he included something good about public health care then he would be more creditable for his essay. Balko’s essay is very interesting and motivating. From his writing, his best quality is capturing the audience’s attention. He captures the audience with his whole essay and keeps them reading by his opinion on the matter. To be a writer people believe that you need to have passion for what you write, and Balko certainly does. Work Cited: Balko, Radley. â€Å"What You Eat Is Your Business.†Cato Institute. N.p., 23 May 2004. Web. 18 Sept. 2013.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
In any comprehensive work, like this, credit must go to the multitude of people. I am still students and just novice. Hence, I have taken help from different people for preparing my report. Now here is a petite effort to show my deep graduate to those helpful people. First, I commit my selves grateful to Allah for his unlimited kindness and maximum helpful hand in continuing my report preparation. I express my sincere gratitude to honorable supervisor, Ms. Monsura Zaman, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Faculty of Business Administration, ASA University Bangladesh, for their guidance and valuable remark about the convention of the report. I have come to believe, deeply and firmly, that we can create a poverty free world if we want to. I came to this conclusion not as a product of a pious dream, but as a concrete result of experience gained in the work of the Grameen Bank. It is not micro credit alone which will end poverty. Credit is one door through which people can escape from poverty. Many more doors and windows can be created to facilitate an easy exit. It involves conceptualizing about people differently; it involves designing a new institutional frame work consistent with this new conceptualization. Grameen bank has taught me two things first our knowledge base about people and their interactions is still very inadequate: second each individual person is very important. Each person has tremendous potential. She or he alone can influence the lives of others within the communities, nations, within and beyond her or his own time. Background of the Study Successful human resource management makes it possible for the organization to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization by the†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. So it acts an important role in HR department. As a part of BBA program, my honorable supervisor, Ms. Monsura Zaman, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.., assigned me to prepare a report on related topic on Human Resource Management course. I have selected our report topic as â€Å"HRM practice in microcredit Sector of Bangladesh (Grameen Bank).†. Executive Summary The importance of human resources management (HRM) practices to the success or failure of organizational development system performance has, until recently, been generally overlooked. In recent years it has been increasingly recognized that getting HR policy and management. In this paper, I take my theoretical point of departure in recent work in organizational economics on systems of human resource management (HRM) practices. Though this program good balance between theory and practice is gained. Furthermore this is Thesis assignment is a vital requirement for obtaining Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program. I worked Grameen Bank’, how they practice HRM on their microcredit sector. Microcredit is the extension of very small loans (microloans) to impoverished borrowers who typically lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history. It is designed not only to support entrepreneurship and alleviate poverty, but also in many cases to empower women and uplift entire communities by extension. In many communities, women lack the highly stable employment histories that traditional lenders tend to require. Many are illiterate, and therefore unable to complete paperwork required to get conventional loans. As of 2009 an estimated 74 million men and women held microloans that totaled US$38 billion. Grameen Bank reports that repayment success rates are between 95 and 98 per cent. Report Overview Introduction Background of HRM: Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage organization. It comprises of the functions and principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing, and compensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable to business organizations, such as acting, news presenters and Models etc. Human Resource Management is defined as the set of activities, programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both organizational as well as employee effectiveness. Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of his entry into an organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM. The divisions included in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management, Training and Development, Retention, Employee Relation, etc. A human resources management (HRM) professional is responsible for successfully acquiring, developing, motivating, and retaining employees. That is, they are on the â€Å"people†side of business operations, and because people do the work of organizations, a company’s success rests heavily on the quality of its HRM. An HRM professional is a full business partner who adds value to business decisions and aligns HR practices with those decisions. The work calls on you to know about compensation and benefits, labor relations laws, how to forecast working needs, organizational learning, and organizational change. Students’ specialty courses include â€Å"Competitive HRM Practices,†â€Å"Negotiations,†and â€Å"Cultural Aspects of International Business.†They also select an honors seminar in â€Å"Management of Innovation.†In the classroom and on co-op, students gain the acting base of knowledge and the business expertise that’ s needed as an HRM professional. Human resource management is an effective tool for students interested in helping businesses succeed in a changeable personnel environment. This guide is based on Human Resource Management in a Business Context, and includes links to extra articles, notes, tips and exercises. It introduces you to the essential elements of HRM, its origins and applications. HRM is viewed as an all-embracing term describing a number of distinctive approaches to people management. They help you to understand and evaluate the different and sometimes ambiguous views of human resource management by investigating its origins, explanatory models, technology and practice. Human resource (or personnel) management has in the sense of getting things through people. It’s an essential part of every manager’s responsibilities, but many organizations find it advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the huma n resource function is performed efficiently. â€Å"People are our most valuable asset†is a clichà © which no member of any senior management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations is that their people remain under valued under trained under utilized poorly motivated, and consequently perform well below their true capability The rate of change facing organizations has never been greater and organizations must absorb and manage change at a much faster rate than in the past. In order to implement a successful business strategy to face this challenge, organizations, large or small, must ensure that they have the right people capable of delivering the strategy. The market place for talented, skilled people is competitive and expensive. Taking on new staff can be disruptive to existing employees. Also, it takes time to develop ‘cultural awareness’, product/ process/ organization knowledge and experience for new staff members. As organizations vary in size, aims, functions, complexity, construction, the physical nature of their product, and appeal as employers, so do the contributions of human resource management. But, in most the ultimate aim of the function is to: â€Å"ensure that at all times the business is correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the bu siness needs†, that is, neither overstaffed nor understaffed in total or in respect of any one discipline or work grade. These issues motivate a well thought out human resource management strategy, with the precision and detail of say a marketing strategy. Failure in not having a carefully crafted human resources management strategy, can and probably will lead to failures in the business process itself. Origin of the Report: This report has been prepared as a requirement of the Thesis program based upon the Grameen Bank where my organization supervisor is Golam Morshed Mohammed (Senior Principal Officer, International Program Dept.), and my institution supervisor is Golam Mahbubul Alam,( Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University). My institute supervisor duly approved the topic decided for doing the report. Since the MBA program is an integrated, practical and theoretical method of learning, the students of this program are required to have practical exposure in any kind of business organization in last term of this course. Scope and Objectives of the Study A clear objective helps in preparation of well decorated report in which other take the right type of decision. So I identify objective are very much important. Our purpose of preparing the report is: To know the human resource management (HRM) practice of Grameen Bank. To identify the various avenues for improving the HRM policies of Grameen Bank To know about the management ability of Grameen Bank. Suggesting strategies to improve the HRM policies of Grameen Bank. This study covers the HRM policies of Grameen Bank along with some recommendations to improve the HRM policies of Grameen Bank. Methodology A sample survey was conducted to collect primary data using two pre-designed survey instruments from concerned groups following an appropriate sample design. In view of the complexities involved in generating quantitative data for assessing the real impact, qualitative data were also collected. In the context of the unique features of the area an attempt was made to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the private HRM sector. Data Collection: This study is mainly based on secondary data available from the various divisions and departments of Grameen Bank, in addition to these other necessary information have been collected from the relevant journals, annual reports of the Grameen bank, website and publications of other relevant institutions have also been taken into consideration. Primary sources of data: Face to face conversation with the Grameen Bank administrative dept. and International depts. Officers & staffs. Conversation with the clients. Different’ manuals of Grameen Bank. Secondary sources of data: Procedure manual published by the Grameen Bank. Files and documents of the branch. Annual report of Grameen Bank. Unpublished data. Different text books. Web sites. Unstructured data: This data was compiled using information from Grameen Bank branch and centre visits, informal discussions with branch managers, field staff and various management level officers conducted during field and head office visits. Limitations of the Study As a student of faculty of Business Administration, this is my first initiative for making a report on â€Å"HRM Practice in Microcredit sector of Bangladesh: A case study on Grameen Bank†. By meeting with officers, I was really unable to collect enough information from due to their official restrictions. While carry out the study I had to face a few limitations, which are mentioned below: The main constraint of the study is inadequate access to information. The employees did not disclose much information for the sake of the confidentiality of the organization. Since the bank and other companies personal were very busy, they could provide me very little time. The clients were too busy to provide me much time for interview. The time frame fixed to prepare the study report was hard to be met. As a result, sufficient concentration