Saturday, August 31, 2019
Knowing your Audience Paper and Communication Release Essay
When a company needs to pass information to another organization or a group of people it is very important that the company knows their audience. If the information is regarding a disaster, it is even more important to make sure the company knows their audience. One example of a company needing to know their audience was the Chilean copper mine in South America. On Thursday, August 5, 2010, A collapse of one of the shafts in the Chilean copper mine left 33 workers trapped approximately 300 meters underground. At once, rescue efforts began but just two days later another collapse in the mine halted the efforts of the rescue crews for many hours (Weik, 2010). In such a disastrous circumstance, the company would need to take great care in how the world found out about the disaster. If not done properly then the companies audience, the world, would view the company is a much worse light then if they had properly released the information. There are two ways in which the company would be releasing information. The first would be to the families of the workers and the second would be to the other employees and then to the press. The representatives chosen by the company to handle these releases will have to take great care in how it is done to keep the reputation of the company intact, while making sure that all information is truthful and accurate. This disaster affected many people. Not only did the collapse affect the 33 miners that were in the mine, it also affected the families of those workers. The families were in agony while they waited to hear if their loved ones would make it out alive. It is the mining companies responsibility to make sure the family member are aware of everything that is happening and what is being done to get their loved ones rescued out of the mines safely. This communication process is more important than anything being told to the other workers or the press. Not knowing your audience in this first step could prove disastrous overall for the company. Once the families have been informed it is important to let the fellow co-workers know what is happening. Many of the men trapped would have friends who also work for the company and they would want to know what is happening. By making sure the other employees know about what is happening, the company can try to keep them from saying too much to news reporters and it will help ease their minds. Once the employees have been notified, make it clear that all information to the press needs to come from the company. When something is said to an audience that was not properly prepared for that audience, it could have disastrous results. Through the press the company will next have to handle the communication on an international level. Because the mine company was global they were on the world stage. The company owned mines in many other parts of the world, not just in South America. In a situation like this one, rumors began to fly without much hesitation and although rumor control was important with the company, it is impossible to stop. Another aspect of communication that was not very publically known was the communication with the investors, owners and stockholders of the company. It is very important to keep this audience informed with what was going on because if information was withheld then it could potentially cause a panic. Once in panic mode, the investors could damage the company more by stopping funds, dumping assets and plunge the company into bankruptcy. Money is very important to investors and when they receive news about their investments, good or bad, it weighs heavily on how they will react. For the good of the company’s future, it was very important that they inform this group personally and not let them hear it from the news organizations covering the story. There are many different ways to deliver communications like the ones previously reviewed. When speaking to the family members of the workers it is best to do so face to face so they feel important about where they stand in this type of situation. Calling with the information on the phone would seem impersonal and would give the families thoughts that they are not as important. An example of this would be when monetary damages were to be paid to the families of the workers; many family members who were not known to the company came forward looking for money (Prengaman, 2010). Whenever a company needs to approach an audience it is vitally important that the company knows who the audience will be and that they tailor their communications to that audience. In the communication should be all the details that can possibly be put in and the company needs to be as truthful as possible. Waiting a long time before a communication is released could also damage the situation further. The best possible way to assure the communication is effective is to deliver it in the best format to the audience (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Principal Agent Conflict
2. Explain several dimensions of the shareholder-principal conflict with manager-agents known as the principal-agent problem. To mitigate agency problems between senior executives and shareholders, should the compensation committee of the board devote more to executive salary and bonus (cash compensation) or more to long-term incentives? Why? What role does each type of pay play in motivating managers? There are several dimensions to the principal-agent conflict.Principal-Agent Relationships exist whenever one person or party works in the interests of another party. The owner (the principal) hires and often delegates decision-making authority to professional managers (the agent) to perform tasks on his behalf. The challenge for the principal is to create an environment in which the agent has incentives to align their interests with those of the principal. The principal typically creates incentives for agents to act as the principal wants.The principal-agent conflict acerbates when th e incentive system creates a conflict of interest, the principal cannot ensure the agent is performing exactly the way the principal would like and due to the intrinsic unobserved managerial effort and the presence of random disturbances in team production. The lack of information shared between the two makes it impossible and expensive for the principal to monitor the decisions and performance of the agent.The agent usually has less to lose than the principal; therefore they often seek acceptable levels of profit and shareholder wealth while pursuing their own self interests. The uncertainty and risk includes the principal not knowing the extent to which the contract has been satisfied and they end up paying agency costs. To mitigate agency problems between senior executives and shareholders, the compensation committee should devote more to executive salary and bonuses (cash compensation); dependant on the level of cooperation between the executives and the board.If the board is ab le to secure the cooperation of the executives through higher salary and bonus, such action is acceptable. In addition, if the board can set up a system of monitoring the executives so that the executives make the effort required to further shareholder interests. Monitoring improves executive performance and can be combined with cooperation. If long term incentive schemes are used then there is isk that the organization may not make profits or the financial outcomes on which the incentives are based may not take place. When negotiating with managerial talent, the high risk of incentives keeps reputed managers away from the company. Top managers want to be certain of the compensation they will receive. Incentives are supposed to motivate managers to make more efforts, take responsibility, and achieve more. However, the insecurity of incentives reduces the motivation of managers.They feel insecure when the bulk of their compensation is incentive based. The role of higher executive sal ary and bonuses are to provide security to the top managers and motivate them. Overall, executive salary and bonuses based on negotiation with board members should reduce shareholder-manager conflict. There should be cooperation between the board members and the executives. A mechanism for monitoring executive performance will go a long way in improving the alignment of executive action with shareholder interest.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Assess factors influencing adoption and use of ICT in Kenyan University Libraries
Assess factors influencing adoption and use of ICT in Kenyan University Libraries Information Communication Technology (ICT) is the process of accessing or getting, storing, transferring, processing and transferring ideas and information through computers and other communication facilities (Fabunmi, 2012). Wikipedia defines ICT as the hardware and software of electronic devices such as computers, radio, television, digital camera, telephone, computers networks to improve communication. ICT has played a critical task in the development of any nation; it has been a tool for achieving social, economic, educational, scientific and technological development (Adedeji, 2010). The development of science and technology has made incredible improvement in the lifestyle of the society today. It has Influence almost all walks of life, especially, the magnetic words; Information Technology has been chanted in all corner of the world and has been incorporated in organization, managerial, development and marketing sectors. These are services offered with the aid of Information Communication Technology (ICT) which are faster and more effective. Libraries have not been exempted from the impact of the ICTs. The implementations of ICT in the library and Information Centers have made great improvement in the management of these centers. These have made libraries users friendly and have improved the efficiency of the library professionals (Kumar, 2011). According to Khan et al, (2012) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have impacted greatly on many fields including teaching, learning, research, and school management in a many ways. In libraries ICT has made information faster from acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval. Also it has improved the service delivery of library and information services reducing time, distance and other barriers. However, it is extensively settled that ICT adoption in libraries is not a solution for all library problems as initially assumed. Regardless of their remarkable potential, ICTs have also brought different challenges that must be dealt with to boost the efficiency of libraries in unindustrialized countries. Avemari, (2011) describes library automation as computer use and general/ customized software designed for library and information services procedures that are used to perform specific information services deliver. Globally automation in libraries first began in the 1960s. According to Muhammad (2014) Libraries automation began in the 1970s, where libraries began adopting software applications and Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC). In 1980s, network technologies, optical discs, CD-ROMs and communications technologies were introduced. The major goal of the early technology applications was used in automation circulation, acquisitions and the catalogue to make library operation and services efficient and effective. The 1990s witnessed radical changes in the application ICTs in libraries such as the Internet, World Wide Web protocols. The 2000s is an era of digital libraries, virtual collections, paperless environment and 24/7 instant remote access to unlimited resources. In Africa it began in 1950s, however, there were several challenges which were making it harder for academic libraries to adopt it, thus depriving them of the several touted benefits a library stands to gain from automating its services. In Kenya, most libraries, especially universities, schools, private organizations and little-funded institutions, were using Computerised Documentation System/Integrated Set of Information System (CDS/IS) library software. CDS/ISIS was used mainly for maintaining databases. For instance, the University of Nairobi maintains a list of research theses in Kenyan institutions of higher learning and a list of publications held in libraries in Kenya using Computerised Documentation System/Integrated Set of Information System(CDS/IS)(Mutula, 2012). Kamba (2011) also noted that Information Communication and Technologies are not well spread and utilized in African higher learning institutions, mainly due to poor communication network, inadequate ICT hardware and software and government s ineptitude to provide adequate funds to run the libraries. Inadequacy of skilled staff, lack of theoretical knowledge, lack of computer culture, lack of knowledge on the importance of ICT, lack of funds were among other factors have been cited by several authors. 1. 