could be given on it, which was needed for a much better study. Chapter 2 An Overview on Microcredit in Bangladesh What is Microcredit? Much of the current interest in microcredit stems from the Microcredit Summit (2-4 February 1997), and the activities that went into organizing the event. The definition of microcredit that was adopted there was: Microcredit: programmers extend small loans to very poor people for self-employment projects that generate income, allowing them to care for themselves and their families. Definitions defer, of course, from country to country. Some of the defining criteria used include- size – loans are micro, or very small in size target users – microenterpreneurs and low-income households utilization – the use of funds – for income generation, and enterprise development, but also for community use (health/education) etc. terms and conditions – most terms and conditions for microcredit loans are flexible and easy to understand, and suited to the local conditions of the community. Three C’s of Credit Character: means how a person has handled past debt obligations: Form credit history and personal background, honesty and reliability of the borrower to pay credit debts are determined. Capacity: means how much debt a borrower can comfortably handle. Income streams are analyzed and any legal obligations looked into, which could interfere in repayment. Capital: means current available assets of the borrower, such as real estate, savings or investment that could be used to repay debt if income should be unavailable. Microcredit in Bangladesh Microcredit programs in Bangladesh is implemented by NGOs, Grameen Bank, state-owned commercial banks, private commercial banks, and specialized programs of some ministries of Bangladesh government. In the microfinance sector total loan outstanding is around TK 248 billion (including Grameen Bank TK 72 billion) and savings TK168 billion. The total clients of this sector is 35 million (including 8.4 million clients from Grameen Bank) that accelerates overall economic development process of the country. Credit services of this sector can be categorized into six broad groups: i) general microcredit for small-scale self employment based activities, ii) microenterprise loans, iii) loans for ultra poor, iv) agricultural loans, v) seasonal loans, and vi) loans for disaster management. Loan amounts up to BDT 50,000 are generally considered as microcredit; loans above this amount are considered as microenterprise loans. LICENSING STATUS OF THE NGO-MFIS IN BANGLADESH The Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA), established by the government in August 2006, received applications from 4241 private institutions (NGO-MFIs). But, around 1000 applications of them were found to be very small organizations that had fewer than 1000 borrowers or less than the USD 58,000 in outstanding loans that is generally considered as the minimum initial operating portfolio of a single branched MFI to be sustainable. However, till August 2012 the MRA had approved licenses in favor of 651 NGOs. There are another 210 applications are under process for a final decision although they are mostly small organizations but with some potentiality to become viable in course of time. As of August 2012, 3380 applications have been rejected. Recently MRA has invited new applications for obtaining license to conduct microcredit activities. STATE OF MICROCREDIT IN BANGLADESH In the backdrop of global ‘double-dip’ recession and over-indebtedness crisis in microcredit sector in several countries, Bangladesh’s microfinance sector shows strong resilience and continues to contribute towards enhancement of macroeconomic growth. Bangladesh microfinance sector is mature now and its assets constitute around 3 percent of GDP in 2011. Total outstanding loan of this sector (only licensed MFIs) has increased by 20.0 percent from BDT 145.0 billion in June 2010 to BDT 173.8 billion in June, 2011 disbursed among 20.7 million poor people, helping them to be self-employed and accelerating overall economic development process of the country. The total savings has also increased by 23.25 percent to BDT 63.3 billion in June 2011 compared to previous year from 26.1 million clients, over 93 percent of them are women. Table 2 shows the market scenario of NGO-MFIs in Bangladesh. The top three MFIs contribute 54 percent of total loan outstanding as well as savings of the microfinance sector in Bangladesh. Two of the largest MFIs, viz., BRAC & ASA, are each serving over five million borrowers. There are a few more developing fast. On the other hand the smallest 428 NGO-MFIs have contributed only 4 percent of total loan outstanding and 5 percent of total savings. Institutional concentration ratio is highly skewed in favor of large MFIs: just 22 institutions are in control of 76 percent of the market share while three largest organizations have control of over 50 percent in terms of both clients and total financial portfolios. Table 3 depicts the scenario of micro enterprise loan, i.e., loans above BDT 50,000, of different NGO-MFIs in Bangladesh. It is observed that micro enterprise loan outstanding is BDT 40 billion which is around 24 percent of total loan outstanding in which the top ten NGO-MFIs contributed around 19 percent. It also shows that BDT 40 billion is disbursed to around 6 lakh borrowers which are only 3 percent of total borrowers. The table expresses that only the top NGO-MFIs are capable to run micro enterprise loan. Selected Indicators of NGO-MFIs in Bangladesh It is observed from table 4 that savings per member has been increasing over the years. In 2006 savings per member was Tk. 1,207 which stands at Tk.2495 in 2011 – an increase to more than double within the last five years. The loan outstanding per borrower also increased over the years and average growth rate of loan outstanding per borrower is around 17 percent in 2011 compared to the previous year. The loan outstanding per borrower has increased by more than 100 percent within the last five years. These two indicators, savings per member (average saving size) and outstanding loan per borrower (average loan size) increased over time perhaps due to the increase in the income level of the poor resulting in an increase in their need for higher amount of loans from the MFIs. The ratio between borrowers to clients (members) remained steady for the last few years, which is within 70 to 80 percent and the savings to outstanding loan ratio has also been stable from 2006 to 2011. Since the total number of branches of MFIs has increased at a much higher rate in 2011 compared to the previous year, the number of members and borrowers per branch has decreased. Substantial rate of increase in the sizes of loans per borrower and savings per member has resulted in a rise in the total loan outstanding and savings in the sector. Consequently outstanding loan and saving per branch has also increased. The loan outstanding amount per branch which was TK 8.42 million in 2010 has increased by 14.4 percent in 2011.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
MARKETING MANAGEMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Research Paper Example 88; Valentin, 2001). This explains why most of the colleges and universities are very focused on equipting all future managers with regards to the use of this particular analytical tool in business (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Chan, 2011). As defined by Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (2012, p. 40), competitive advantage is â€Å"a set of features of a company and its products that are perceived by the target market as signficant and superior to the competition†. Considering the tight market competition that is currently going on in both domestic and international market, the ability of the managers to develop and create a competitive advantage on behalf of the company becomes very important. With the purpose of gaining more insight on how to critically examine both internal and external factors that can significantly affect the success or failure of a business organization, this study will focus more on critically evaluating the main role of the SWOT analysis framework particularly w hen it comes to establishing strategic priorities that will improve the company’s ability to compete within the local and international market. ... 88) defined SWOT analysis as a â€Å"technique for focusing an individual’s or group’s attention on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats†. Using a 2 x 2 matrix, the main purpose behind the use of the SWOT analysis framework is to help executive managers make important decisions that can affect the company’s short-term and long-term overall business performance (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Oetomo and Ardini, 2012). According to Ommani (2011), it is possible to conduct a SWOT analysis to help the business people and executive managers gain a better understanding and full insight with regards to the company’s past business experiences. By going through the previous experinces of the managers, Ommani (2011) explained that the company’s top executives can think better in terms of developing effective solutions to the problems. For example, through the use of this particular analytical framework, executive managers will be able to ident ify the company’s current position in the market and all signs of potential future risks. Specifically the identified strenghs and weaknesses are internal factors whereas opportunities and threats are external factors that can significantly affect the business (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012). Using the SWOT analysis framework, executive managers will also be able to compare and constrast the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses with that of its close competitors (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Murray-Webster, 2010, p. 88). According to Ferrell and Hartline (2011, p. 120), the SWOT analysis framework is the simpliest and most effective strategic planning tool which can be used in the study and analysis of all marketing facts and figures. It means that through the use of
Friday, September 27, 2019
IT Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
IT Industry - Essay Example The better they manage their asset the better they perform in the industry. We can rightly say that a healthy workforce leads to a healthy business. It's the policies in each organization which either makes them a favorite or not so sought after. However it is very necessary that each organization should carve out some policies for their employees so that they have a feeling that they are taken care of. There are many such organizations which have done this beautifully well and are now reaping the success. One such organization is IBM. Not only has this organization seen a tremendous growth but has also become one of the most sought after organizations for IT professionals all over the world. IBM is undoubtedly one of the most sought after organizations for IT professionals all over the world. Whichever country we may consider and ask its IT professionals the reply will most of the time lay in favor of IBM. What makes it so Is it just the brand name Or is there something more to it If it had been just the brand name then it would not have gone so far in becoming one of the most favored organizations to work with. There is definitely more to it. A very tempting area is the diversity of domains in which it works; there are a lot of options available for one, after he/she joins the organization. The list goes on like this; Aerospace and defense, Automotive, Banking, Chemicals and Petroleum, Consumer Products, Education, Electronics, Energy and Utilities, Financial Markets, healthcare, Insurance, Life Sciences, Media and entertainment, Retail, Telecommunications, Travel and Transportation, Wholesale Distribution, Cross-Industry. The women work force is also not left behind. We can say there is something for satisfying everybody's needs. The driving force for women to join IBM is the fact that its policies are very considerate towards working women who also have a family to take care of. The organization understands that there may be times when the lady of the house cannot move out; for those difficult days there is an option for work-from-home the working hours are also flexible. These are definitely a boon for people who have responsibilities in their personal lives. The organization also thinks about the health needs of its people and has a very well developed gymnasium in almost all the office premises. One indication of good policies is if we are able to find a good number of employees who are with the organization for a long time. This indicates that they are too satisfied to think of a change in their work environments. Having spoken to an employee who has been with the organization since long, got a view of an insider and why the attrition rate is lower than many of its competitors. When asked why does he work there This is what he has to say "They are one of the best pay masters, and then the opportunity to go onsite is very often." Who doesn't love to earn money After all most of us work for money; and that's what is common throughout the world, however with due respect to all those people who work as volunteers or with NGOs. When asked about the work culture He says it to be "Cool, though there is pressure at times but the work environment is fun to work in. then on days when he doesn't have too much of work at office; he can plan for
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Impact of culture on globalization strategies Essay - 2
Impact of culture on globalization strategies - Essay Example ly discussed the extent of corporate obligations of MNCs through a presentation of traditional theories popularized by Adam Smith (Theory of Moral Sentiments), Bentham and Mill (concept of utilitarianism), Smith’s ethical nature of political economy, and Milton Friedman’s minimalist approach to corporate obligations. According the Friedman, the only social responsibility of a business is to enhance the wealth of the firms stockholders (1962). However, Cobb concluded that â€Å"while there is no firm agreement on the extent of corporate responsibility, most discussions move beyond this minimalist approach†(2000, 2). The model which examines corporate responsibility is the stakeholder model which was defined as â€Å"firm managers must recognize the legitimate rights of the firms claimants in making decisions. The claimants include not only stockholders and employees but also others who can influence or are influenced by the decisions of a firm (Pearce & Robinson, 1982). Claimants commonly include customers, suppliers, governments, financial institutions, unions, competitors, local communities, and the general public.†(Cobb, 2000, 3) As stakeholders increase in number and become more diverse due to globalization, the more those cultural and ethical norms should be incorporated in international transactions. A discussion on the moral philosophy delved into identifying its three parts: value, the good and duty; and different societies view moral philosophy differently. Likewise, Cobb emphasized that â€Å"cultures are constantly evolving and the ethical and cultural norms of a society will change over time†(2000, 4). Trade, on the other hand, has an effect in adapting the cultural and ethical norms of MNCs. Cobb clearly explained that â€Å"when there is a long history of peaceful coexistence between countries, social interaction will develop, and some cultural norms of the countries will be accepted by the other country. Along with the acceptance of the cultural
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
D.P Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
D.P - Essay Example Vonnegut narrates the fact that Joe is teased by his fellows in the orphanage as well as by other people who live in the area surrounding the orphanage. He is a very sweet and innocent young boy who is made aware of his uniqueness by the people who surround him. Joe is misguided by a mechanic who enjoys making fun of him that his father is in the area and he looks like Joe. Joe sets out looking for him and he considers a black soldier sergeant to be his father. He eventually returns to the orphanage but only after he is given hope by the sergeant that he will come back to take Joe with him. The story has a very deep and important meaning and theme. Vonnegut explains the phenomenon of racism and how deep rooted this issue is and he also presents the lives of young children who get displaced by wars and their search for hope and happiness. Joe is a black and he is always made a target by the people of the village where they are taken for walks by the nuns. He is also teased by a boy na med Peter in the orphanage who is elder than him and who always keeps on reminding him that he is not a part of this community. This can be seen when Joe states to the nun, â€Å"But Peter says I don’t belong here, that I’m not a German and never can be.†This highlights the fact that Peter always tries to make young Joe feel bad. This may be due to the fact that Peter is old enough and he remembers his good times and he has the memories of his family which make him feel worst about his condition. This probably serves as a drive for him to make other children feel the sadness as he does in his life. Joe is also targeted by the people in the village and a mechanic and other people who work in the village usually ask him mocking questions. The mechanic compares him to a world heavy weight champion as he and the villagers considered the champion Joe Louis to be the only known black. Joe is an innocent child and he always questions the nuns as to why they ask him su ch questions. He does not understand why he is targeted as once he asks the nun, â€Å"Why do people smile when they see me, and try to make me sing and talk, and then laugh when I do?†Though he is unable to understand the reason why people behave with him the way they do but he does know that he is different from the other people and he asks the nun about why he does not see other people like him in the village. Joe always tries to find ways to understand about his identity. The nun always tries to raise his spirit. He is a displaced child and she understands the difficulties that he may be coming across. â€Å"Joe, Joe! Look quickly,†said the nun â€Å"See-up there, in the tree. See the little sparrow with the broken leg. Oh, poor, brave little thing- he still gets around quite well. See him, Joe?†Hop, hop, hippity-hop.†By saying these lines to little John, the nurse tries to raise his spirit and motivate him by giving him the example of a sparrow wh o is hurt and hence he cannot fly like other birds but still he is brave and facing the situation. In a similar manner, she tries to infuse courage in the little boy so that he does not get disheartened. The story explains the wants and desires of displaced children who try to search for happiness in their lives. When Joe is informed by the mechanic that his father is in town, he truly believes him.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Practical and Written Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Practical and Written Assessment - Assignment Example As far as the profitability of the company was concerned, it has been quite impressive in past decade in the automotive industry, as the growth and profit margin of the company in Figure 1 reveals. Figure 1: Growth of Profit and Margin of Porsche Source: (Moffett, 2005) The strategy that Porsche followed for both Cayenne and Boxster was a combination of outsourcing, licensing and in sourcing to influence the investment of the shareholder. Due to this strategy of the company, they enjoyed high return on the invested capital (ROIC), as the increasing sales of the product line shows in Figure 2. Figure 2: Augmenting Sales of Various Product lines of Porsche Source: (Moffett, 2005) During the fall and summer of 2005, two significant announcements were made by Porsche, which changed the directions. The first announcement was that Panamera would be manufactured by the company through company’s own funds and in their own factories. The second decision was that Porsche invested around 3 billion in Volkswagen AG at an interest rate of 20 percent, which was an underperforming automaker of Germany then (Eiteman, Stonehill and Moffett, 2010). In this section of the study, the focus of discussion would be on the strategic decisions that the company has made which augmented its ROIC. ROIC signifies the efficiency of the company in allocating the capital, such that it can get profitable returns on investments. The return assures how well the company is utilising its funds for generating returns. The ROIC can be calculated by subtracting dividends from net income and dividing it by the total capital. All the product line of Porsche, especially Cayenne had a high operating margin as can be seen in Figure 2, in comparison to any other European automobile company. As it has been discussed that Porsche incorporated pioneering strategies and business decisions embedded with technology and capital for Cayenne and Boxster, which was evident from the sales figures. Porsche Boxs ter was manufactured in Finland by Valmet. So the company skilfully utilised other’s money to manufacture and sell its products. It was working through licensed manufacturing agreement trough which Valmet utilised its own tools and factories for manufacturing Boxster. This decreased the capital requirements of Porsche, which the company utilised to support its own business (Moffett, 2005) Porsche invested around $3 billion in Volkswagen AG, which was though the worst performing company in the industry, but prospects of the company to excel in future were immense, which is why Porsche entered into a strategic alliance with Volkswagen. Due to this reason, it was responsible for approximately 30 percent of automotive manufacturing of Porsche and also assembling. Porsche co-manufactured Cayenne with Volkswagen. The chassis of Cayenne was assembled by Volkswagen on the same assembly line of Volkswagen Touareg. This again reduced the capital requirement of Porsche and allowed the c ompany to focus its capital towards the development of the company. The above strategic decision of the company resulted in the augmenting ROIC of Porsche (Eiteman, Stonehill and Moffett, 2010). Answer 2 The section question of this case is regarding Veselina Dinova’s point of view regarding the attitude of the company towards creating value towards shareholders. Vesi was in dilemma whether Porsche’
Monday, September 23, 2019
Reflection paper9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflection paper9 - Essay Example es around that scenario, assessing how people would go on without oil, like transportation gets affected, the cost of oil rises, food gets affected and even schools are closed down. Thus, Jane’s focus is more on making people realize the value of things, which we take granted, and then to learn how to survive without those things. On the other hand, Brenda narrates a story, involving her daughter; Brenda asked her daughter about what she learned in school, and her daughter told her about the Middle Passage, but the way she explained her mother the historical event, it was like she didn’t grasp the true meaning of it. Thus, Brenda believes that video games can be used to illustrate historical events, so that children can better understand what they are learning at school and would be able to explain to others too. This is how different Jane and Brenda are, in their quest to change the world, with the help of games. This is a website, which is developed to help children and teachers learn subjects, through a different and attractive way. There are many subjects on this website like foreign language, music, language, arts and math. On this website, there are lectures for each of the subjects mentioned and the most interesting thing are the video lectures, which appeal to both the teacher and the student. There are animations found on the website, which are developed by experts and these animations have the ability to engage the audience. Thus, if teachers use these resources, then students would learn different concepts more easily and the visuals would also help them retain information. This website is a great tool for sharing ideas and changing attitudes of students, towards studies. There are conferences related to education on this website, it creates lessons which can be shared and there is a whole library of them on the website, consisting of resources and links. The most interesting thing here is that the user can share lectures and videos using social