2 Statement of Problem ICTs have become an important subject for all information providers. This is because of its relevance and application to tasks in the library such as quick and easier access of information and performing of library tasks with greater efficiency. Despite these benefits of ICT use many libraries are still not automated. Most of the problems faced by these libraries include; lack of sufficient funds to support the purchase of the technology, lack of qualified library professionals, lack of motivation and poor remuneration need among librarians to adopt ICT in their daily operations, lack of awareness of ICT potential users and poor attitude of library staff on automation. Other problems such as government policies, maintenance and security issues also consist of challenges faced by the libraries in the adoption of and implementation of ICT. Libraries need adequate finances to obtain current ICT facilities such as scanners, photocopiers, computers, servers, software and paying of online and offline services such as e- journals and digital libraries which are very expensive to be purchased, and this has made many libraries lag behind because of insufficient funds. Lack of qualified professional has been a great hindrance to adoption since most of the staff do not have adequate skills to handle computers and other information technologies. Staff motivation, poor remuneration and attitude have also been considered as factors affecting adoption in libraries. This has contributed to migration of skilled labor in search of better job opportunities abroad thus affecting the adoption of ICTs. Staff attitude has also been considered as problem since most staff feel that automation of libraries will take away their jobs. Lack of sufficient information on the potential user has also been a problem that hinders adoption, since most users had bad perception on ICT. University libraries need to sensitize their students and library staff that ICTs are very important part of library and library systems. They make it possible for information to be easily accessible, available with minimal effort. Given that libraries are the physical foundation of knowledge. It is therefore critical that they are equipped and every opportunity to make them efficient explored. However various factors impede the progress for the adoption of ICTs in uni versities. Therefore the study will assess the factors that influence the adoption and use of ICT in the university libraries in Kenya. 1.3 General Objective of the Study This aim of the study is to assess the factors influencing adoption and use of Information Communication Technology in the Kenyan University Libraries. 1.3.1 Specific Objectives of the Study The objectives of the studies were: i. To determine whether students and staff perception and attitudes towards ICT has influence adoption and use of ICT in at the University of Eldoret library. ii. To analyze effects of perceived benefits of ICT in the adoption and use ICTs at University of Eldoret library. iii. To establish how the availability of ICT technologies has influenced the adoption and use of ICTs in University of Eldoret library. 1.4 Research Hypotheses i. Ho1: The students and staff perception and attitude towards ICT has no significant influence on the adoption and use of ICT at the University of Eldoret library. ii. Ho2: Perceived benefits of ICT have no significant effect on the adoption and use ICTs at the University of Eldoret library. iii. Ho3: The availability of ICT technologies has no significant influence on the adoption and use of ICT at the University of Eldoret library. 1.5 Assumption of the Study The study assumes the respondent selected to participate in the study were honest and truthful and they represent the population of the study. 1.5 Significance of the Study i. The study findings were beneficial to the library staff and users of the University of Eldoret to acknowledge the benefits of ICT usage in the library. ii. The study findings will be of useful to the entire university as it will provide sufficient information on ICT and it will make them have positive attitude towards ICT use in the library. 1.7 Scope of the Study The study was carried at the University of Eldoret Library. The research concentrated on factors influencing the adoption and use of ICT in the university library. 1.8 Limitation of the Study The limitations of the study were the area of study; the study was carried out at University of Eldoret Library. Secondly, the researcher had no control over the sincerity of the respondents in giving accurate and reliable responses. This also depended on individual capacity to read and understand the English language in a way that conveyed the same meaning to every respondent. 1.9 Conceptual Frame Work of the Study The conceptual framework is used to show the association linking the dependent and independent variables. CT adoption is the dependent variable in the study. The dependent variable provides the solution to the problem i.e. what contributes the University to adopt ICT in their Libraries? In this situation, the study has tested three independent variables i.e. perceived benefit of ICT, user and staff perception and attitude towards ICT, and availability of Technology. These factors are believed to have some influences towards the dependent variable (ICT adoption) either in positive or negative way. Figure 1 Conceptual Framework 1.9.1 Perceived benefits of ICT One of the factors that might affect ICT adoption in the firms is the benefits. Peyala (2011) asserts that computerization of acquisition unit enhances funds control, quick and easy checking of approved books, devoid of duplication is managed. There are several benefits that have been made accessible through ICT adoption and there are still several organizations that are not taking advantage of ICT. Therefore, perceived benefits are taken into consideration as one of the factors that affect ICT adoption in Libraries. 1.9.2 Students and staff perception and attitude on ICTs Attitudes of librarian are crucial in the adoption and use of ICTs in the libraries because they librarians affect the adoption if they are not checked properly. The acceptance of the ICTs by library professional is a crucial factor in the realization of the mission of the university library. For successful utilization of technologies in university libraries librarian should change their attitude toward these ICT tool. 1.9.3 Availability of ICT Technology The availability and utilization of ICT facilities is essentially to fast track the processes about and to ensure that information resources spend the least period of time in library. Use of ICT technologies in the libraries provides most effective and efficient retrieval option to the library clientele. In computer system and network, availability has been described as the amount of time facility is available in the wake of components over a specified period of time. 1.9.4 Management Support Management support refers to the degree to which an individual believes that management has committed to the successful implementation and use of a system. Duan (2012) Believes it ensures the limited resources and technological expertise are allocated for the embracing of new technology. Many university libraries are still lagging behind in terms of technology adoption due to lack of management commitment to support the technology both financially and formulating pertinent policies that provide the essential infrastructure for adoption of ICT. 1.10. Operational Definition of Terms Adoption: In the study adoption is used to show how libraries are changing functions of the library from manual paperwork to the use of machines. Attitude: in the study attitude has been used to show how user feels about ICT use in the libraries. Perceived benefits: In the study benefits has been used to show the how ICT has influenced the service delivery in the library easy. ICT: In the study ICT has been used as technologies used to generate process, store and disseminate information. ICT application: it has been used in the study to show ICT based serviced in the Library. Library Automation: In the study it has been used to define the application of ICT in the day to day operations of the library. Library Networking has been used in the study to show a group of Libraries and Information Centers that are interconnected for some common pattern or design for information exchange and communication with a view to improve efficiency. Library Management Library Management includes the following activities which are geared up by the use of these fast ICT based developments, Classification, Cataloging, Indexing, Database creation, Database Indexing. Digital library: has been used in the study to mean a library in with a significant proportion of the resources that is available in machine-readable and accessible by means of computers. E-reference services: has been used to show how electronic references services that has been enhanced with the use of ICTs. Online Searching: has been used to refer to searchable information o on line. Which includes electronic resources and databases can be searched using the Internet through search engines. Virtual library: has been used in the study to mean access points as well as the graphic records are in electronic/digital form when these electronic/digital libraries are connected via various networks, particularly the internet, this is called virtual library. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter presents a review of the related literature by various researchers, scholars, analysts and authors. The researcher has drawn materials from several sources based on the theme and the objectives of the study. 2.2 Overview of ICTs in Libraries ICT is often used as an extended synonym for Information Technology (IT), but is a more specific term that comprises of computers as well as necessary software, storage, and audio-visual systems, which have enabled users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. The term and Communications Technology entails the science and skills of computing, information storage, and communications. It is a new, rapidly emergent area that is drastically changing the world by making potential new methods of doing business, entertaining, and crafting art. ICT has plays a crucial role in hastening sustainable development as well as bridging the ever-growing gap in our present-day society. There is, yet, a vital need to channel the immense potentials of ICT in the correct direction for the improvement of the corporation and active human development (Adesoji, 2012). Currently Information Communication Technology has been the latest buzz word in the information and Technology arena. In fact the formal ways of communicating available information to end users from the various sources are among the major challenges nowadays. These days information can not only be stored, retrieved, disseminated in many forms bit also at higher speeds. Information Technology has open unprecedented opportunity in the form in which information is stored, retrieved, manipulated and exploited. There are three key components of the new technology .These are:  ¢ New ways of storing information cheaply.  ¢ New mechanism of manipulating, scanning and research such records  ¢ New facilitates for cheap and rapid transmission of information over long distances. With the hasty development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) the traditional concept of libraries has changed to modern academic libraries which has great potential, energetic and can reach their users without the limitations of geographical boundaries. In this era of internet libraries are fast changing to digital mode which can be accessed collectively. (Kamani, 2011). A study by Oyeyini, (2014) shows that ICT has brought tremendous changes in library and information science by changing the traditional concept of libraries from a store house of books to an intellectual information Centre. It is of no doubt, that it has open up a new stage in library communication and facilitated global access of information crossing the geographical limitations. Libraries now can use various types of technologies to perform some or all basic library procedural operations such as cataloguing, acquisitions, circulation, and on-line information access. Similarly ICTs has impacted in libraries by provide access to information resources and services leading to the disappearance of the notion of a library as have been known for years as a physical structure located in a particular geographical setting. It has changed the nature of library services over time as library â€Å"collections†comprise not only of physical information materials such as books, periodicals, films, videos, and others, stored in physical library structures, nowadays it include digital resources generated locally and those accessed through the Internet from laptops that are managed by other libraries.( Awour Kefah, 2013). 