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Role of the Youth in Establishing Unity in a Diversified Multicultural Society Essay Example for Free
The Role of the Youth in Establishing Unity in a Diversified Multicultural Society Essay The Role of the Youth in Establishing Unity in a Diversified Multicultural Society Years passed, adults have tried to control youth because they represent the future. Young people often fight back, trying to create their own world that is separate from their parents. At the end of World War II they were finally given a name: â€Å"teen-agers,†an ideal of young people as consumers. That model for youth spread around the world, and still exists today. Throughout history, young people have played an active role in shaping major social and political advancements. Today’s growing globalization and cross-border movements create an environment, which is increasingly diverse in terms of culture and religion. Young people’s contribution to understanding the impact of this diversity on everyday life as well as politics is now more crucial than ever. Moreover, as they constitute the largest segment of population in many regions, the role of youth in shaping their country’s response to cultural and religious diversity is vital. We clearly see youth as an essential asset – a crucial pool of talent, ideas and energy – that plays a critical role in addressing the challenges related to global and local instability. We must get control of this. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing. We believe that it is important to recognize young people’s own contribution to promoting respect and understanding and fostering dialogue among people of different backgrounds. With teenage unemployment soaring, young people can no longer influence the world with their wallets. As student protests began exploding across the globe this fall, we felt compelled to connect our work to these burgeoning movements. Similar generational conflict and disparate youth movements were born out of the Great Depression. These movements share a common goal: to re-imagine the future. It’s an exciting premise that is perhaps the hallmark of adolescence, and a vision typical of history’s most influential youth cultures. Many adults discredit youthful rebellion simply as an emotional rite of passage. However, it is our belief that this style of unrest can bring about real change.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Hemingway’s exploration of loneliness… Essay Example for Free
Hemingway’s exploration of loneliness†¦ Essay Ernest Hemingway is known for his surprisingly brief and ‘quiet’ short stories that tackle numerous topics through different approaches. In his stories, â€Å"Cat in the Rain†and â€Å"A Clean and Well-lighted place†Hemingway tackles the issue of loneliness. In both of these stories the theme of loneliness is not directly addressed, instead a subtle and discreet amount of symbolism is used to imply the theme while allowing the reader critical thought which is important in appreciating either of these stories. In â€Å"A Clean and well-lighted Place†Hemingway skimps on the characters and focuses on the parallel symbols between the client in the cafe and the waiters to approach the theme of loneliness. In this story, a young waiter who is in a hurry to close the cafe converses with an older waiter who is more considerate in understanding why a deaf old man prefers to stay late in the cafe drinking brandy. In this story, Hemingway presents three faces of loneliness, the first being symbolized by the deaf, brandy-drinking, old man. In the story, the old man attempts to kill himself prior to his appearance in the cafe, hence, the discussion between the waiters in the lines, â€Å"Last week he tried to commit suicide, one waiter said. †Why? He was in despair. †(Hemingway) The waiters, in their conversation, also mention that the old man is very wealthy and lives with only with his niece; later, they also get into talking about the old man’s wife and his family. (Hemingway) From these implied characterizations, the old man is experiencing loneliness because he has nobody left in his life except his niece, and the mere fact that he is living with his niece also possibly implies that he had no children or his children had left him already. The most potent indicator of loneliness for this old man is the fact that he stays up very late drinking brandy; which Hemingway then contrasts with the young waiter who is in a hurry to go home because he had a wife waiting for him, and who claims that, he has confidence and that he is all confidence. (Hemingway) With these, Hemingway implies that the young fellow was experiencing a loneliness that was normal for his age – the loneliness of fulfillment; that although he had almost everything, a job, a wife, and his youth, he was not yet fulfilled. Finally, the third approach that Hemingway employed was to present loneliness as a tie that binds all lonely people together. In the story, one will notice that the older waiter is quite considerate of the old deaf man, hence, the lines, â€Å"Why didnt you let him stay and drink? the unhurried waiter asked. †(Hemingway) The reason for this consideration comes at the end of the story when the older waiter, after work, goes to a bar for lack of a cleaner and brighter place to go to, and spends the rest of the time drinking brandy as well, because he claims he has insomnia; but in fact, he too is lonely which explains why he had sympathized with the old deaf man. In â€Å"Cat in the Rain†Hemingway brings out another kind of loneliness known to many as domestic loneliness, or the anonymity between the wife and the husband. Here, in this story, Hemingway uses the cat in the rain to symbolize the desire of the female character to have a child of her own to which her husband seems indifferent. The woman sees a cat in the rain, by the ledge of their hotel window and remarks, â€Å"Im. going down and get that kitty,†(Hemingway); to this, the husband merely, â€Å"went on reading, lying propped up with the two pillows at the foot of the bed. †(Hemingway) after being refused by his wife on his offer to go out and get the cat himself. Here now, one notices the indifference of the husband. The loneliness of the wife is implied in the fact that normally, when a husband and a wife are in a room together, nothing else exists, but since the wife saw the kitten, then she was looking out of the window which illustrate that she was in deep thought to have noticed something other than her husband. In a way, the wife is lonely because she is dissatisfied with her married life – this is clear in the scene after she is unable to retrieve the cat and she goes back to the room. (Hemingway) While sitting in front of the mirror she blurts out many things such as wanting her hair long to which her husband seems unabashed. The matter of loneliness is even compounded when after wanting her hair long, the wife enumerates a number of other things that she wants, to include, â€Å"I want to pull my hair back tight and smooth and make a big knot at the back, I want to have a kitty to sit on my, I want to eat at a table with my own silver and I want candles†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and she goes on and on until the husband is annoyed and tells her to shut up. Here, Hemingway uses the material desires of the woman to symbolize the depth of her loneliness with her husband; that her husband was not giving her enough attention, so she wanted many other things to compensate for this lack. Despite the very short executions of these two stories, Hemingway was able to get his message across. The distinct and unique feature of both of these stories is the subtlety in the way the author delivers and conveys the message and the expanded use of symbols to discreetly convey the central thematic of loneliness. References Hemingway, E. (2000). Cat in the Rain. Retrieved July 24, 2010, from http://www. my-forum. org/_79008/Ernest_Hemingway__Cat_in_the_Rain_151745. html Hemingway, E. (2001). A Clean and Well-lighted Place. Retrieved July 24, 2010, from http://www. mrbauld. com/hemclean. html
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reducing Communication and Processing Overhead
Reducing Communication and Processing Overhead RACE: Reducing Communication And Processing Overhead And Ensuring Security Milu Sayed Liyamol Aliyar Abstract RACE, Report based payment scheme for multi-hop wireless network. Race is a secure incentive protocol which used for the multi-hop wireless network, helps packet transmission and enforce fairness. The protocol uses the concept of evidences and the regularity of the nodes. The trusted party evaluates the nodes competence and reliability. The payment method recompenses nodes that impart packets and toll the send incentives and are present in the reports. It submits the light weight payment reports to trusted party for update the credit incentives. AC(accounting center) verifies the regularity of the reports. For fair reports it has less processing overhead and for cheating reports it find the cheating nodes and evicts it. RACE finds the cheating nodes by requesting evidences.For reducing the overhead, the evidence aggregation technique is used. The evaluation of performance and analysis of security demonstrates it has less overhead and less payment clearance delay. Extensive evaluation of RACE provides that it’s robust against the unauthorized access. Extensive study for restraining fraudulent is in progress. Keywordsâ€â€Incentive, payment, RACE, Accounting center Introduction (Heading 1) INTRODUCTION Now-a-days the multi-hop wireless n/w application is tremendously increased. The more technology advances the more vastness of the subject increases. Multi-hop wireless n/w there are number of hop exits from origin to destination. To reduce the flooding attacks. The nodes in cooperates in imparting information from one node to another. The nodes can be malicious or selfish. In multi-hop wireless networks (MWNs), the traffic originated from a node is usually relayed through the other nodes to the destination for enabling new applications and enhancing the network performance and deployment. MWNs can be deployed readily at low cost in developing and rural areas. Multi-hop packet relay can extend the network coverage using limited transmit power, improve area spectral efficiency, and enhance the network throughput and capacity. MWNs can also implement many useful applications such as data sharing and multimedia data transmission. For example, users in one area (residential neighborhood, university campus, etc.) having different wireless- enabled devices, e.g., PDAs, laptops, tablets, cell phones, etc., can establish a network to communicate, distribute files, and share information.[1] Now-a-days the interest in multi-hop wireless networks is increasing MWNs and can be deployed readily at low cost in developing and rural areas. Multi-hop packet relay can extend the network coverage using limited transmit power, improve area spectral efficiency, and enhance the network throughput and capacity. A good payment scheme should be secure, and require low overhead. However, the existing receipt-based payment schemes impose significant processing and communication overhead and implementation complexity. The incentive schemes can be divides into two and are reputation and credit based system. Reputation based scheme Reputation schemes mainly depend on sending information from one node to the neighboring nodes and keep a track of these nodes so that can eventually helps to find the node which is corrupted or malicious. In reputation based the selfish nodes are punished. Credit based scheme Here a node relying the packets from one to other is service. In this unlike reputed scheme, the nodes are not punished when they do not cooperate. It prompts nodes to collaborate with the other nodes for transaction Multi-hop Wireless Networks Mainly develop a suite of efficient security mechanisms and protocols for mobile ad-hoc and multi-hop cellular networks. Specifically, we focus on thwarting packet-dropping and selfishness attacks, privacy preserving for user , and creating more determined routes to reduce the breaking of the routes , thus boosting the network performance in terms of end -to- end packet delay, packet delivery ratio, throughput, etc.[10] Efficient and Secure Credit-Based Incentive Mechanism We develop a fair efficient secure credit-based incentive mechanism that uses credits (or micropayment) to charge the nodes that impart the packets, and to toll those relaying packets. In this network origin to destination transfer of the node is shown. Here from origin to destination the node forms a path and the form a hop .Thus for moving from origin to destination there creates a number of hops .for multi-hop network there are number of hops from origin to destination. cellular networks. Specifically, we focus on thwarting packet-dropping and selfishness attacks, privacy preserving for user , and creating more determined routes to reduce the breaking of the routes , thus boosting the network performance in terms of end -to- end packet delay, packet delivery ratio, throughput, etc. We develop a fair efficient secure credit-based incentive mechanism that uses credits (or micropayment) to charge the nodes that impart the packets, and to toll those relaying packets. In this network origin to destination transfer of the node is shown. Here from origin to destination the node forms a path and the form a hop .Thus for moving from origin to destination there creates a number of hops .for multi-hop network there are number of hops from origin to destination. MICROPAYMENT Micropayment is a online and e commerce payment for transferring money from one system to one another node .A micropayment is a incentive transaction involving sum of money and usually one that occurs online. PayPal defines a micropayment as a transaction of less than 12 USD Applications Mesh networks may involve either fixed or mobile devices. The solutions are as diverse as communication needs, for example in difficult environments such as emergency situations, tunnels, oil rigs, battlefield surveillance, high speed mobile video applications on board public transport or real time racing car telemetry. An important possible application for wireless mesh networks is VoIP. By using a Quality of Service scheme, the wireless mesh may support local telephone calls to be routed through the mesh. Some current applications: U.S. military forces are now using wireless mesh networking to connect their computers, mainly ruggedized laptops, in field operations. Electric meters now being deployed on residences transfer their readings from one to another and eventually to the central office for billing without the need for human meter readers or the need to connect the meters with cables. The laptops in the One Laptop per Child program use wireless mesh networking to enable students to exchange files and get on the Internet even though they lack wired or cell phone or other physical connections in their area. The 66-satellite Iridium constellation operates as a mesh network, with wireless links between adjacent satellites. Calls between two satellite phones are routed through the mesh, from one satellite to another across the constellation, without having to go through an earth station. This makes for a smaller travel distance for the signal, reducing latency, and also allows for the constellation to operate with far fewer earth stations that would be required for 66 traditional communications satellite II SYSTEM DESIGN Contribution: is the first to verify the payment by investigating the consistency of the nodes’ reports without: Systematically relenting Processing security tokens imprecise allegation Proposed System Security was emphasized both for merchants and customers. Server has end to end transaction. It does not handle with public key only with the private key and message digest. Mutual authentication between users is for security purposes. Valid signature gives a recipient reason to believe that the message was created by non sender. Message digest the representation of the text in the form of single string of digit created using a formula. The comparison factors between the other existing system are symmetric key ,falcified data, duplicated data Race mechanism In the scheme it supports the concepts of reports and evidences. In the reports its of format R={R,F,X} where it gives sessions ids and flag bits and the number of packets sent through the medium. The evidences include E={R, X, Ts, H (MX), h (0), h(X), H (SigS(R, X, Ts,H(MX)), SigD(R, Ts, h(0)))}In race mechanism the portable node will send the the data to the other [10].Each node keeps information about the details of it with it temporarily. When the trusted party asks for the evidences the nodes will sent the evidences. The different phases of the architecture do different duties such as classifier classify the nodes with fair and cheating reports .the cheating reports testified and evicted from the node base on different rules. The evicted nodes are evicted from the network. While cheating occurs the trusted party asks for the evidences and the node will submit the evidences and these evidences are verified .if verified evidences are falcified data the node cannot be able sent the data to the data. III IMPLEMENTATION In the proposed system the system consists of different phases such as Communication phase Classifier phase Identifying cheaters phase Credit update In communication phase it divides into different modules such as rout establishment, data transmission evidence composition, payment report composition/submission Communication phase Communication phase is divides into different sections as shown in below. In this phase communication from one phase to other takes place. In this it temporarily stores the evidences and the reports in this phase. In communication phase it end to end communication. It uses DSR algorithm to transfer the information from one to another. It first sends the route request message (RREQ) and then its session ID’s such as origin and destination. It then send the route reply message send from the destination node. Here it contains the TTL value where TTL is the maximum number of intermediate nodes in the network. When we sent the data from one node to the intermediate node then the TTL value gets decreased. Here a hash chain root is created to send the information from origin to destination. The hash chain authenticated with the signature helps to route the data. Here the evidences are present where the evidences are unmodifiable and undeniable. Network Model Route establishment Data transmission Evidence composition Payment report composition Network Model Route establishment: The mobile nodes are probable assailant but the TP is fully solid. The mobile nodes are autonomous and self-interested and thus motivated to misbehave. The TP is run by an operator that is prompt to make certain the network proper operation. In order to establish an end-to-end route, the origin node broadcasts the Route Request(RREQ) packet containing the identities of the origin (IDS) and the destination (IDD) nodes, time stamp (Ts), and Time-To-Live (TTL). The destination node devises the Route Reply (RREP) packet for the nodes beam the first received RREQ packet, and sends the packet back to the origin node. Data transmission: The origin node sends data packets to the destination node through the established route and the destination node replies with ACK packets. For the Xth data packet, the origin node appends the message MX and its signature to R, X, Ts, and the hash value of the message and sends the packet to the first node in the route. The security tokens of the Xth data and ACK packets are illustrated. The origin node’s signature is an undeniable proof for relying X messages and ensures the message’s authenticity and rectitude. Evidence composition: Evidence is defined as information that is used to establish proof about the eventuality of an event or action, the time of eventuality, the parties involved in the incident, and the outcome of the incident. The impetus of Evidence is to resolve a dispute about the amount of the payment resulted from data transmission. Payment report composition/submission: A payment report is updated by the Trusted Party. After the Trusted Party verification any transaction is updated. By using the Certificate, Public Key, Symmetric Key, the transaction is approved. If the transaction is faulty or fraud, then the Trusted Party verifies it and the transaction is cancelled. The transaction amount will not be updated in the receiver account. Classifier In classifier the nodes consistency is determined. The fair reports and the cheating reports are investigated. Here in cheating reports it will steal the credits . The fair reports are rather complete or broken sessions. Identifying cheaters : In this phase the cheaters are identified using some rules. Our main objective of secured payment is identifying the ones who steals the credit and one who pays less. So for this the TP determines the evidences and the evidences are verified. The evidences consists PROOF where by investigating the proof we can find the cheaters. PROOF is composed by the onion hashing technique. Cheating nodes are evicted from the network. Update credits In this phase credits are updated to the account. The fair reports update in the account. Hera the public/private key pair is use for the communication and the symmetric key is used for the submission of the fair reports. After identifying the duplicated and falcified data from the network they are evicted from the network. Here when first cheating action occurs the cheating node is investigated . In my area of research the identified node is evicted from the network so that they to register again to the trusted party as well as each node is provided with trusted value ie, the node with high trust value helps to transfer the data such as the path in which the data passed is of high trust value it considered as valid path IV CONCLUSION It is of 24 bytes length. Small size reports (≈ 24 bytes).Fair reports are clear with almost no cryptographic operations or processing overhead. It reduce communication and processing overheads significantly. It effective implementation due to little storage required. In this secure values are given t each nodes is considered as future work V REFERENCES [1] Mahmoud And Shen: A Secure Payment Scheme With Low Communication And Processing Overhead For Multihop wireless networks., IEEE Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems, Vol. 24,No. 2, pp. 209-224, February 2013. [2] G. Shen, J. Liu, D. Wang, J. Wang, and S. Jin, â€Å"Multi-Hop Relay for Next-Generation Wireless Access Networks,†Bell Labs Technical J., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 175-193, 2009. [3] C. Chou, D. Wei, C. Kuo, and K. Naik, â€Å"An Efficient Anonymous Communication Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Applications Over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,†IEEE J. Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 192-203, Jan. 2007. [4] H. Gharavi, â€Å"Multichannel Mobile Ad Hoc Links for Multimedia Communications,†Proc. IEEE, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 77-96, Jan. 2008. [5] S. Marti, T. Giuli, K. Lai, and M. Baker, â€Å"Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,†Proc. MobiCom à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸00, pp. 255-265, Aug. 2000. [6] G. Marias, P. Georgiadis, D. Flitzanis, and K. Mandalas, â€Å"Cooperation Enforcement Schemes for MANETs: A Survey,†Wileyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s J. Wireless Comm. and Mobile Computing, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 319-332, 2006. [7] Y. Zhang and Y. Fang, â€Å"A Secure Authentication and Billing Architecture for Wireless Mesh Networks,†ACM Wireless Networks, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 663-678, Oct. 2007. [8] L. Buttyan and J. Hubaux, â€Å"Stimulating Cooperation in Self-Organizing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,†Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 579-592, Oct. 2004. [9] Y. Zhang, W. Lou, and Y. Fang, â€Å"A Secure Incentive Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,†ACM Wireless Networks, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 569-582, Oct. 2007. [10] P.Visalakshi1, R. Dineshbabu2 and K. Vijayalakshmi3 1,2SRM University, MCA Department, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram, India 3St. Peter’s University, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Avadi, Chennai, India