2.3 ICTs application in University Libraries Application of Information Communication Technology is very useful for libraries in creating databases of their own and making them available to users through networks. ICT has also enabled libraries to offer effective and efficient services to the end-users . Nearly all of the library operations like book acquisition, circulation, office management, the information services, are connected together, and are dependant and are mutually supportive for overall administration of library. Emerging of new technology has library revolutionize new ways of information storage and retrieval in university library field. In this technology era more and more libraries in the world make use of these new technologies for storage, retrieval and distribution of information in more effective way. Libraries have ability to store large amount of information using this new technologies and can transmit this information to anywhere anytime without any geographical barrier (Kamani, 2011) Now days there are numerous ICT technologies for various library functions, these includes; housekeeping, organization and managerial functions, which utilize different electronic and digital media equipment, networks and internet which has provide significant role in retrieving and dissemination of information thus playing a vital role by upgrading of libraries. According to Saleem (2013) some of these applications are: i. Library Automation is the concept of changing human involvement in all library services to enable any user to receive preferred information within his comfort and at the lowest cost. Main areas of the automation are classified into organization of all library database and housekeeping operations of library. ii. Library Networking this involves connecting of libraries and information centers to widespread pattern or design to enable information exchange and communication in the common view of improving efficiency. iii. Library Management involves the following activities which are certainly geared up by the use of fast Information Communication Technologies developments, library Classification, Cataloging, Indexing, Database creation, Database Indexing. iv. Digital Library refer to an assembling of digital computing, storage and communication of machinery together with the content and software needed to create, imitate and extend the services provided by conventional libraries v. E-reference services: These are digital reference which are available for the user. This includes Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI and Current Awareness Service (CAS) are enhanced with use of ICTs. vi. Online Searching: ICT has promoted on line searching, electronic resources and databases which can be searched using the Internet through search engines. This has provides a great resource for researchers and general information retrieval. Buarki (2011) in his study on Impact of ICT on library and Library Information System observed that modern library and information system can be grouped into four areas, as follows: a) Computer Technology. b) Communication Technology c) Reprographic Technology d) Printing Technology 2.3.1 Computer Technology Computers are now used extensively in the library operations and have great impact in the management of libraries and information centers. Computer technologies have been used in various fields of library activities. Some of these areas where computer application takes place are: Information Resource Building: This involves acquisition of books, monographs, audio-visual, electronic equipment such as CD-ROM, maps etc. Acquisition process involved the following functions:  ¢ Checking duplicates in book acquisition in library.  ¢ Books supplier selections.  ¢ Preparing and cancellation of orders  ¢ Checking orders which are long overdue.  ¢ Record of items on order of acquisition  ¢ Records of received and non-received items and receipt to the book supplier  ¢ Verification of items with order files and invoice number.  ¢ Inspection of items ordered by the concerned department.  ¢ Preparation of payment after accessioning.  ¢ Preparation budget and maintaining accounts statistics. Data Entry This requires database for each: Books, Clients/Members, Serials, Audio-visuals, CD-ROMS, Floppies, Gifted items, and Maps, Reports etc. Classification and Cataloguing are:  ¢ Catalogue card production.  ¢ On-line cataloguing  ¢ Duplicating and checking of catalogue cards.  ¢ Producing duplicate catalogue cards.  ¢ Preparing authority file subject.  ¢ Catalogue cards checking and filing.  ¢ Automatic generation of added entries  ¢ Generation of monthly accession list. Circulation Control:  ¢ Registration of membership.  ¢ An issue, returns, renews documents reservation and production of the slips for proof.  ¢ Recording charges for late, lost book, binding and production of penalty slip.  ¢ Maintaining of circulation statistics  ¢ Inter -library loan.  ¢ Statistics of circulation report Serial Control:  ¢ Input essential serials data.  ¢ Preparing of new list serials orders.  ¢ Preparing mode of payment,  ¢ Updating and receipting the records.  ¢ Receipting of Book seller or publishers.  ¢ Preparing the list of present holdings, missing, additions, cancellation of serials chronologically, subject-wise, etc.  ¢ Renewing and cancelling of present subscriptions.  ¢ Accessing register of bound serials.  ¢ Preparing budget sand maintaining accounts. Documentation and allied services:  ¢ Indexing and abstracting of micro and macro documents.  ¢ Catalogue compilation  ¢ Current Awareness Services.(CAS)  ¢ Searching of literature.  ¢ Selective Dissemination of Information.(SDI)  ¢ Clipping of newspaper. Information Retrieval:  ¢ Creation of database and maintenance, interactive searching, saving of in house.  ¢ Searching and print outs of queries against specified requirement  ¢ Information about the books (issued, reserved, lost, overdue, weed-out), member-ship, inter library loan, penalty charges, periodicals, etc.  ¢ Retrieval of information alphabetically, chronologically, per-subject members, reserved words with each particulars such as accession no-wise, title, author, call number, edition etc. 2.3.2 Communication Technology Communication is the process of transforming information from the source to the destination. Communication, the exchange of information and the transmission is very essence in a social system or in an organization. Dictionary meaning of communication is news or the act of making oneself understand the means of sending information between one place to another. In modern days, various means of communicating the information came into existence. There is a need to communicate information effectively, efficiently and timely by applying modern technologies such as communication technology. The main areas of communication technology are; Audio-visual technology, Fax, Telex, E-mail, Video text, Tele text, Online search, Tele conference, Voice Mail Box, Satellite Technology, Cellular telephones, Internet, Intranet, Extranet, CD-ROM, and DVD. 2.3.3 Reprographic Technology Reprography is also known as micrography is a reproduction process. It has made a great impact on document delivery system. Nowdays it is possible to record micro images in a range of microforms such as microfilm, microfiche, ultra fiche and COM (Computer Output Microform). Micro-graphics is a powerful micro-force for records management and information control. Reprographic technology covers: a) Photocopying b) Micro-copying c) Optical/Digital process 2.3.4 Printing Technology Printing or Printing Technology has great importance and playing important role in information and communication process. It has various evolutionary changes from making of paper and invention of printing to the modern printing technology of laser printers. Printing Technology covers: a) Technical Writing b) Editing c) Publishing 2.4 Adoption of ICTs in the University Library ICTs have significantly transformed the world, from the time it was discoverers few years ago. Librarians have adopted a range of technologies to provide different types of services. Mairajand El-Hadi (2012) in a study on ICTs in libraries find out those ICTs has not only changes library everyday operations and services, but have also impact librarians with new and active role in the library. It has also change the way in which information is being handled resulting to speedy and accuracy information access, retrieval, stored and manipulating hence disseminating users in different forms. Computer telecommunication and mass storage technologies are main areas of remarkable improvement that have shaped the manner in which librarians obtain, stored, processes, retrieved and disseminate information to their clienteles. (Ogbodo, 2014). Similarly ICTs has also played vital role by changing the conventional methods of library functions by giving new ways for teaching, learning and research in institution of higher education. Through the aid of ICTs tools, it has made it possible to store, retrieve, disseminate and arrange information by developing websites and databases. Information can now be published both by electronic means and by printing making it available to users needs. Oyeyini (2014) noted ICT has impacted on every area of library science especially in the form of library database, improvement of strategies, library structure and consortium. ICTs in libraries has offer access to information resources and services resulting in the fading of the concept of a library being known for decades †as physical building situated in a specific geographic location. ICT has changed the nature of library services over a time. Library collections consist not only of material information resources such as books; periodicals, videos, films, etc are mainly stored in physical library buildings. But now includes digital resources created locally and those accessed online and are managed by other libraries or information service providers (Awour Kefah, 2013). Oyeyini(2014) pointed out that for any library to reach maximum gain in the 21st century, globalization and implementation of information technology will be a great feature of the libraries. The size of libraries or their collections may not be to the standard but rather made it accessible to the major thrust of the library automation. Additionally, Quadri (2012) noted that nowadays libraries are changing their role from the custodian of traditional information resources to the provider of service oriented digital information resources. Extensive use of computers has increased reliance on computer networks, the quality and quantity of information has improved with the use of the internet , thus making university libraries to embrace modern technology for the storing, retrieving and disseminating information. With the inception of various Information and Communication Technologies trends , library operation have undergo restructuring, transformation .From the last many years, librarians have remained unchallenged as the sole custodian and gate keepers of information. But with the introduction of ICTs especially the Internet services, librarians has began to lose the impact of being the sole custodian of information. Krubu Osawaru (2011). Emojorho (2011) also noted that the accelerated adoption and use of information and communication technology (ICT) has resulted in the globalization of information and knowledge resource Islam (2007) .In a consortium, a group of member libraries are linked together via electronic information network and this has tremendously reduces the acquisition costs of information resources and allows users of individual library to have access to numerous information materials that ordinarily one library may not own. Library Automation is required mainly for the following reasons:  ¢ Obtain increased operational efficiencies;  ¢ Relieved professional staff from clerical responsibilities so that they concentrate on user oriented services;  ¢ Improve the services quality, speeds and effectiveness  ¢ Improved access to remote users and other stakeholders (e.g., the general public);  ¢ Improve access of resources on other networks and systems, including the Web;  ¢ Provide new services  ¢ Facilitate large access to information for their clients;  ¢ Facilitate distribution of information products and services;  ¢ Enable library participation in resource-sharing through networks.  ¢ Enable rapid communication with other libraries (including libraries) and professional peers. 2.5 Students and Staff perception and attitude towards ICTs Adekunle (2007) defines attitudes as inclinations and feelings, prejudices or bias, preconceived notions, ideas, fears and convictions about any specific topic .it is chiefly positive attitudes which are assumed to be fundamental in the acceptance, implementation and success of new technologies. Eguavoen, (2011) defined attitudes toward ICT usage as a person s general evaluation or feeling towards ICT, computer and internet service. An attitude has been used to represent perceptions of library staff on the value attached to Information Technology use in libraries-technical processing, collection, organization and user services. It also represents the value of these technologies in the library staff minds. Implementation of information communication technology (ICT) in the university libraries depends largely on the attitudes of librarians to its usage. The application of ICT in libraries has significantly changed libraries operations; which includes automated cataloguing, circulati on, information retrieval, electronic document delivery, and CD-ROM databases etc. Borrego (2010) in his study analyzed on Librarians perceptions on the use of electronic resources at Catalan academic libraries and found that perceptions of the usefulness of bibliographic software management have dramatically increased during the last few years, especially among PhD students. Furthermore he mentioned that librarians have stated that most of the complaints they receive from users were to do with systems breakdowns, inability to access resources off-campus, and discontinued resources. Sachin D. Sakarkar (2013) finds out that the librarians attitude on ICTs depends mainly on trainings which create an ideal atmosphere for ICT orientation of Librarians to change their attitudes favoring ICT amenities. This would certainly minimize the fear of digital divide amongst society and librarian. The ICT adoption and implementation is safe and progressive to the society under the guidance of a well-trained, qualified and positive librarian. Haneefa (2009) in a study of special libraries assesses in detail the application of ICTs in special libraries. The study provides a state of art application of ICT in automated special libraries of premier research institutions. The study identify the factors that promote or hinder application of ICT ,user s satisfaction ,ICT skills of library professionals and the facilities for training in ICT in special libraries. It also assesses the attitude of users and librarians towards the application of ICT. Survey results show that majority of the libraries have basic hardware and software facilities. Majority provide training for their library staff in ICT based services. The librarians and users have a highly positive attitude towards ICT application and the main barrier to ICT application is inadequately trained library professionals. Sagolsem, Purnima Devi Vikas (2009) report a survey conducted among the library professional staff working in public libraries and NGO libraries of Manipur. The main objectives of the study was to find the status of digital environment in Manipur public libraries, The study revealed that public university libraries lack of trained staff with required ICT knowledge. Though most of them had a favorable attitude towards IT application majority were not satisfied with their opportunities to enhance qualifications. The problems in IT application include lack of qualified professionals, high cost of IT infrastructure and insufficient computer facilities. Nair (2009) reports a study of the attitude of librarians in Kerala towards the use of information technology in library and information activities in his thesis. The main objective of the study was to find out the nature of attitude of librarians towards information technology (IT). The study was conducted on a representative sample of 284 professionally qualified librarians in different libraries of Kerala. The results of the study showed that majority of librarians showed favorable attitude towards information technology. They were prepared to accept modern technology in library activities. Librarians considered IT not as a means to reduce their workload but as a device to render effective information service to patrons. Librarians engaged in different professional work were similar in their attitude towards information technology. Kosoko (2014) observed that attitude consists of three main components, these are the affective, behavioral and cognitive, that show how persons feel about a particular issue, what they intend to do about it and what they believe about it. This shows that there is inter-relationship between knowing, feelings and doing. Considering these explanations, attitude can be deduced as a favor or disfavor towards a concept that is positive or negative. Positive attitudes are necessary for the success and significant achievements in an organizations, thus employees are expected to demonstrate positive In addition, a research done by Rajagopal Chinnasamy (2012) on users attitudes and approaches towards e-r-resources and services in academic libraries showed that there was an increasing interest in electronic information resources among the engineering users at associated colleges of Pondicherry University. Olatokunbo (2012) confirmed through his study on electronic information resources awareness, attitude, and use by academic staff members of University of Lagos, Nigeria that 55% of university staff members indicated that the level of awareness of the subscribed electronic information resources by the Library Management is rather low. 2.6 Perceived benefits of ICTs Adoption in the University Libraries In spite of the problems associated with automation, its benefits rather outweigh its disadvantages. It is a known as a fact that automation has enables easy access of library materials, and allows staff to serve users better and facilitate a multitude of tasks such as acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, and reference (Egunjobi Awoyemi, 2012). According to (Awuor kefah, 2013) ICTs has managed to changed several library operations and activities which can now be done better at the same times which were previously not easy to carry out are now possible. These days there are many opportunities ICTs has presented to libraries; most current information is recorded in electronic format. ICT has also contributed enormously on the performance of librarians who are discharging of their duties in the library such as in cataloguing, reference services, circulation management, serials control etc. Similarly Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have facilitated the flow and effective means of communication. It provides correct data collection as well as giving strategies for attaining objectives, which would otherwise be reserved for organizational structures. Okonand Iogbodo, (2014) asserts ICTs have become a way of life the world over even though libraries and librarians in Nigeria are still struggling with the traditi onal methods of information processing, storage and delivery. Saleem (2013) noted Computer has brought in a new impact to the library and information usage. ICTs have enabled library staff to provide quality and valuable information service by giving more remote access to the internationally available information resources. Recently highly sophisticated information technology has facilitated the storage of huge amounts of data or information in a very compact space. Jayaprakash Balasubramani, (2011) stated the University Libraries must increase the numbers of computer to enable the users to maximize the usage of ICT-based resources and services. Information and communications technologies are being used by libraries for book and serial acquisitions, classification and cataloguing, reference service, money transition, user orientation service, interlibrary loan, circulation service, electronic contents, document delivery service, e-mail and chat assistance, web 2.0 interactive sharing, photocopies services and bibliographic service. These oppor tunities not only allow libraries to deliver fast information to users but also promoting remote libraries. (Adeleke Olorunsola, 2010). A comprehensive study by (ibianye 2012), (Ghuloum Ahmed, 2011) shows the cost of maintenances costs of digital library is much lower than that of a traditional library especially with regards to space. Traditional libraries are expensive to maintain. Automated libraries on the other have minimum maintenance; the importance of ICTs is characterized by information services format change, contents and way of producing it, method of production and delivery of information products. The onset of internet has made changed on library profession role from intermediary to facilitator, modern tools for broadcasting information and change from physical to virtual services environment and disappearance of some conventional information services and emergence of modern and innovational web based. (Krubu Osawaru, 2011). A study by Okonand Iogbodo (2014) observed that ICTs had benefited university libraries in the following ways; i. Creation of OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) which is the computerized form of the library catalogue .OPAC is easy to use, save space and can be used to access even catalogues of other libraries ii. Networking: this involves linking ICT enables libraries to network. Networking can either be local (LAN) or wide (WAN). This will enable libraries to access information from different types of on line databases, in various disciples, on-line magazine and newspapers, e-journals and e-books. iii. Resource Sharing: ICT has enhanced the creation of a central union catalogue which allows libraries to share their resources with other libraries. iv. Institutional Repositories: This involves compilation of publications which originate from scholars within an academic institution. These are academic theses, dissertations, conference and seminar papers, curriculum vitae, reports, inaugural lectures and any other publication emanating from individual scholars within academic institutions. ICT has enabled other libraries to access the information. v. Library Electronic Security system: ICT has enhanced library security through the use of Radio Frequency Identification Detector (RFID). RFID is the latest library technology used for theft detection. RFID combines radio frequency and microchip technology. vi. Creation of a virtual library: ICT has promoted the establishment of a virtual library. A virtual is a library that exists without any physical space or location. Parvez (2011) noted that owed to the automation, circulation is one of the most affected areas of library operations, it has help saved a lot of time for both users and library staff. Dzandu Boateng (2014) noted that with the inception of web OPAC, users can now search information from anywhere at any time; users can also easily do the reservation of library sources and this has helps to avoid or reduce the theft of library resources with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. In the confirmation he pointed the respondents revealed that borrowing time was short and the OPAC has made library resources accessible from different angles. However, the study could not confirm if the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has reduced theft in that it wasn t operational because the contractor did not finish installing and she abandoned the job. Additionally automation has enables easy access; that is users are able to search for materials within the library and from remote locations v ia search items as author, title, subject, call number and keyword and allows library staff to better serve users and facilitate large number of tasks. Awoyemi (2012) in his study revealed that, the filling of slips for borrowed books were things of the past; books are just scanned during borrowing. Osawaru Krubu (2011) opines that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought unprecedented changes and transformation to university library and information services, digital library information systems (LIS) such as OPAC, users services, reference services, bibliographic services, current awareness services, document delivery, interlibrary loan, audio visual services and customer relations can be provided more efficiently and effectively by using ICTs, as they offer convenient time, place, cost effective, quicker and most-up-to-date dissemination and end users involvement in the library and information services process. The impact of ICT on information characterized services by changes in format, contents and production method and delivery of information products. However with the emergence of internet information and knowledge has changed the role of library and information science professionals from intermediary to facilitator, by providing new tools for disseminati on of information and shift from physical to virtual services environment Mutula (2012) presented the experiences and the lessons learned from the University of Botswana (UB) library automation project. He found that the automation has impacted many project hence increasing access to diversity of electronic resources, improved image of librarians, invention of new services, freeing of library physical space, transformation of the library into a social learning environment, access to local content made possible through digitization, new skills acquisitions, remote access to library electronic resources from different sites.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Choose one arid region and write a report comparing possible methods Assignment
Choose one arid region and write a report comparing possible methods of water provision to the area - Assignment Example The magnitude of the problem is increasing because of the lack of awareness among the general public of these areas about the sustainable and economical use of water. This report discusses the situation of water supply crisis in one such region i.e. Qatar and a few solutions to the problem and methodologies for providing water are also discussed. 2. Background The problem of water shortage is not due to global warming but is more due to the increase in population and the wastage of water by a large number of people throughout the world. More 20% of the world population does not have access to clean drinking water. The United Nations water program has set a target, in Millennium Development Goals, of supplying 85% of world population with safe drinking water by the end of 2020. But with the increasing population and increased wastage and pollution of water this target cannot be achieved before 2030. The third edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR3) presented in the fifth World Water Forum in Istanbul in March 2009, various issues have been identified as the cause of the water shortage in the world, particularly in the arid regions. ... The salient features and the application of the various alternative methods with respect to Qatar is discussed separately in the following paragraphs. a. Wastewater Treatment and Reuse A large quantity of water is used for household washing purposes. This water which can be reused after proper treatment is normally wasted and thus contributes to the problem of water shortage particularly in the arid regions of the world. Qatar being one such region can also utilize its wastewater for fulfilling the increasing demand of water in the country. Wastewater does not only fulfill the increasing water demand but it is also very effective in controlling water pollution and various water-borne diseases particularly in countries like Qatar where people are unaware of the hygienic procedures through which they can stop water pollution. Wastewater reuse has is being practiced in various countries for providing fresh water resources. Qatar generates more than 2 million cubic meters of waste water in the form of household and industrial waste (Gleik, Cooley and Morikawa, 2008). Out of which about 35% can be treated and reused. Doing so will fulfill 50% of the household demand of water in Qatar. The cost per cubic meter ($0.49) is also lower as compared to the water obtained from desalination (2$ per cubic meter). Moreover wastewater treatment also resolves the issue of water pollution because the water is treated and reused instead of discharging into land which pollutes land and underground water resources. Another advantage of the reuse of wastewater is the localized nature of water supply system because the wastewater generated by a certain locality can be treated and reused