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The presentation of Mr. Lockwood in Wuthering Heights The novel, Essay
The presentation of Mr. Lockwood in Wuthering Heights The novel, Wuthering Heights, begins in the year 1801. The presentation of Mr. Lockwood in â€Å"Wuthering Heights†======================================================= The novel, â€Å"Wuthering Heights†, begins in the year 1801, where we as readers are firstly introduced to the character Mr. Lockwood. Mr. Lockwood narrates the entire novel throughout, almost like an entry in his diary. Lockwood, a young London gentleman, is a newcomer to the Yorkshire Moors, Wuthering Heights. The novel opens after he has just returned from a visit with his landlord and neighbour, Mr. Heathcliff about Thrushcross Grange. One of my first impressions of the character after reading the opening chapter of the novel is that he is enthusiastic about renting out Thrushcross Grange, â€Å" Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant, sir- I do myself the honour of calling as soon as possible after my arrival, to express the hope that I have not inconvenienced you by my perseverance in soliciting the occupation of Thrushcross Grange. I heard, yesterday, you had had some thoughts-â€Å" Mr. Healthcliff, wincing, stops him mid sentence, â€Å" Thrushcross Grange is my own sir,†------------------------------------ Here Mr. Heathcliff cuts him off quite abruptly, a command that most people would understand and would react to, pursuing the questioning no further. However, Mr. Lockwood responds quite differently, showing a weak side to his character early on in the novel. Heathcliff seems to dislike the company of others, he enjoys living in a country place, where quiet and peace is welcomed. Lockwood seems amused that Heathcliff is more extreme and ignorant of social graces; he’s amused that ... ...rds reasons for his behaviour may be quite different from his own. Mr. Lockwood, a somewhat vain and presumptuous gentleman deals very clumsily with the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights. He finds himself at a loss when he witnesses the strange household’s disregard for the social conventions that have always structured his world. As a narrator, his vanity and unfamiliarity with the story occasionally lead him to misunderstand events. His initial visit to Wuthering Heights, in which the mysterious relationships and lurking resentments between the characters create an air of mystery, in particular Lockwood’s ghostly nightmares, during the night he spent in Catherine’s old bed. I think that many of the events that happen in the opening chapters of the novel prefigure many of the events that are to come and show the qualities of the character Mr. Lockwood.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Six-minute walk test Essays -- Health, Exercise
Six-minute walk test There are many tools to assess functional exercise capacity most of which provide good information about body system. The most popular clinical exercise tests are stair climbing, a 6MWT, a shuttle-walk test, detection of exercise-induced asthma, a cardiac stress test and a cardiopulmonary exercise test) (ATS, 2002). In the past, the functional exercise capacity was assessed by asking patients â€Å"How many flights of stairs can you climb or how many blocks can you walk?†; but, this assessment was a subjective measurement. In addition, the first objective tool was in 1960s which was 12 minute walking test; however, it was so exhausting for patients. As a result from that, a 6 minute walking test (6MWT) was found to be used as an objective measurement tool for functional exercise capacity in patients with mild or moderate respiratory diseases and cardiac diseases (ATS, 2002). Many studies have concluded that 6MWT is inexpensive test andâ€Å"†¦ it is easy to administe r, better tolerated, and more reflective of activities of daily living than the other walk tests†(ATS, 2002). Therefore, this essay will describe the 6MWT and comment on administration, application, reliability and validity based on the literature reviews. Chang (2006) mentioned that 6MWT measures the distance that patients can walk on a flat surface as fast as they can with stops needed by patients within 6 minute. In addition, 6 MWT can reflect the exercise level needed for daily tasks. Morales-Blanhir, Vidal, Romero, Castro, Villegas, Zamboni (2010) showed that the major indications for 6MWT are to measure the response to the intervention given to the patients and it can be used for measuring the functional status of patients, as well as a predic... ...patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction were involved in the study. 6MWT was one of the assessment tools and the authors have done the 6MWT in the beginning then they repeat it after 242 days. The authors have compared patients with high 6MWD with patients with lower 6MWD. As a result, they concluded that patients with lower 6MWD had a significantly greater chance of dying (Morales-Blanhir et al, 2010). The 6MWT is the best indicator of existing types of walk tests of functional capacity for children and it can be used to evaluate cardiopulmonary disease. In 2005 a group of authors have examined 74 patients with a mean age of 14.2  ± 1.2 years, and they concluded that 6MWT can be used to evaluate and assess pediatric patients with cardiac and lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis or bronchiolitis obliterans (Morales-Blanhir et al, 2010). .
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Pd help
Outline TWO indicators of morbidity. Include examples in your answer. Morbidity is the incidence or level of illness, disease or injury in a given population. Two indicators of morbidity include: Hospital use, by the cause and number of admissions. It provides a measure of the rates of illness and accidents to the community, major reasons for ill health and information on serious diseases.Yet, it is not descriptive of less serious illnesses and ill health. For example, hospitalisation statistics have limitations as an indicator of morbidity because they treat each episode as a new case rather than having re- admissions of the same condition. Disability and handicap, which is lead to by the incidence of disease or injury. An example of handicap could be an individual injured in an accident which has become impaired, resulting in an abnormal function or loss of physical or mental capacities.This could cause disability by disturbing the individual's normal activity or performance. An ex ample of disability can be loss of ability in verbal communication. . What should consumers consider before choosing complementary and/or alternative health care approaches? (4 Marks) Prior to choosing complementary and/or alternative health care approaches, consumers should investigate the service offered and the credibility of the practitioner.Making informed choices should be completed by gathering information specific to the nature of the alternative medicine, credibility as an effective type of treatment, questioning friends and the community about experiences and recommendations and also the qualifications and experience of practitioners. Alternative medicines have endeavoured the highest quality of treatment by providing courses within the technique. For example, the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia offers an introductory course followed by a 6 month practitioner course to obtain accreditation. 3. Why is it important to prioritise health issues in Australia?
Monday, September 16, 2019
Succubus Shadows Chapter 25
Not even when I felt his life energy come into me. I kept going. He pulled me into his condo, deftly kicking the door shut with his foot. His arms gripped me close, and we never broke the kiss as we stumbled through the living room and into his bedroom. We fell onto the bed, removing each other's clothing with practiced ease, almost like Mexico had just been the warm-up. My hands ran over the lean muscles of his chest, the scent of his skin drowning me. Letting down all restraint made me feel that much giddier – as did the sweet, glorious taste of his soul wrapping around me. Was it my imagination, or was it a little purer than it had been in Mexico? Had one decision to come back and face his fears cleaned that darkness even a little? I didn't know for sure, and even if it wasn't perfect, the energy still felt amazing. â€Å"Why?†he asked at last. His thoughts and feelings were coming through with the energy, and I'd wondered when he'd bring up the question warring with his desire. His hands continued touching me the whole time, one sliding up between my thighs. â€Å"Why now?†I arched my hips against his, crying out softly as his fingers slid into me. His mouth crushed mine, killing off my response for a moment. â€Å"Because I'm tired of fighting it. You're right. We're going to keep coming back to each other over and over†¦.†My eloquent speech was put on hold again when his mouth moved down to my breast, letting his tongue toy with my nipple. â€Å"You've said before you'll risk the shortening of your life†¦. I'll risk your mortality. I'll risk it all to be with you†¦to help you. If you still want it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yes,†he breathed against my flesh. â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"I won't leave you alone through this,†I murmured. â€Å"And I don't want to be alone either†¦.†Those were my last coherent words. He gently rolled himself onto me and slid his hands up my arms so that they could hold my wrists against the bed. I spread my legs, welcoming his body as it pushed into mine. Just like the first time we'd had sex, there was one perfect moment – one moment of astonishing, total completion. Like we'd found something we'd lost and were afraid we'd lose it again if we moved. Then, the metaphysical sentiment was gone, replaced by the driving desire of our bodies. He thrust into me, gently at first, then steadily increased the strength. I stared at him wide-eyed, taking in every feature, refusing to miss one instant of this experience. And believe me, I was getting quite the experience. Aside from the ecstasy of our bodies moving together, I still had his energy and feelings coming in. Knowing what he was thinking as we made love added a whole new dimension to it all. Sometimes with men it would be coherent thoughts. With him, it was just pure emotion. Love and trust and longing†¦feelings so strong that he was willing to risk anything for them, anything to be with me. Even his life. My body burned against his, growing increasingly turned on by the rapture and love on his face juxtaposed with the fierceness of the way he held me and kept pushing into me. Everything grew more intense – both physically and spiritually – and my body finally reached its breaking point. I came with a loud cry and thrashed against him, wanting to free my arms and wrap them around him. He continued holding me until he came, which didn't take much longer. The full burst of his soul's energy flooded me with his orgasm, and I heard myself moaning again at the joy of it. He thrust in a few more times, the motions growing slower and longer as his body took its release. The grip on my wrists loosened, and he shifted over to his side, taking me with him. I pressed against his chest, feeling the racing of his heart and sweat on his skin. My own heart was pounding too as my body reveled in its own satiation. Every part of me still tingled, and though there was really no way to get closer, I tried anyway. I wanted as much skin to touch as possible. I wanted as much of him blending into me as possible. He brushed the hair from my face and rained kisses down upon my forehead. â€Å"So that's the full succubus effect, huh?