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Business communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2
Business communication - Essay Example The nature of its core business that facilitates outstanding service provision has enabled it to make major achievements in the airline industry. The Malaysian airline company sets its primary objectives that were to provide the Malaysian people with a proficient and profit generating air transport system. Such an airline would enhance the economic growth of Malaysia and improve its global image. The Airline has fulfilled its objectives by enhancing economic integration as well social integration in Malaysia. In conclusion, the company has maximized on market penetration with its wide range of aircraft resources (Fickling, 2012). The Malaysian airline is an international airline company that serves as a transport system for the middle class, upper middle class as well as the business class .In general, the company serves all customers who have a strong preference for comfort and reliability. The company enjoys a strong backing of the Malaysian government as well as its extensive services in the Middle East, Australia, South Asia and other destinations all over the world. Malaysian airlines system is one of the widely known airways across the world. In addition to its exemplary advertising and marketing that has ensured good brand visibility, the company boasts of a strong workforce with more than 20,000 employees. In conclusion, the company plies more than 85 routes with its enormous fleet size. For the company to lead the global airlines, it has to increase its global presence and transport customers to internationally recognized destinations. Malaysian airlines system also has to provide more services to its customers at the airport facilities. The existence of the Malaysian Airlines has been constantly affected by the escalating fuel costs, the unreliable government policies and the regulatory bodies’ regulations that are unnecessary. The rising competition has posed a great threat to the company in the global air transport. Malaysian Airline system
Monday, August 26, 2019
Nutritional quality of rapeseed oil and health benefits of omega fatty Essay
Nutritional quality of rapeseed oil and health benefits of omega fatty acids - Essay Example The plant bears yellow flowers. Rapeseed is popular for the oil that can be produced from it. The most popular brand is the canola oil, which is a refined form of rapeseed oil. Until a few years ago, Rapeseed oil was used as an efficient lubricant for steam engines. Currently, the oil is used as biofuel and human edible oil and the by-product is used as animal food (USDA, 2010). The oil has high levels of erucic acid and glucosinolate because of which it tastes bitter. Canola oil has lesser amount of acid and glucosinolate and hence is palatable. It has higher quantities of omega fatty acids which reduce LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels (USDA, 2010). Canola oil has low saturated fat and high levels of monounsaturated oil. Infact, when compared to other vegetable edible oils like sunflower oil, corn oil and peanut oil, canola oil has very low ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats. The main omega fatty acid present in the oil is alpha-linolenic acid, which is an omega-3 f atty acid. 1.3 grams of this fatty acid is present in one serving of the oil. 1ml of the oil yields 12 calories and 1.4 grams of fat. Only 10 percent of the fat is saturated. The oil has no cholesterol, protein, carbohydrate or sodium. The oil is rich in vitamin E which is a valuable anti-oxidant (Ingle, 2010). Despite the popularity of the rapeseed oil as safe and beneficial edible oil, many experts have condemned the nutritional benefits of the oil. Some researchers are of the opinion that the useful ingredients of the oil are destroyed in industrial manufacturing and that during such a process, trans-fatty acids develop which are not only harmful to the body but also are detrimental to the beneficial actions of the useful ingredients of the oil. Some experts opine that Canola oil or the irradiated rapeseed oil can cause certain problems of the central nervous system like tremors, palsy, shaking, uncoordination of movements, slurring of speech, blurring
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Critically examine the relationship between war and underdevelopment Research Paper
Critically examine the relationship between war and underdevelopment - Research Paper Example There is the presentation of a typology of wars together with the review of several literatures indicating the relationship of war and underdevelopment. Generally, wars particularly the civil war is considered as one of the primary reasons of economic underdevelopment as well as human suffering1. However in spite of this, economic examination of developing countries at war is comparatively uncommon. At the same time as the global confrontation involving communism and capitalism at the time of the Cold War did not lead to nuclear Armageddon, all through the forty–year period several nations in the ‘Third World’ were involved in war. From the time of the 1950s and 1990s, fifteen million deaths were resulted directly or ultimately by wars of every kind in developing countries. These also include the global conflicts, government violence against citizens as well as civil war. Provided the conclusion of the Cold War, there was a changeover in the direction of peace in the majority of the regions in which conflict had been fired up by East-West aggression. However while this aggression lessened from the 1980s and on, new wars emerged which were particularly unique from the wars by replacement and procedures of anti-colonial resist and nationwide emancipation which had set apart developing country wars at the time of the Cold War era. These wars, on the other hand, carried on to be situated nearly completely in developing countries: from 1989 to 1995, there were between 31 and 54 globally documented struggles in each year, and an average of 15 major wars happening at any time. A number of older ideological struggles continued in a unique manner, like the one in Afghanistan, whereas other long–lasting separatist struggle turned out to be stronger, like that of Sri Lanka and Eritrea. The Central American conflicts came to a conclusion in a troubled deadlock; however sometime after it broke out again in Mexico. Territorial as well
Fiscal Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Fiscal Policy - Essay Example From the research it can be comprehended that fiscal policy refers to the means used by the government in spending and taxation to monitor or influence the economy. In a way, the government has to adjust its level of spending to influence the economy. This fiscal instrument is used by the government each year to manage its economy for the benefit of the citizens. The tax implications on the nation’s budget have different inferences to different groups of people within society. Fiscal policy focuses generally on the fiscal changes in government revenue and expenditure and their impact upon nation’s economy. Tax and expenditure are the basic fiscal policy instruments. However, the most potent fiscal instrument used by a government is taxation. Taxation has led to reduction of consumption, increases investments, and allow for the transfer of government resources to economic development. Taxation has impact to the general level of output by altering the incentives that inst itutions encounter. Taxation is imposed by government to cut the cost of governance and communal services. Taxation also facilitates resource re-allocation, and enhances the promotion through equitable wealth distribution, to enhance economic growth and development. This also ensures economic stability by correcting and controlling macroeconomic shocks which are both policy-induced or exogenous. Hence, we are able to understand the gap between the level of expenditure and taxation. When the government revenue is high, the liquidity trap increases in the money supply, which does not contribute to the improvement of economic growth due to downward pressure experienced in investment (because of insensitivity of interest rate compared to money supply) (Alesina & Tabellini 2005). Likewise, this may also occur when the government expenditure surpasses revenue. The most important factor to consider in such a case is not the level of the deficit but the change that accompanies the deficit. Fiscal policy is an important instrument that is used to monitor government’s economy due to its impact on GDP (Alesina & Tabellini 2005). Fiscal policy has been associated with the use of taxation and public expenditure to influence the level of economic activities. The implementation of fiscal policy is channeled through government’s budget. An important aspect of a public budget is its use as a tool in the management of a nation’s economy (Alesina & Tabellini 2005). During economic recession, the government plans for budget deficit which is often referred to as expansionary fiscal policy. In such a situation, taxes are reduced with a subsequent increase in the government expenditure, and during depression, or economic boom, the government may decide on a budget surplus to slow down the economy. This implies that through reduction in taxes, the purchasing power of individuals is enhanced and the cost of production of workers reduces, thereby improving thei r scale of operations in the business cycle. On the other hand, increases in public expenditure when effectively used can lead into improved developments in the nation’s infrastructure. Consequently, there is an increase in general welfare and places the economy on the path of growth. This explains the first impact of fiscal policy on improving the demands for goods and services. The aggregate demands make it an important instrument for a government’s economic stabilization. Fiscal growth has affects the output level and has implications on a country’s savings. Thus, in fiscal expansion, the government will be forced to reduce savings, which is equivalent to a budget surplus. The reduction in fiscal deficits may lead to increase in domestic production. Furthermore, it may lead to stable exchange rate that should be pursued as means of controlling inflation in a nation. 2. With the aid of a diagram, show and explain how fiscal policy can be used to shift
Saturday, August 24, 2019
How could leadership be effective Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
How could leadership be effective - Assignment Example The importance of communication cannot be avoided in cases when there is team work and multiple units involved in the progress and project. Lack of communication can cause havoc and failure of the entire project. The goals achievement was made possible through reliable, and in time communication. Delay in communication or slight miss communication can cause serious disturbances in the entire process and project. Communication is the back bone of any project and process. They can either halt the progress or initiate absolute progress and wonders in the project. The secret to success of any project is its level of communication. In this case the success can also be attributed to the good level of communication. Path and task clarity allowed providing clear direction. Implementing it enables practical demonstration of work that will work as an example and hence help the followers and team mostly achieving the objectives. Only knowing where to go ahead can lead us to destination, going a t random with no specific direction in might and sight leads the unit, the project and individuals nowhere. It is the utmost priority of the leader to ensure that the path is determined, and so are the members aware of the path. IN case of leader member exchange, productivity and creativity is highly probable since this theory and concept of work is loosely based on exchange of ideas between the top head, which is the leader himself and the members who work underneath the leader but for same purpose. Hence leader member exchange method was also of great use in the entire process. For the principle of leadership ethics, it is the element of morality introduction inside the working unit. This helps enabling the workers to work on pure professional lines, with utmost honesty and sincerity. Leaders lead by example in every discipline of the team and task, most important of them all is the ethical aspect. Ethical aspect fulfillment helps keeping the entire accounts and details in check a s well as ensuring good practices in the unit. Team leadership is a collective approach. Using this helps in many ways, firstly each of the member holds equal responsibility, if not equal at least some proportion of responsibility and answering at the end of the project and task. Transformational leadership involves incremental progress. Adopting it in an organization requires time because the leaders try to bring the best out of individuals in an ascending manner. †¢ Describe how your view of leadership evolved as a result: Leadership is a developmental process. No one can become a leader in a fortnight; instead these qualities creep into an individual with time. There is a concept of born leaders, however in modern times this trend and concept is slightly modified. With so many developmental processes, mechanical approaches and industrial frame works, there is always a need for nurturing, training and guiding. Leadership is a interesting journey and a challenge in its own. Be ing in the shoes of leader brings about many responsibilities with itself as well as perks and privileges. The sense of leading, followed by delivering the goals is one of those special feelings that an individual can experience. The entire process gave an insight into the concept of leadership and the personality of leader. Though not singly but leader is highly responsible for the success and failure of the project. A good leader can bring the project out of nowhere and make it a success, while an average leader or one