†â€Å"Yup.†â€Å"Worth it,†he murmured. Already, I could see the loss of energy taking its toll. â€Å"Whatever the cost, worth it.†I refused to allow myself to ponder that cost. Making love in the full throes of my succubus abilities might have added a powerful element, but it had undoubtedly taken years off his life. It wasn't for me to decide if it had been worth it, though. He'd made this choice. Said choice was exhausting him, and I knew he'd soon sleep for a very long time as his body and soul recovered their losses. I shifted so that we changed positions, bringing his head to lie against my breasts. â€Å"Rest,†I said, wrapping my arms around him. He tilted his head, looking up at me with warm, sleepy eyes. â€Å"Don't want to sleep yet†¦I want to stay with you. Will you be here in the morning this time?†â€Å"Yes,†I said, kissing the top of his head. â€Å"I promise. I won't leave you again.†A small smile played over his lips, and he allowed his lids to close. He snuggled against me, body relaxing. â€Å"The world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ he said softly, as sleep began taking him. â€Å"You are the world, Letha†¦.†I stiffened. â€Å"What did you say?†My voice was too loud, jarring enough to momentarily startle him out of the slumber his body now longed for. â€Å"Hmm? I said you were the world, Georgina.†He gave a small yawn. â€Å"That's not what you called me,†I said, trying to keep my voice calm. â€Å"What did I call you? Thetis?†Oh, if only. If only it had been his nickname for me. â€Å"You called me†¦Letha.†He fought to keep his eyes open and yawned again. â€Å"Why would I have said that?†â€Å"I†¦don't know. Where did you hear it?†Yes, indeed. Where would he have heard my name? Hardly anyone knew it. Greater immortals knew it, and that was pretty much it. The only lesser immortals who did were Niphon and Kristin, who'd had access to my records. I was pretty sure they'd never told my other immortal friends. I was confident they'd never told Seth. Seth's brow furrowed a little, then smoothed as he closed his eyes again. â€Å"Don't know. Greek myths, I guess. The River Lethe, where the dead go to wash away the memories from their souls†¦to forget the past. Isn't that right?†â€Å"Yes,†I said, scarcely breathing. Where did he pull that name from? â€Å"Letha, Lethe†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I could barely hear him now. â€Å"Almost the same.†â€Å"Almost,†I agreed. My voice was nearly as inaudible as his. My name. He shouldn't have known my name. A panic I couldn't explain began fluttering within me. Something about my mood must have still penetrated his haze because he stirred slightly, though his eyes remained closed. There was worry in his drowsy words. â€Å"What's wrong?†â€Å"Nothing. Get some rest.†Where had he heard my name? Minutes ago I'd been on fire. Now I felt cold. â€Å"You sure?†he murmured. â€Å"Everything's okay?†He exhaled deeply, and I felt him succumb to sleep with those last words. â€Å"Fine,†I said, staring off into the night. â€Å"Everything's fine.â€
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Newell Rubbermaid Case Study
I believe that Newell Rubbermaid’s departmentalization structure puts the company in a strong position for profitable growth. It was clearly stated that the profit of the company stand good after the implementation of the strategy that was on a down trend for the past two years.  The efforts of Galli to increase the efficiency of the company to act as ‘one’ organization made to cut the cost of production. Although the effect will not take right after but at least there is an improvement on the profit growth of the company. It is just usual for the effect of any business strategy to take time for the effect to experience so there’s nothing to worry about not meeting the target growth. It is just a matter of time. Answer to Question #2 I think Galli applied Mary Parker Follett’s guideline on coordination to Newell Rubbermaid by establishing the single corporate headquarters in Atlanta. With this, the top Management, especially Galli, can now get the opinions of the executives coming from the different business units. The implementation of this also made the meetings of the executives easier and more efficient. The dissemination of information will also be made faster since the executive of one business unit can attend the meeting right on schedule and there will be no more excuses about being late or any kind of delay. With the executives working in one office will give them enough space for interaction that will give them more coordination for the planning and execution of every business direction. Answer to Question #3 I will suggest to Galli the establishment of a single competent, energetic guiding authority or the formal management structure; since at the very start of the financial crisis of the company, the unification of the business units is the source of the problem of the company; to give emphasis in using the organization to address Newell Rubbermaid’s challenges. Bureaucracy This is defined as the administrative structure that uses the hierarchical distribution of authority to every unit of the organization (, 2007). This is used by many businesses in structuring their organization despite of the criticisms that is attributed to this business structure. One of the criticisms of bureaucracy is that individuals are not being aware of the negative effects of their actions in a larger sense since there is an overspecialization of business units. Red tape is also one of the negative effects of bureaucracy that hinders on the implementation of every business action and makes the decision making process to slow down. It is also said that under bureaucracy, common sense is no longer applicable since they are all guided by the laws provided by the top management. The lower management and the employees have less participation on the planning process under this organizational structure. The above situation will later result on internal problem for the managers because employees might feel that they are not being valued by the management. Of course there are still benefits derived from using bureaucracy as an organizational structure. One of this is the increase in the efficiency of production because of the specialization of the laborers. The said tactic enables to company to have growth on their profits since there will be more goods will be produce. The imposition of laws will help the employees by guiding the latter on their doings and on the execution of the plans within and outside the business environment. Top managers are surely highly competitive since they are screened by the other top managers. Since the business transactions are documented, this can be used by the future management as a basis on planning their marketing strategy and other business related tactics. There are still a lot of benefits that can be derive from using bureaucracy as the organizational of every company, only that it depends on the situation on what the company is dealing with. REFERENCES (2007). Bureaucracy [Electronic Version] from  Â
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Outsourcing: Is It Ethical Essay
Outsourcing has become a very hot topic in our country over the last few years. Many Americans view this topic as very controversial and unethical. Outsourcing is also known as the offshoring of American jobs. These jobs are being sent to foreign countries all over the world. Under George Bush’s administration the American economy lost 1.6 million jobs. Outsourcing to other countries is not limited to one business sector or profession; almost all professions are beginning to feel the effects of outsourcing. Many politicians, economists and business people are having very heated debates in regards to outsourcing. There are some who feel that outsourcing is good for the American economy. There are others who strongly disagree and argue that outsourcing is an action taken by greedy companies that disrupt the economic futures of many people and these actions are purely unethical. Outsourcing experienced in America is highly debatable because we have a moral responsibility to adhere to values in society, and to promote human development. Advancing capitalism, by cutting costs and increasing profits, comes at a cost to society when values and moral standards are neglected. Outsourcing in itself is not illegal or unethical, but the repercussions of outsourcing experienced in America are considered to be unethical for the following reasons: American citizens, educated in America for the purpose of employment in America, are displaced from jobs by foreign workers; outsourcing lacks regulation to protect personal and sensitive information; and the American government offers no effective solutions to address these repercussions by re-training and re-employing displaced workers, and by offering incentives for businesses not to outsource. Not only are Americans affected by outsourcing in career and future earnings, but their sense of security is affected too. Businesses that outsource American client information, to be stored and processed in a foreign country, often do so without disclosure to their clients. The foreign country adheres to a different set of regulations concerning data or information protection, and this puts American citizens at risk to identity theft or fraud. The actual long-term damage of job outsourcing on future innovation and individual earning power remains to be determined. Income levels are frozen and cannot compete with inflation. Workers lose leverage to negotiate fair wage increases or promotion. Foreign employment policies, such as minimum wage, and working conditions differ. Businesses that are outsourcing can set a minimum wage in developing countries that would never be accepted as a minimum wage in America. When most of us think of outsourcing we immediately think of manufacturing jobs. The loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector has been publicized through the media, which has called upon the ethical issues involved. Ethical concerns for outsourcing manufacturing jobs range from human rights violations to standard of living issues. Even though manufacturing may be the highest sector affected by outsourcing, there are many more professions beginning to feel the effects such as engineering and design, High Tech Jobs and the Accounting Industry. Engineering and Design Some may believe that the jobs lost to foreign countries are those that are low paying and those that many would not want anyway. However, this is far from the truth. Highly skilled workers in the engineering and design fields are starting to feel the effects of outsourcing. The decision to outsource engineering services is driven by money and the need to cut costs. For example, â€Å"an office in India provides design and engineering capabilities such as finite element analysis, 2D drafting and 3D modeling, design sheet metal parts and complex molds, kinematics simulation along with other skills.†Engineering firms are beginning to see the benefits to outsourcing to foreign companies to do design work. Tom Epply, president of Continental Design and Engineering stated, â€Å"my view is that I’m trying to save a business for my customer. It’s either this or he can have his head stuck in the sand and possibly lose the business. I’m trying to look at the bigger picture. The engineers in India can do the routine work, while the engineers her can do the research.