Friday, August 23, 2019
Causes of the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Causes of the Civil War - Essay Example As an overview, the American Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865 where 11 states from the South of the country secede. With this secession, the 11 states established the Confederate States of America, which was primarily done in order to legislate the presence of slavery in these states. In line with this, the American Civil War must be understood beyond the context of death, but it must be taken into account that the civil war had bore many positive changes and perspective, not only to the American society and political system, but also in the worldwide perspective. To name a few, it had caused the Constitutional amendments, which allowed a stronger relationship between citizens with citizens and citizens with the government. Essentially, the most crucial result of the American Civil War was the abolition of slavery across the country. Nonetheless, it must be noted that prior to the emergence of the American Civil War, there have been cited causes of its coming into existence (The Am erican Red Cross 3; West 2). The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney, who graduated from Yale University, and was able to go to South Carolina to tutor the children of wealthy farmers. As a graduate from Yale University, the people in South Carolina were aware of the intelligence of Whitney. One of the individuals who used this information critically was Catherine Greene, who owns a large cotton plantation in Savannah Georgia. Greene invited Whitney to her farm as a guest, and there she encouraged Whitney. to invent a machine that will allow workers to remove seen from the cotton. Whitney accepted the proposal, and after 10 days, he was able to come up with the cotton gin. With the invention of Whitney, the South was able to experience a growth in the production of its cotton. In particular, it was able to produce 8 million pounds of cotton in the span of two years after the invention of the cotton gin broke out. However, his contribution did not end here because after 12 yea rs of using the cotton gin, the American South was able to produce 80 million pounds of cotton. It was inevitable that the region was already economically up scaling due to the invention of the cotton gin (Hazen 4). The demand of cotton in the international market grew high; the American South producers considered this as an opportunity. However, the American South considered this success to be dependable on the slave labor. With this in hand, the agricultural and the societal system in the American South had greatly depended in the presence of slaves and the aspect of slavery. During the year 1860, it was recorded within the slave states that there were already 3.5 million slaves. In average, there was a minimum of five slaves and a maximum of 20 for every slave owner (Griess 7). The slaveholders of the South found that the slaves were true to their work and were more efficient. However, even with these positive working attitudes of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
A detective story written by Conan Doyle Essay Example for Free
A detective story written by Conan Doyle Essay Baskerville and his companions later on meet a friend, who tells the about a convicted murder called Seldon, escaping from prison and being loose upon the moor. Seldon is part of the atmosphere in Dartmoor. Seldon is described as being fiendish and having a heart full of malignancy, which links him to the Hound, a creature known to kill the Baskerville family. The hound is also loose in Dartmoor. The Hound and Seldon bring a menacing, and deadly atmosphere to Dartmoor. In the distance, clearly visible was a mounted soldier holding a rifle. The soldier is an example of the symbol used in the setting. Soldiers carrying rifles have connotations of dark, menace, and death. These descriptions together with the moor give a forbidding atmosphere, preparing readers for forthcoming, menacing events. Baskerville had travelled across Dartmoor, and now had an exterior view of Baskerville Hall. As he walked in he noticed the decaying gates made of granite. Granite has connotations of darkness, hard, and black, suggesting Baskerville has a dark decaying family. This is true, as he is the only Baskerville remaining. They later enter a tunnel, increasing the darkness of the atmosphere. The house glimmered like a ghost, suggests the supernatural, and death. This is symbolic for the death of those who lived in the house. The descriptive words dark veil, dull light, and black granite all indicate the darkness and gloominess of Baskerville Hall. This raises a sinister, forbidding, and menacing atmosphere. Baskerville adds to the frightening atmosphere by saying its enough to scare off a man. The walls of the rooms were made from age-blackened oak, which also suggests darkness, and adds to the menace of the atmosphere. Conan Doyle obviously intended the atmosphere of the book to be a menacing one, and he did an excellent job in my opinion. The excellent description of setting in his books is one of the reasons why his books are so popular.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Apollo Group Essay Example for Free
Apollo Group Essay The Apollo Group was founded by John Sterling, a professor at San Jose State University, in 1976. They are a for-profit educational provider that specializes in educating working adults. The Apollo Group has many subsidiaries both domestic and abroad. The University of Phoenix- the largest private university in the United States Institute for Professional Development- a consultant service that provides private colleges and universities in the US with adult education program development, administration and management support The College for Financial Planning Institutes- a national leader in providing financial services education the and certification to people and companies in the financial services industry Meritus University- an online university with degree programs in Canada Apollo Global Inc- a partnership with The Carlyle Group that invest in international education services in various countries The University of Phoenix is their main subsidiary and has an enrollment of over 550,000 students. They provide undergraduate, masters and doctorial programs both online and at on-campus locations in 40 states. Since the University of Phoenix is a for-profit educator, they recognize their students as customers and have tailored their business to fit the educational needs of their customers. Their programs are geared toward working adults; they are able to educate their customers at a rapid pace with low overhead. They have simple online platforms that are easy to use and their on-campus locations consist of basic classrooms. Since their primary customers are working adults and commuting students, they do not invest in building dorms, student unions or recreational facilities at these on-campus locations. Current Issues While this business model has been profitable for Apollo Group, there are some concerns that will force them to adjust their plan. Because of the perception that online classes are ineffective, and proprietary colleges and universities are degree factories that are not providing a quality education, prestigious universities are sticking with traditional programs. This perception is shared by potential students and their employers. Apollo needs to improve the reputation of their brand. The federal government has put some regulations in place to ensure that proprietary educators are educating students and not pushing them through their programs and granting degrees to create a revenue stream from federal financial aid and student loans. The Gainful Employment Rule- If programs fail the three test of gainful employment three times in a four year span they will not be eligible to receive federal financial aid dollars. The 90/10 Rule- If the institution get more than 90% of its cash revenue from student loans, the institution cannot participate in student federal loan programs. Student Loan Defaults- The federal government sets a three year default limit on cohorts of students. If the students’ loan default rate of the cohort drops below the limit, the institution cannot participate in student federal loan programs. In addition to the negitive reputation and government regulations, the Apollo Group is facing competition from both traditional and proprietary educators. As the technology increases, more schools are investing in their distance learning programs. Apollo will need to find a way to differentiate themselves from these institutions. Recommendations I think the Apollo Group should leverage the relationships that their other subsidiaries have built with their clients, as well as the ones their professors have with their employers, to get input on redesigning their degree programs. If done properly these programs will set industry standards and change the reputation of the University of Phoenix. These redesigned programs should create more employment opportunities for their graduates and help them pass gainful employment test. Working with major corporations to create these programs and gaining their public endorsement will give them an advantage over their competitors. While their business model does not include the extra amenities of a traditional university, the University of Phoenix needs to invest in career counseling and job placement services to help their students find good jobs, this will increase the likelihood of being in compliance with federal regulations. They should also develop a business case showing how the 90/10 rule will cause them to deny enrollment to low income students and petition elected officials who serve low income areas to modify some of the federal regulations that they are governed by. Wall Street Metrics As of this writing, The Apollo Group, with a ticker symbol of APOL is trading at $20.83 per share. Its 52-week high was $29.47 and its low was $15.98. It has a P.E. ratio of 8.54% compared to 24.38% of the SP 500 and 36.39% for the sector. Its dividend yield is 0 compared to 1.85 of the SP 500 and 2.14 of the sector. It has a Beta measurement of 0.70. Based upon my analysis, I would not currently purchase this stock. Post Script The University of Phoenix recently had some trouble retaining their accreditation. A peer group with The Higher Learning Commission, a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, recommended that they be put on probation. â€Å"Specifically, the review team concluded that the University of Phoenix has insufficient autonomy relative to its parent corporation and sole shareholder, Apollo Group, Inc., to assure that its board of directors can manage the institution, assure the university’s integrity, exercise the board’s fiduciary responsibilities and make decisions necessary to achieve the institution’s mission and successful operation.†1 The Apollo Group was able to work with the HLC’s Institutional Actions Council First Committee to retain its regional accreditation, but that the university will be placed on notice for two years. In efforts to retain students by reducing the cost of tuition, the university has created a scholarship reward program that gives eligible undergraduate degree students up to $10,000 in tuition reductions. They also instituted a tuition freeze so students will not have tuition increases as long as they are consistently enrolled in classes.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Cebu Pacific A Time For Change Management Essay
Cebu Pacific A Time For Change Management Essay The airline Cebu Pacific Air (CEB) has been flying since March 1996 (Cebu Pacific Air 2010). It has experienced ups and downs when two of its fleets crashed, killing hundreds of people (Balatucan c. 2010). Yet despite the tragic incidents, CEB was able to rise and salvage its reputation, bringing it in as one of Southeast Asias most dominant airlines (Krinks 2002). Its status grew, giving it the license to have international flights through in the world. Cebu Pacific Air is especially well-known in Singapore, as one of the leading airlines who has flights nearly everyday in Singapore. Yet due to the economic crisis that is felt globally, CEB is letting go a portion of its loyal employees. Though it is painful for the company to do so, such measures are out of the managements hands as the wave of financial turmoil crash stronger and stronger daily. This is the perfect time for the company to regroup, so that Cebu Pacific Air could emerge as a stronger, better, and a safer airline whic h will be known throughout the world in the years to come. If the company will be able to rethink its management style, in particularly, people management, then more profit would be generated for the airline, and the company will be able to afford its lavish number of employees as well. 1 Introduction According to Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. (2008), Cebu Pacific Air contributed 45% of the total domestic passenger traffic by carrying 2.57 million passengers in a span of six months in 2008 (from January to June). This means that in 2008, the company was able to generate lots of income and was a great donor to the Philippines annual revenue. Yet despite this, the economic crisis has not been kind to the company. Some employees had to be let go in order to adapt and give way for a better regrouping that will give Cebu Pacific Air a better leverage in the airline industry. Main competitor Philippine Airlines already bowed out of the race by having to retrench a lot of it people. Yet Air Philippines, a Philippine Airlines affiliate, was rumored to be headhunting the market for a Quality Assurance Director. Right now Cebu Pacific Air is also in need of a Quality Assurance Director to oversea the whole production and process of Cebu Pacific. What the company has now is Mr. Jose F. Buenaventura who directly reports to the Director, President and CEO of Cebu Pacific, Lance Gokongwei. Having a Quality Assurance Director will have its many advantages, therefore bringing the Cebu Pacific revenue higher than it has ever been. With the February 2, 1998 crash of Flight 387 which took 104 lives, and the May 3, 2006, Flight 393 crash which delayed flights in a local airport because of a failed aircraft part, Quality Assurance is not a question of want, but a necessity. It is important that the company changes its management style and employ a superbly qualified Quality Assurance director to ensure that future flights of Cebu Pacific will not suffer the same fate as the two flights mentioned above. 2010 has been a good year so far, by enabling the company to meet its 40 million passengers in the 999 pesos Go Lite Seat. Having met this milestone, the company will be able to proceed with more important and valuable projects which will increase the income of the airline. Despite the obvious growth of Cebu Pacific Air in the current years, expenses are mounting up, and these turbulent times globally should be taken advantage of. Cebu Pacific should sit back and regroup, taking its biggest and best thinkers into a room to determine the best course of action that will propel the company even higher than its standing today. The author believes that once Cebu Pacific changed its management style and employed the right Quality Assurance Director, more revenue will enter the companys portfolio. With proper planning, and correct execution of plans, Cebu Pacific could well be a household name in terms of flying, abolishing all traces of competitors greatness forever. 2 Background of the Company Cebu Pacific Air would cease to exist as it is known today without the efforts of John Gokongwei, who is the founder of this noble airline. He stared selling textiles and corn, created textile miles and explored food manufacturing before directly competing with San Miguel, one of the premier brands in the Philippines. Gokongwei continued to amass wealth by building shopping malls, hotels, compounds, real estate, among many others. His major companies include Digitel Corporation, Apo Cement, and Cebu Pacific Air (Krinks 2002). Cebu Pacific Air first graced the skies on March 1996. The company calls its clients as Juans, which is a typical Filipino name with affiliations to the poor. Because the company aims to give low fare, great value (Cebu Pacific Air 2010), the word Juan is very symbolic in terms of giving the medium and average families the chance to fly and visit places. This dream is made possible by Cebu Pacific as it offers the lowest prices on the market. CEB started its operations by offering clients to fly domestically in cheap prices. After the initial success, the company was able to fly internationally on November 2001. Now, nine years later, Cebu Pacific is given the license to land in Bangkok, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Macau, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore, Bangkok and other hot spots across Asia (ibid). It enables every Juan who boards its planes to explore the countries near the Philippines, and to enjoy their stay with the affordable prices. Cebu Pacific Air also boasts to be very safe and reliable, considering its recent re-fleeting program which brought about twenty-nine new planes. These 10 A319 and 11 A320 Airbus planes and 8 ATR 72-500 aircrafts (ibid) gives Cebu Pacific the right to say that it has the youngest fleet in Southeast Asia. Having younger planes gave the airline passengers a sense of security that since the planes are never overhauled, repaired, and manipulated in any way, and the maintenance of the fleet is routine, then their safety will not be compromised despite the low fare. Not only is Cebu Pacific the leader when it comes to low fares, it is also the torchbearer of technology in terms of aviation in the Philippines. It is the first local airline to use e-ticketing (made popular by the American Airlines), prepaid excess baggage and seat selection in the Philippines (ibid). Unlike other domestic airlines, Cebu Pacific not only provides magazines in flight (the magazine is called Smile), but also provides board games and other forms of entertainment, otherwise known as Fun Flights (ibid). Lastly, not only does Cebu Pacific provide low fares that will give peace of mind and assurance to consumers, but it also provides the travelers with a from plane-to bed service after having tied up with destination hotels, travel insurance, entertainment ticketing, travel agencies, travel insurance, and other travel necessities. The Juans could simply board the plane, and upon arrival, ride the rental car arranged for them by the company. Last February 2010, the on-time performance of Cebu Pacific reached 92.5% (ibid), and the company is aiming to raise this to a hundred. With the smooth travels, reliability, and enjoyable flights, it is no wonder that Cebu Pacific is the best choice for air transport in Southeast Asia. 3 Literature Review Though there are many management styles, Cebu Pacific employs people-friendly but firm in the discipline and order area (Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. 2010). Before the author discusses this particular style, a literature review of workplace related concept would be given to establish the importance of the authors proposed management method to be given later on. 3.1 Air transport in the Philippines Krinks (2002) points out that the air transport was only accessible to citizens with a high social standing, the elites, the famous, tourists, and businesspeople whose travel expenses are being shouldered by their companies. Majority of Filipinos can only dream of flying and visiting foreign places, since to ride an airplane before is synonymous to having a lavish lifestyle. This was before Cebu Pacific came in. Philippine Airlines, the first airline in the Philippines, has dominated the air transport industry in the Philippines for more than five decades. It was first obtained by the Philippine government in 1948, was bought by a private institution in 1965, and was re-taken by the government in 1977. This was when the former President Ferdinand Marcos issued a decree saying that PAL should be the sole domestic carrier (Krinks 2002) in the Philippines. When former President Marcos was ousted, President Corazon Aquino then started turning Philippine Airlines as a private company. By 1993, Lucio Tan was the major stockholder, and from then on, Philippine Airlines enjoyed the privilege of dominating the Philippine skies without competitors. By 1995, former President Ramos re-build two airports in the Philippines and made their sizes to be globally competitive. The Manila and Mactan (in Cebu) airports were the major airstrips in the country, and Ramos urged competitors to take advantage of the five new airports with international flights. By 1996, Cebu Pacific entered the picture by giving the lowest rates possible without incurring loses for the company. PALs maket share fell a whooping 65%, and it continued to decline by losing billions of pesos from that year onwards. By 2000, PAL was indebt to an amount totaling to $2.2 billion, and Cebu Pacific was being embraced by the Filipinos. The air transport industry is currently being shared by Cebu Pacific Air, Grand Air, Air Philippines, Philippine Airlines, Asia Spirit, and Corporate Air (ibid). Along with the opening of NAIA 3 came the opportunity for Cebu Pacific to display to its counterparts that it is a force to be reckoned with. When the third Ninoy Aquino International Airport was opened in Villamor, Pasay City, Cebu Pacific was the one who first launched a flight in the airport (Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. 2010). Airport General Manager Alfonso Cusi for NAIA 3 said that the airport had an agreement with CEB that the airline will fully utilized the terminal for their regional flights (ibid). 4 Proposed Workplace Relations Approach Cebu Pacifics laidback friendly approach to its employees are working and motivating people, but the lax in discipline and respect could be further improved. A domineering or autocratic style of management could work as well, but according to Thomas (1997), this type of leadership could fail at one point or another. But since Cebu Pacific needs to regroup and to change its system in order to earn more revenue, it is time for the airline to think about its workplace relations approach. An organization requires the utilization of a complex array of resources to grow, survive and achieve the ultimate mission or objectives that informed its existence or creation. The mobilization and deployment of these resources human, financial and material in the right resource-mix, gives the organization leverage toward the desired end. Of these resources, the human resource is the most potent and central, contributing significantly to corporate bottom line and competitiveness. The organization therefore gains sustained competitive advantage through people, the organization workforce. Competitive advantage is simply defined as anything that gives an organization an edge over the competitors in its market. According to Porter (1985), the unique talents among employees, including flexibility, innovation, superior performance, high productivity and personal customer service are ways employees provide a critical ingredient in developing a firms competitive position. Similarly, Chiavenato (2001) notes that employees are purveyors of activities and knowledge whose most important contributions in the organization are their intelligence and individual talents. There is agrowing consensus that effective management of human capital is critical to an organizations success (Barney Wright, 1998; Jackson, Hitt DeNisi, 2003; Akhtar, Ding Ge, 2008). Managing the human resources in the organization is the traditional responsibility of the personnel manager, a precursor to human resource management (HRM). Some scholars however equate HRM with personnel management, concerned with providing staff support in the organization (e.g. Guest, 1989). Other scholars consider HRM as a natural development of personnel management practices in the face of changing economic and business environment (Armstrong, 1989 2004; and Fajana, 2002). The people-management discipline is undergoing continuous metamorphosis, with the recent emergence of strategic human resource management (SHRM) in organization and management literature. In a recent review covering 30 years, Lengnick-Hall, Lengnick-Hall, Andrade Drake (2009) present an evolutionary and chronological perspective on the development of SHRM. The authors identify the following seven themes which influenced the development of the field of SHRM: (1) explaining contingency perspective and fit, (2) shifting from a focus on managing people to creating strategic contributions, (3) elaborating HR system components and structure, (4) expanding the scope of SHRM, (5) achieving HR implementation and execution, (6) measuring outcomes of SHRM, and (7) evaluating methodological issues. SHRM is evolving as a new approach to the management of people, and specifically focusing on integrating the human capital to business strategy to enhance organizational competitiveness. According to Aswathappa (2004:39), the advent of SHRM has brought forward the issues of linkages between the employer-employee relationships and wider organizational strategies and corporate objectives. 