†Many engineering consultants feel the same way as Tom Epply, outsourcing is inevitable and we need it to survive. But does this make it ethical? Outsourcing engineering services can save companies money, however, there are many that disagree. The NSPE (National Society for Professional Engineers) has issued the following statement: â€Å"the outsourcing of engineering should be done only when the talent cannot be found in the US. If outsourcing of engineering work is done, it should be done using the same rules, regulations, and laws that employers and employees are subject to in the US.†If a company outsources because of corporate greed and selfishness of top executives then this is very unethical but if outsourcing is done out of competitive necessity and the needs of the employees, it should be considered and viewed as ethical. There are some who believe that there is a shortage of American engineers and this might contribute to the haste in outsourcing engineering work. However, there are plenty of people here in the US who can do the work. There are few engineering firms around the country that are struggling with the issues of outsourcing work or keeping their work inside the US. These companies will be forced to weigh the pros and cons and decide what is ethical for their firm. High Tech Jobs The need for technology and IT (information technology) firms has grown rapidly and will continue to grow in the future. These firms have been hit hard with outsourcing to foreign countries. There was a time when someone with a degree in computer programming did not have to worry about having a job. Most everyone thought that computer programmers were in demand and would always have a job. In 2000, the unemployment rate for computer programmers was 2.0%. By 2004, this number rose to 9.5%. One company that US jobs are being sent to is India Web Developers. This company’s website has an entire section devoted to convincing companies of why they should outsource their web development needs to India. In the past America was seen as a global leader in regards to technology. Now the question is: Is the US losing their position as the technology leader by outsourcing these jobs? In order for the US to keep their high status, there will need to be more investment in education and teaching of math and science. Without education and a capable workforce, we will lose high-tech jobs and our place as innovators globally. The Accounting Industry The outsourcing of accounting functions, such as tax returns, book keeping and auditing, have become a multi-million dollar industry around the world. Reports of the scope and size of the outsourcing market vary greatly, but the largest outsourcing companies claim that thousands of returns were processed during the 2003 tax season. Estimates indicate that totals now may be well into the hundreds of thousands. Accounting firms are feeling more and more pressure to outsource some of their work and lower their costs. On the website for SurePrep, which is an offshore provider for tax return services, they provide the following pitch to CPA’s and accounting firms: What if you could prepare a thousand more tax returns without adding even one more staff member? And what if you could prepare those returns for up to 50 percent less than what it costs you right now? You can with SurePrep. And with virtually unlimited ability to prepare and process returns, you can increase volume, multiply profits, and grow your practice. This proposal is definitely hard for any firm to pass on. What company would pass up increasing their volume and profits without adding staff? There are many additional benefits that an outsourcing firm may provide for accounting firms including : 1. Qualified part time help 2. Huge cost advantage to outsourcing 3. Faster turn- around time and increased productivity with returns coming back in less than 48 hours. 4. CPA firm freed up due to reduced tax preparation workloads. Leaving time for staff to find ways to offer clients new services. 5. Tax outsourcing can serve as a catalyst for business transformation, enabling a firm to outsource other accounting functions such as bookkeeping. Due to these benefits, many firms are beginning to outsource overseas. Although these benefits may seem great, there are still some risks and ethical concerns related to outsourcing. According to the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), the chief concern is the Code of Professional Conduct that CPA’s are required to follow. According to Richard Miller and Alan Anderson, â€Å"AICPA members have responsibilities related to the practice of using third parties to provide services in engagements for clients. Primary among them are security and confidentiality of information, due professional care and compliance with provisions of the Code of Professional Conduct. In addition, members must monitor security procedures that third-party providers have put into place to ensure they remain effective.†It will be difficult for accountants to ensure that financial information of their clients remain confidential and secure. Also, firms will find it hard to ensure that the outsourcing companies are qualified to complete the job. According to the AICPA, firms need to â€Å"exercise due care†to make sure their clients information are handled correctly and securely. They also state that â€Å"there is no specific ethical requirement that the member disclose to the client that they are using the services of an outside provider.†Conclusion Outsourcing is a legal business activity affecting America. And it is an inevitable response to globalization and international trade. The outsourcing of American jobs will continue to be a great subject to debate here in the United States. Our politicians will continue to debate the topic and decide if there should be laws set to help or hinder companies from outsourcing jobs. There are many officials that believe that outsourcing will help our country and economy and that nothing bad could come from outsourcing. â€Å"It is a general rule in economics that in order for an economy to grow, old jobs must be destroyed so that new jobs can be created.†There are also those who believe we should at all cost protect our current jobs. High unemployment in America has renewed complaints that outsourcing to countries such as India hurts American workers. It seems that outsourcing American jobs is not going away and will only increase. Knowing this there are a few questions we should all ask ourselves, Is outsourcing an ethical practice, Is outsourcing for the sole purpose of reducing cost ethical and What responsibilities do US companies have to the employees they have laid off due to outsourcing? George Bush once said, â€Å"What do you say to someone in this country who has lost his job to someone overseas who’s being paid a fraction of what that job paid here in the United States?†Good question! Works Cited (n.d.). Retrieved from SurePrep: Http:// Anderson, A. W. (n.d.). Legal and Ethical Considerations. Retrieved 8 2011, August , from American Institute of Certified Public Accoutants: ttp:// Boykin, D. (November, 12 2006). Offshore Outsourcing Stirs National Debate. Retrieved 5 2011, August , from Bringham, N. (November, 12 2006). Outsourcing High-Tech Jobs:Why benign neglect isn’t working. Retrieved August 5, 2011, from Computer professional for Social Responsibility: Harrison, K. (n.d.). Machine Design. Retrieved 5 2011, August, from Machine Design: McGhee, B. W. (n.d.). Ethical Issues in Outsourcing Accounting and Tax Services. Retrieved August 8, 2011, from Social Science Research Network: Mintz, S. (n.d.). The Ethical Dilemmas of Outsourcing. Retrieved 8 2011, August, from New York State Society of CPA’s: Torrance, F. (n.d.). Center for Management Communication. Retrieved 8 2011, August , from The Ethics of In-house vs. Outsourcing:
Friday, September 13, 2019
Brutus The Tragic Hero Essay Research Paper
Brutus The Tragic Hero Essay, Research Paper In the drama Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus had many defects such as he trusted people, he had a scruples, and he had a lecherousness for power. Many times in the drama he made errors. He likely made more errors in the drama so any other character. Like other tragic heroes, Brutus had great promise and ability. One of the many ways Brutus was a tragic hero was that he trusted people excessively easy. The first clip he trusted anybody in the drama was when he joined the confederacy. He trusted the letters that were sent to him and so he trusted Cassius to take him in the right way. Then Brutus gave his trust to Antony to give a address and non state anything bad about the confederacy. Antony made the rabble angry and they went on a violent disorder. Brutus had a scruples. This is another defect. Brutus was an honest adult male and did some dishonourable things. After he acted dishonorably, he felt bad about it. For illustration he felt bad about killing Caesar. He had a guilty scruples about Caesar because he saw his shade. The shade was non truly at that place, it was Brutus? s scruples that made the shade appear. A good leader must non hold a scruples because it will acquire in the manner of what must be done. Brutus was power hungry. He ever had to hold the last word in a conversation and he wanted to be the leader. When Brutus joins the confederacy he became their leader. Then the plotters wanted Cicero to fall in, but Brutus did non desire it because he would lose power. When Brutus and Cassius were discoursing schemes, Brutus had the last word and they used his conflict tactics. Brutus had a lecherousness for power and wanted to be in charge invariably. Brutus was destroyed by his personal failing and hapless determinations. Brutus gave his trust to many people, had a scruples, and had a lecherousness for power. Those are many of the errors Brutus recognizes at the terminal of the drama. Brutus was one of the noblest work forces in the drama, if non the noblest. N/A
Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26
Personal Statement - Essay Example My experience while in University was also acutely critical in the development of my career. After the training, I decided to look for a job and landed myself in a classroom, where I taught students. This enabled me to use my talent and pass information to others in the society in order to improve their understanding and conceptualization of ideas and theories projected by theorists. For six months, I worked as a volunteer at a secondary school during the evening. During the day, I was also pursuing my teaching skills in a secondary school where I got to share and obtain knowledge and ideas on what others think and know about Kurdish people. However, in 2009, I left my work and moved to the UK. Living in the UK, as a Kurdish, has enabled me to attain ESOL entry two and three plus speaking and listening of level one, not forgetting math for level one and two. All this is essential for my communication skills and has been of help towards attaining literacy and reading for level one and GCSE math. While here, I learnt how to support myself with a part time volunteer job as a receptionist. This has led me to choose my postgraduate course. MA in Kurdish studies is the postgraduate course I am intending to pursue since it gives me a wider understanding and knowledge on Kurdish regions found in the Middle East. This course gives me an in-depth understanding of the societies, literature, international relations and politics linked to Kurdish group. This dissertation is my choice of study because it interests me and enlightens me on the political, economic and social developments and origins. I will also get a chance to familiarize myself with the regions contemporary settings and institutional structures thus, will boost their activities and history for others to appreciate and acknowledge. The purpose of studying this course is to gain further insights on my region’s culture and tradition. It intrigues me to learn about the history of my clans men
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