4.1 Outsourcing How would one be able to increase revenue yet save money at the same time? Rival Philippine Airlines has already resorted to outsourcing. Yet Somani (2005) argues that there are many problems in outsourcing, in terms of miscommunication-misunderstandings that are the result of misinterpreted content, tone or word choice-as it relates to people management. This is a problem since by outsourcing, the company is obliged to employ people who speak different languages with no upbringing of the Cebu Pacific culture. They will not be the fun, committed individuals who have served the Juans of Cebu Pacific through the years. Somani (2005) gives a portrait of outsourcing which could easily happen should the company decide to outsource its services: an outsourced project team member mistook a debt of  £95 million as credit, and created a report saying as such. The company then included the  £95 million to the already overextended credit line. Needless to say, instead of saving money by outsourcing, it only made them lose  £95 million more. Cebu Pacific aims to bring people together to have an enjoyable flight through affordable means and the staffs willingness and eagerness to serve with a true heart (Cebu Pacific 2010). If the backbone of the operation (i.e., the ground operation, the ticketing staff, the check in counter people) were being outsourced to other nations, then this soul for service that Cebu Pacific is known for would be changed. The airline would only be another airline who wishes to increase money. 4.2 Solution Berman, E.M, West, J.P., and Richter, M. Jr. (2002) says that the workplace friendships and relations encouraged by a company derives from mutual trust, commitment, reciprocal liking and shared interests or values. These behaviors are present in CEB employees as they mingle and explore new challenges as led to them by team leaders. QM has been adopted widely by most organizations. Previous research has suggested that successful quality management requires a series of people management practices such as training, development, and empowerment. Despite ample findings on the impact of QM on organizational and individual performance, less attention has been paid to employees actual behavior during the implementation of people management practices. The present study, therefore, contributes to the literature by going beyond the employees perception and reaction toward QM implementation and identifying employees potential behavior when implementing QM. Yet when it comes to disciplining, this friendly approach could prove to be fatal. Managers might make wrong decisions because their view is not objective and forming personal friendships with the people they are in charge of could cause complications and conflict of interests in the future. A way to avoid such is to get the assistance of an outstanding Quality Assurance Director. There would be three organizational heads which will help the company: a Quality Assurance Director, an Operations Director, and a Management Director. The most promising would rise to the title of Overall Director, and would report directly to the current heads Mr. Jose Buenaventura, and CEO of Cebu Pacific Lance Gokongwei. Having this additional structure in place would give the directors more focus on their tasks in their department: for human resource management, operations, and quality assurance. Once these three aspects are strengthened and formed, then the rest of the organization would follow. This is the proposed structure for Cebu Pacific: Director, CEO and President Board of Directors Overall Director Senior Consultants Executive Officers Figure 1.1 Proposed Structure for Cebu Pacific The current structure of Cebu Pacific is as follows: Figure 1.2 Current structure of Cebu Pacific As one can see, having the Board of directors in the same level as the senior consultants, executive officers, and the overall director would prove to be beneficial since the companys top people are closely working together. There would be no discrepancy in positions, as there would be different functions for each person. 4.3 Management Approach After implementing the proposed structure for Cebu Pacific (Figure 1.1), then the companys management approach should be changed as well. The informal, friendly atmosphere must be changed. The managers must be more diligent in imposing the rules, yet be flexible enough to the changes. The managers will cease to be lenient with their teams, and push each team member to produce more results and more revenue for the company. Watching movies while working in their desktop computers, having four break-times in an eight-hour work day, and games in desktop computers would all be removed. There would only be three break times in an eight-hour work day: at 10:00 to10:15 in the morning, 12:00 to 1:00 PM for the lunch break, and a 3:00 to 3:15 PM break. This will maximize the potential of employees and remove those who are skiving off work. While people management practices involve extensive communication, employee participation, and teamwork, it is expected those practices would facilitate individuals pro-social values motive. In addition, Nair (2006) suggests that QM is now most widely accepted organizational goal and is believed to be essential for effective management and competitive survival of organizations. This organizational-wide consensus with respect to QM as organizational goal and QM as a means of competitive survival may lead to the increasing in individuals desire to help the organization even when they need to do more than their job descriptions stated. In sum, if people management practices are heavily emphasized in QM implementation, it is expected to motivate both organizational concern and pro-social values motives of organizational citizenship behavior. There are employees who were caught watching movies while working, with their Windows Media Player minimized. There are also those who are spending the office hours by playing Solitaire and other games that were initially installed in all desktops. It would then be implemented that all computer programs and softwares that are not work related would be uninstalled, and employees will no longer have the access to install programs. Each program from an anti-virus to Auto CAD for the engineering department and Adobe softwares for the marketing team would need to be installed by the IT department. Instant messaging systems such as Yahoo! Messenger, Skype, and others would be removed as well. In its place would be the intranet which would have the same function, the only difference is that only colleagues and co-workers would be able to talk to the employees, and there would be no distraction and other impediments that are hindering the productivity of a team to flourish. 5 Basis for critical success factors The author strongly believes that changing the organizational structure of Cebu Pacific and installing powerful and over-qualified people in the positions of Overall Director, Quality Assurance Director, Managing Director, and Managing Director could prove to be beneficial for the company. There would be a clear distinction of tasks and responsibilities. Unlike to what the company has now wherein there are different vice presidents per sector under the Executive Officers, there are areas that are forgone and are ignored, such as Quality Assurance, which is a crucial part of an airline. Having no Quality Assurance director in place means that Cebu Pacific is compromising the lives of its millions of passengers since there are no routinely assured processes that would indicate that a plane is safe for flying. Though Cebu Pacific Airs fleet is young and robust, this will not be the same in five to ten years time. A fleet would have to be maintained rigorously and each decision should conform to the manuals of FAA and other aviation regulators. Changing the management habits of higher ups would also prove to be of valuable contribution to the company. The employees look up to their division managers, section managers, and team leaders to set an example. If the manager is always leaving his or her place to smoke, or is caught doing things that are not work related, then the morale of the team would fall and all efforts would be ineffective. It is important that the management be able to invoke respect and awe in the members to make the most out of their potential and to maximize their talents. If a leader is lenient with no concern for the company, then the team it is managing as well would feel the same way. Knowledge, competence, and related intangibles have emerged as the key drivers of competitive advantage in developed nations. This is not just because of the importance of knowledge itself, but because of the rapid expansion of goods and factor markets, leaving intangible assets as the main basis of competitive differentiation in many sectors. There is implicit recognition of this in both management theory and practice with the growing emphasis being placed on the importance of intangible assets, reputation, customer loyalty, and technological know-how. By using a good structure like learning organization we will have organizational structure that have the ability to support the Intellectual capital in todays market. So todays organizations should try to use this paradigm (learning organizations) to be competitive. Also because our contemporary organizations may differ from the traditional organizations and so we should implement new skills to be learning organization so that our staff can adjust themselves with new technologies. Also can sense the weak signals in the environment and can reply the prosper answer to them. In this situation our managers and executives and CEOs can effectively manage the Intellectual Capital in the organization. Successful managers as well as businesses have been overseeing intellectual capital one way or another right from the start, whether deliberately or intuitively. This though, does not denote that they have an Intellectual Capital Model (ICM) program or strategy. Overseeing intellectual capital as a topic of common business sense is not adequate for the expansion of intellectual capital model like an organizational capability. It is simply when a management style shifts from being instinctively applied to a planned and systemized development that it can be completed. Only then can it be significantly altered from being an art developing into a science. Once it evolves into a science, it turn out to be testable, measurable, more predictable, furthermore, most importantly, repeatable. Even if organizations that pertain intellectual capital model progress this goal, there is, nonetheless, a long road of experimentation along with applied research ahead for the up-and-coming area of intellectual capital model to develop into more of a science. (ICM, 2009) 6 Conclusion The Cebu Pacific legacy as the countrys low-fare pioneer when it comes to air transport continues to this very day. Two years ago Cebu Pacific contributed 45% of the air traffic in the Philippines by carrying 2.57 million passengers in six months time (Manila Bulletin Corp. 2010). This legacy should be protected, so that it would continue to transcend for future generations to come. Given that Cebu Pacifics management style is people-friendly, there are those employees who are taking advantage of the lenient management of their team leaders, section managers, and division managers. It is time to put a stop to that. Personal relationships should between higher ups and employees should be avoided in order to ensure that the managers decisions for the teams welfare would not be compromised because of personal reasons. It is also important that the managers learn how to be firm and demanding, to push their team members to produce more output rather than letting them go at the pace that they want. A team without a clear direction is eating at the funds set by the company for development. It is important that managers be able to adapt and learn how to be rigorous in leading their people. The author proposed that at least initially, the following changes should be made in the staff-manager ratio: lesser breaks, removal of not work related computer programs, and removal of instant messaging systems which would be replaced by an intranet for the company. These changes are small and gradual, yet they would have a positive effect on employees. If the staff members logs in to their computer and there is nothing there but work related stuff, then there would be less distraction and the employees would be able to function to the best of their abilities. Having lesser breaks removes the chances of employees asking for overtime pay for leaving their cubicles during working hours to do personal chores and to return after the 5:30 end of shift to file for overtime to compensate for the hours they lost. The author also suggested that the organizational structure of Cebu Pacific be changed in order to meet the demands of this technologically advancing world. Outsourcing is not an option since this could only mean more money spent because of miscommunication. The best way is to restructure the management in terms of putting emphasis in Quality. Having an emphasis on quality will ensure that future plane crashes would be avoided, equipment malfunction would be minimized, and the Juans would have peace of mind when flying with Cebu Pacific. The goal of Cebu Pacific as Southeast Asias cheapest fare provider is to give every Juan a chance to fly and explore new worlds by traveling. Having directors in place with specific functions would be vital for the company since Cebu Pacific would be able to focus on having good quality without compromising safety. With proper management, a good structure, and more dedicated people, Cebu Pacific Air would go miles it has never been to before. There would be savings in terms of not having to pay more overtime fees for those who are not deserving, and savings for big replacements which would be avoided by routine checks. With all these changes, Cebu Pacific would be able to give every Juan the chance to relieve a dream: to fly in the skies without worrying for their safety, and the bills they are leaving behind. Now they can fly cheaply, safely, and with no worries since the management has dedicated its time to ensuring their safety in terms of Quality Assurance.
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